Death by Request

Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
Awesome title, innit?

If someone had the chance to kill someone without any fear of getting caught or being punished, do you think they should take it? Is it wrong? Would you do it, if you had the chance? If you were to do it, how would you?
You are crazy if this is the sort of stuff youthink of in your spare time.....

But no I would not kill anybody unless I had no choice to.
(I actually thought this thread would be about euthanasia, silly me)
As did I.

If the benefits gained from taking a course of action outweigh the negatives then the action should take place.

But no, I'd never kill anyone, I could see no possible situation that could arise, where I'd need to kill someone.
Yeah that person should go on the hunt for pedophiles, nothing wrong with that.
But me personally i wouldn't go to the bother of killing someone, actually i dont think id have the balls to do it unless it was me or them.
lol I was more curious about how many members would want to take a life if they had a chance, moreso than would you if someone asked you to. That's just goody two-shoes. Fuck that. lol Although this thread does come off far more emo than originally intended... gay...

But to answer my own question, I would kill someone if I had the chance. There's only a few people I wouldn't and I would like to know details about the person I killed. But yea, if I had the opportunity, I would take it. Why not?
lol I was more curious about how many members would want to take a life if they had a chance, moreso than would you if someone asked you to. That's just goody two-shoes. Fuck that. lol Although this thread does come off far more emo than originally intended... gay...

But to answer my own question, I would kill someone if I had the chance. There's only a few people I wouldn't and I would like to know details about the person I killed. But yea, if I had the opportunity, I would take it. Why not?

So lets say for example you could kill me and get away with it, no consequences, would you do it?
Who decides who gets to live or who gets to die? It sure as hell isn't any of us! :randompoke:
If you killed someone out of revenge, even so you have to live with that. Regardless of how evil the person you killed was...
Who decides who gets to live or who gets to die? It sure as hell isn't any of us! :randompoke:
If you killed someone out of revenge, even so you have to live with that. Regardless of how evil the person you killed was...

We shouldnt have the right to choose, but the simple fact is any1 is capable of taking a life. Seems living with guilt is something a lot of people are prepared to deal with.....
So lets say for example you could kill me and get away with it, no consequences, would you do it?

Oh yea buddy, your family would be picking out your pine box. I like you and all but there's no room for prejudice when it comes to murder. lol You've got to be willing to kill everyone with the same standards or it's an act of hatred or vengeance... and that would ruin the whole experience. It has to be about ultimate control, not anger.
We shouldnt have the right to choose
Also why?
Im going to contradict myself here, if i had it my way id have every single pedophile on the planet executed no questions asked.
That of course after being proven guilty through a fair trial.
In regards to my post in which i stated that we ' shouldnt have the right to choose ' I am reffering to a person of the public such as myself. I dont have any right to decide the fate of someones life whether i want them dead or not, i believe that is a matter for the courts to decide not anyone else.
This contradicts a majority of murderers in prison. Most murder is committed out of passion, in the moment, it is very seldom planned and even more so about "control". I might be under the wrong impression here but it seems that that you believe it to be ethically okay to take a life under the circumstance that you're doing so out of some kind of God-complex rather than anger or revenge (although I guess the two coincide). What do you mean by-

Yea it does contradict the majority of murders. I was just saying that if I took a life, I wouldn't want it to be for any angry reason. I'd just want to do it. It's not so much about killing a person, as it is having complete control over someone's life and being willing and able to kill them if you soever chose to. It isn't right any way you look at it... but you can kill without being a monster.
The idea of killing in cold blood purley for control is a hell of a lot more monsterous to me than killing through passion. I choose not to murder because i dont want to, not from fear of getting caught.
Awesome title, innit?

If someone had the chance to kill someone without any fear of getting caught or being punished, do you think they should take it? Is it wrong? Would you do it, if you had the chance? If you were to do it, how would you?

another thread that makes your brain churn.

If i knew i wouldnt get caught, id go on a killing spree, but only people that i know if they die, the worlds IQ qould go up, people in my area, Paris Hilton, G. Bush, etc.

I think murder is wrong unless you were pushed to it, like to save or defend a life.

the way id do it...hmm....well theres the messy ways, chainsaws, knives the normal stuff, but id go for the nice quick way, a knife to the jugular and a putting every body part in its own bag and dropping it into the North Atlantic current.
Don't worry about the questions. My father and mother are happily married still. There was nothing traumatic about my childhood. My mother is a naggy old beast but my dad is probably my closest friend. They both work and draw a fairly decent paycheck, especially my dad. If you're wondering who I am in a generic terms, I could probably be best classified by "spoiled brat who thinks he's badass"... but I don't necessarily fit those terms, just the closest you're going to get by generic classification.

Also, I don't know why you think it's strange consider you've got Marla as your avatar. The woman believed she could die at any moment and wished she would. I suppose in a sense I think the same way, I just never took the risks she did. I want to die, desperately. But I'd also take a life if I ever had the opportunity.
This thread has become borderline creepy...

