Did anyone get all the top weapons in this game?

I managed to get them all (I think) Although some of the monsters guarding those chests REALLY began to test my patience, I was stuck onthat flame dragony thing for HOURS. I swear that bugger was harder than all the others put together >_>

Id open a chest kill the monster then save it, so I was doing that like all night lastr night, it took me a while to find that stupid invisible floor, but a bit of ledge hugging got me ther ein the end, and that fight was easier than exp[ected aswel

I almost shat myself when that eyeball casted doom on everyone though, I died first time round, but second time, I just pounded him one with throw jump bahamut holy and Cecil attacking and took him down quite easily xD

So yer, so far as Im aware, i got them all
I didn't bother with the optional dungeon in the GBA version. But yeah, I did get all of the final weapons that were located in the Lunar Subterrane. They really helped me out a lot.
I got them but it took a long time to find cecil weapon.
I'm not sure if I've gotten the best weapons for everyone in the final party, aside from Cecil's Excalibur (that is a final weapon right?). Other than that I'm somewhat confused as to what exactly the last weapons are.
I got them all. I hated the doom eyes where he would cast doom on all your party members and then cast haste so that the time ran down faster. I had to kill a character before battle in order to beat him.

There was also the other one that kept continusly casting Tsunami which was also very annoying.

well when i was going for the final weapons i thought those were the easier bosses =) i was really scared that the doom bat thingy was gonna kill me with the doom/haste combo but besides that i don't think he actually attacked but i don't think he actually attacked so i continuously pounded him with attacks and stuff. The hardest boss in that final cavern place was that ruby dragon or w/e but he was guarding either a ribbon or some sort of armor
I found the monsters guarding the ultimate weapons easier to defeat in the DS version than in the original, though that's probably due to being at higher levels this time around.