Disturbing Games

Well, I've stated in the SB...

It's not Japanese game makers that make these, it's sick minded people if anything. But I agree with you, it's disgusting without even looking at the link. The thought alone, leaves me at WTF.
That...fuck thats just wrong...I dont even know what to say...
My father came across this and gave me the link and I was like omg... fucking sick. I came believe something like this was made...
wtf that is so disgusting!
i hope the people who made this go to jail or something
There is something wrong with people if they think this behavior is okay.
why is this in spam? I consider this very serious. We should post it in a different section, one that actually counts...this is fucking sick...and I dont swear on interwebs...
Because this is bullshit.
It's just a moral panic. omg dey made a bad game.
There are countless porno flicks or even movies in general which are far worse.
Oh well I put it in spam cause I really didnt know where else I could put it ;o still new here, thought that a mod would consider this spam.
I doubt that this is anything new to Japan anyway. Granted, it's just a small minority of Japanese developers who think things like these are OK to be made into games - still it is sickening especially if rape is the only objective. I haven't visited the link and I don't necessarily want to.
OMG. But then again, are you really suprised? Somewhere out there in another country other than japan there's grown men enjoying games like these. There are games like these out there. Twisted, sick games. Not all of them come from Japan...I agree it's very sick but there are people out there who are seriously disturbed. I blame this whole world and how sick we've all become in this screwed up society. :mokken:
I'll go shift this over to Rocket Town then. =]

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Regardless as to whether this is worse or not as bad as other, real acts isn't really the point. Children and younger people will inevitably get their hands on this material and it's sick. A game in which YOU are the rapist won't turn people's mindset away from the subject.

Also, I did watch the video. It's a largely censored news report, but it said that the acts you can perform are graphic and drawn out. It also showed how you could lift a woman's skirt and grope her breasts. It sounds disgusting, and something has to be done, in my opinion.
Thanks mitsuki! and thanks for the name changed. x.x I was just in shock... People wonder why some people turn into people like that =/ and sadly some parents today dont care what a kid plays and possible will allow one to play a game like that and some kids cant realize the differences from games to reality so they will think this stuff is ok because its ok in a game.... -.-
Regardless as to whether this is worse or not as bad as other, real acts isn't really the point. Children and younger people will inevitably get their hands on this material and it's sick. A game in which YOU are the rapist won't turn people's mindset away from the subject.

It's exactly the point, if something must be done, then why only this game? Is there any evidence that this makes people more likely to commit rape? None whatsoever. It's just censoring something because you find it to be morally objectionable.
You might have a point, but I think this should be among the government's top priorities, along with actually stopping the acts themselves.
To be quite honest, and feel free to flame/neg rep or whatever it is you want to do, I don't see why everyones so surprised. Think on all the other disgusting things that go on in "civilized society" and I think you'd overlook this one. I gotta agree with how it's just a moral blowout and everyones trying to raise a torch to something they barely understand.

That being said, I'd gladly change my opinion if anyone were to show me proof that Japan's rape crimes are through the roof compared to any other country which shuns such games?

It's just that, IMO, a game. "No wonder some people turn into these kinds of people" holds no water in my eyes. Zelda never made me run around with a weapon at all times, or break into every house I saw to take their money and the like. >_>
omg they can't be serious with that, it's just disturbing and sick damit...how can they even come up with an idea of a video game theme like that!
omg they can't be serious with that, it's just disturbing and sick damit...how can they even come up with an idea of a video game theme like that!

What an ironic username for your opinion. :hmmm:

For my fellow Americans, did you know in the years of our founding fathers they still took minors as their wives? :hmmm: Yet we're disgusted at this Japanese videogame.
For my fellow Americans, did you know in the years of our founding fathers they still took minors as their wives? :hmmm: Yet we're disgusted at this Japanese videogame.

Yeah... and just one of many reason why I hate being a american.
I agree with Bjork and Pockets. There are far worse things on the internet, some things I've heard about... some things I've seen myself. Hell, I used to know a guy who played these games on a website that had many of them. He used to play them in ICT class as well. :hmmm:

You can get all upset about it but at the end of the day we it's a video game and they aren't committing the real act of rape. If there is evidence to show that they increase the likely hood of people raping then that's a different story.