First off, the psychologist talk is a bit much for my tastes. Secondly, while everyone is fucked up in their own right, I'm hardly "a long and tragic story". I'm cocky, egotistical, and can be kind of a prick... but other than that I'm a regular guy (and I try to be a fairly stand-up one at that). You're right that I can be a controlling but that's not all I am. I simply do not dislike death. It's not goth or emo or... whatever... I'm not depressed or sad. I've just never had a problem with death. It happens. I don't wear black and hang posters of graves on my wall. But I've been to funerals where everyone is crying and I feel right as rain. It just doesn't affect me really. Maybe if it was close family or something... but the concept in general, not really.

And as for why I'd want to die... that's only partially true, I suppose. No person ever truly wants to die. I guess I should say I aspired to be many things I simply am not. The areas I have interest in, both socially and professionally, are not areas in which I have any talent. And I do not have the courage or steadfast dedication to brave it without the required skills. It simply makes me wish I didn't have to go through life if I can't live the way I want. Not necessarily that I'd take my own life or want it taken from me.
another thread that makes your brain churn.

If i knew i wouldnt get caught, id go on a killing spree, but only people that i know if they die, the worlds IQ qould go up, people in my area, Paris Hilton, G. Bush, etc.

I think murder is wrong unless you were pushed to it, like to save or defend a life.

the way id do it...hmm....well theres the messy ways, chainsaws, knives the normal stuff, but id go for the nice quick way, a knife to the jugular and a putting every body part in its own bag and dropping it into the North Atlantic current.

You think murder is wrong unless you're forced into it? but you would go on a killing spree, if you were safe from being caught?
And you would kill people who you deem to be ' not intelligent enough to live '
Also how do you think this would benefit the world?
This thread has become borderline creepy...

I thought that after reading only a few posts in this.

I'm not sure... If I was ever to have murderous thoughts, they're just thoughts I would never like to excercise.
I'm at the lowest point so far in my life, and I am not looking forward to the future. Yep, pull out the violins, wipe your tears, etc etc...
But no, seriously. At the moment I'm screwed. I get paranoid "Ah! Is everyone looking at me? Laughing at me?". And "Did I say that right? Can I even talk? Why can't I talk?! WHY CAN'T I BE NORMAL!!!".
Yep, this last week in particular I've got very angry with everything, and it's hindering my previous ability to be a really caring person. I just can't care anymore. Some of my friends have screwed me over in the past, and those that remain I wouldn't want to dump my troubles on because of everything they've been through.

So why am I saying this? Basically yes I have had thoughts like "why can't everybody just go away!" etc... But would I actually kill anybody? Nope. I don't have it in me. Not just because I'm a coward, but because it goes against my morals, my heart and the general right feeling. It isn't right to take a life folks, whether anything is preventing you or not. I think of the person, and I wouldn't ever bring myself to kill someone unless it was to protect someone else.

I've had thoughts of me dying, and very morbid ones... I feel like I want to die as well (but hey... I don't believe in suicide either!).. But would I take people with me? Sometimes it feels good to think you have power like that... but it isn't in me to become one of those University murderers who go on massacring rampages shooting anybody. I won't become that, as I don't agree in taking another life, and I just generally wouldn't do it. I actually made a pact with myself once, that if ever the stress of life turnd me into that, I'd kill myself before I lose every aspect of my humanity. So basically, I won't kill. End of.

Basically.. I think this discussion, and discussions like this, are potentially dangerous... Why would we want to try and justify killing? Why would we want to excercise these thoughts?
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And as for why I'd want to die... that's only partially true, I suppose. No person ever truly wants to die.
I wouldn't say I want to die, but I guess I am kinda intrigued by the idea of dying. I've learned to accept that I will die and could die at any moment really.

A few months ago I had a conversation with my former boss about death, he technically died when he was 16 but was resuscitated. One thing that stuck with me was that he mentioned that dying was one of the greatest experiences of his life. This gave me a new perspective on death, I didn't fear it anymore and if anything I was a little excited about dying someday. I don't however believe in suicide and until it is my time I will still try my best to stay alive, just because I've accepted death, it doesn't mean I will go looking for it.

Aztec Triogal said:
lol You've got to be willing to kill everyone with the same standards or it's an act of hatred or vengeance... and that would ruin the whole experience. It has to be about ultimate control, not anger.
I don't think I'd be able to kill someone with complete control over my emotions, a few years ago I saw a dead body and just thinking about the bloody mess is enough to make my knees weak. I would feel too much guilt to put it simply. As for killing someone out of rage, I cannot say whether or not I would be able to kill them.

Argor251 said:
Basically.. I think this discussion, and discussions like this, are potentially dangerous..
True, but in all honesty I think this is one of the more interesting threads in this forum.