Do you use a walkthrough?

Meh. I'm not an overachiever when it comes to completing games. Like if it's for an ultimate weapon etc then screw that xD. Walkthroughs actually seem to confuse me more xD. But, I use them only when I have no other choice. Like if I were stuck and I spent hours upon hours (yes, im really that stubborn) trying to figure out what to do then, yeah I might. But that is rare because I is the master :griin: *cough* lie.
I think everyone has used a walkthrough...If not for the whole game,for one hint or one special piece of the game at least...
yep i wont even play an rpg game without a walkthrough (atleast an online one)... I would be too stupid to beat the games otherwise..
I usually don't use walkthroughs. The only exception is if I am stuck at a certain part to where it just gets down-right frustrating. Then, I'll just take a look to get myself back on track.
The only time i have used a walkthrough properly was when I was trying to 100% in X-2...but I gave up half way through

now i use walkthroughs only if I get really stuck and can't figure out what to do next of if I have already finished a game and need some help finding secrets :)
In each game, I find myself with some section of the walkthrough that I use until it falls apart. The hunting guide in XIII, bestiary in XII, Blitzball and Rikku's mix grid in section in X, weapons guide in VIII, ect. I get turned around a lot, so it's hard not to use the maps. If an area is frustrating or just annoying, I'll go to the walkthrough.
Usually, the only time I use a walkthrougth is if I'm really stuck, or there's something that I'm trying to find/get, but can't. Other than that, I go through myself and figure it out.
I mostly used it for Pokemon games xD
Without them is it almost impossble to beat everything of the game.
But i dont play it anymore.
and i dont use walktrough for other games.
Dear god yes, I use a walkthrough. FF7 was the only one I didn't use a walkthrough on, but then, it was a fairly cut and dry game. No weird upgrading, no weird puzzles.... I eventually referred to a couple of guides later on for things like defeating Emerald weapon and breeding a golden chocobo, but that was it.

But from there on out: WALKTHROUGH. Final Fantasy has gotten steadily more and more complicated as the years go by, and quite frankly, I'm not going to shell out $50 for a 'official' guide. What I usually do with nearly any game is to find the walkthrough beforehand, then if I get stuck, I'll refer to the guide.

If it weren't for walkthroughs, I would never understand the upgrade system of FF13
Wow I can't believe this thread is still up. Good job everyone!

Another thing I would like to add about when I use a walkthrough is when I'm at the end of the game and I just want to peak to see if there is anything I missed. Its just me making a checklist and if I don't have it, I will look up how to get it. So yeah they are great for references.

i use walkthroughs, but rarely, and only for side quests like in ff7 when to get to vincent you had to open that safe with a number combination. i just used the walkthrough to get the safe combination, and i THINK that's all i used it for... i don't use walkthroughs for battle stratagies or battle tips, i just use them for the extra things... hey, this is my 100th post! do i get to be classified as a full member now?
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In a nutshell, yup, I do

Although not on my first run through. There's not much point having your hand held all the way through it, or you might aswel jsut watch someone else play. I try to figure out what I can myself. Then I will go back and do a walkthrough run - make sure Im not missing anything, doing all the sidequests etc. Some stuff is so ridiculous, I refuse to believe you can do it without a guide. I always try to beat bosses on my own strategy though....or I might complain alot til someone helps me, but yer, I do use guides

ya i'm kinda the same way. 1st time through i like to just play it and see what i find/ what happens.. then usually when i replay something i peek into a guide every once and a while.. mostly just to see if there are other options or just plain old tips.

i'm not sure why so many people frown upon using guides. i think they're cool, how else can you find literally EVERYTHING in the game without spending you're whole life searching lol
I usually find a walkthrough on the internet. I try not to use them though, but I'd rather look it up than waste 7 hours on something that should take 10 minutes...My first walkthrough was x-2, but it wasn't my first game. My first game was Viii, and I'm not sure if I've ever used a walkthrough for that...
i almost never use walkthrough like never i like to figure it out myself and usually do the only time I use a walkthrough is when i am trying to do something get stuck and i try everything to the point of i would probably throw my controler at the TV right now which is probably like in a day or two of getting stuck then i use a walkthrough but that doesn't usually happen to me

the only times i do use walkthrough properly though is when i am playing through the game again for fun and see if I missed anything at all as usually i will almost always at least get 95% of the game done on my first runthrough cause i end up going back to grind and while i do it search for anything new so yeah

funny thing is the only games i never used walkthrough's for were FFX FFXIII the KH series including all the spin-offs like chains of memories and 356/2 days all the ratchet and clank games any sonic game pokemon all the games any jak and daxter gmae including Daxter any crash bandicoot game and dungeons and dragons tactics i would list more but i just can't be bothered
Well when it comes to FF I'm not the type of person to complete the whole game 100% with all treasure recovered,mastered mini-games,completed missions etc etc.........But while playing through FF's the first time I do find it ideal to use a walkthrough, especially in the older FF's like FFVI,FFVII,FFVIII etc as I'm likely to get stuck and lost in some part of the world........well I guess SE solved that problem with linear games so no more looking at walkthroughs for me!
Playing games without walkthroughs these days is suicide. Go ahead and try to cowboy your way through most any RPG without a guide, you'll come back crying. Even if you don't want to complete a game at its fullest, boss battles will destroy your innocence. Oh and don't buy strategy guides anymore, those are easily a scam these days when we have access to Gamefaqs. Unless you just like to waste money on them to collect them, DON'T freaking buy them.
If we're strictly on about FF games, then no, I rarely ever use them while playing the game unless I'm absolutely frustrated at one point, and I can remember this actually happening with the first Demon Wall in FFXII's Tomb of Raithwall until it told me that I didn't need to even fight that wall. On other occasions, I suppose it's usually some of the trickier sidequest bosses whenever I do consult walkthroughs. If I were a completist aiming to get everything done, then yes, I would happily use a walkthrough for that as well, as in the case of FFX-2 if I were to ever suddenly decide to 100% that for whatever reason.

Usually in games like this, it never technically gets very challenging particularly when you're following the main story route. JRPGs revolve around statistics anyway. If you're at a high enough level with sufficient abilities at your disposal, you should logically have few troubles against a boss. Of course, there would be sections where walkthroughs become tempting for me (FFX's Cloisters of Trials), though I choose to tackle them unaided. It's more satisfying that way when you do solve it, i.e. I didn't need my hand held for that bit.
I use walkthroughs when I've been stuck on a part for a while. After finishing a game, I also glance over a walkthrough to see if there were any secrets I missed.
I don't use a walkthrough if I'm playing through a game for the first time because I'd rather avoid spoilers. And generally, I'll play through an FF game at least twice to complete as much as possible. On the second playthrough, I may use a walkthrough to see what I missed the first time around.

An exception would be if I'm hopelessly lost and there is no world map like in some of the older games. It's really hard to find your way sometimes.

If I get stuck on some games then I will consult a walkthrough. I didn't have to for FFXIII, obviously :wacky:However, now that I'm playing VII for my first time I realized that I needed to because I kept going from town to town before I realized that I was still missing Vincent and Yuffie. So, I have been reading a walkthrough for this game. If you want ALL of the treasures, items and ALL of their weapons, you really do have to consult a walkthrough though...they don't let you have certain things until you can go back at certain points so how are you going to remember all of the locations off of the top of your head? :gasp: I'm not for perfect games, but occasionally I do get a hankerin' to go back and get some of the treasures post game.