[Discussion] The Real World: FFF Sims II

Kim Taehyung

You shine brighter than anyone ✨
Nov 30, 2006
Okay, here's where i'll be posting the videos. You can also go to my YouTube, www.youtube.com/KeybladeWielder6485. I have a test video posted, if you guys could view it and let me know here how you like that quality. If not, i'll up it a bit.

Also, for those that missed my post in the sign-up thread, mainly house 1 (@Bambi, greenyxi, Stevie, Me Gustith) i need your Aspirations (Pleasure, Knowledge, Fortune, Family, Romance, Popularity, or Grilled Cheese [i'm serious about that :lew] ) and personality (mean/nice, playful/serious, outgoing/shy) i'll make your house once i get word from you four that i've mentioned.

House 2 is moved in and filming. since we were a bit unbalanced between houses, i threw myself into house 2. :lew:

Okay, so i'll keep at it and you guys post your info or requests or questions and all that. :monster:
I was to live vicariously through my Sim. I want to be the life of the party, to never tell a bad joke, to always smell like strawberries.

But most of all

I want to dance

romance and shy for me :yay: cuz that matches me pretty dam well :D
Ah no, sorry I missed that post.
I'd like: Fortune for my aspiration. Nice, Serious and Shy for my personality...that's pretty much me anyways. Actually...slightly under half and half for serious/playful (closer to serious).

Also, make sure I'm brutally violent to any wife I might get whenever I've snuck out back for booze. These women must learn their lessons for stealing my air and water, goddamnit! :rage:
Okay, so if anyone's been watching my YouTube, i did upload House 2's first episode yesterday, but i had to remove it because of copyrigt infringement leading to it being blocked in the US. I have yet to find somewhere to add it, since Photobucket does the same copyright filtering. House 1, still working with you guys, but until i can figure out the audio problem or if i can upload it without a copyright problem, both episodes will be up. Sorry for the trouble.