KH Cerberus


Final Fantasy/Hip-Hop
Feb 19, 2007
Long Island, NY
I been Tryna Kill Him For Like An Hour...

I've Jumped On His Back b4 But I Can't Hit Him, If i Do i Just Fall Off Anyway...

Donald And Goofy Die Mad Quick, And I Can't Even get Rid Of One Head...

Any Tips?

nvm.. i defeated him.. on my last try before going to bed. lol.
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  • Never attack the center head; rather, jump at one of the side heads, and land one aerial combo. Do not attempt to land more damage. Attack between Cerberus' attacks, waiting for it to pause.

  • When Cerberus gets on its hind legs, prepare to jump. Make sure you're in the air when it lands.

  • When Cerberus gives off black smoke from its mouth, run constantly. Do not stop for anything. Black pools form under Sora's feet, firing upward. Obviously, it pays not to be close-by.

  • Forget about Donald and Goofy. Any items you have should be used to keep you alive--not them. If things get ugly, spend time dodging Cerberus' attacks until they revive on their own.
this guys really easy
when he uses the black smoke attack just keep rolling
When he walks around with fireballs comeing out of his mouth just attack him
when he roars in the air get away from him and cast magic
when he stands up get ready to jump
Just jump onto his back and do Strike Raid to one of the heads. Make sure you have MP Gift on Goofy, cause this sucks down your MP quickly.

Oh... you already beat him? Then nevermind!
when you cant hit him with the keyblade jump on his back, when attacking attack the outside heads with two or three hit combos, use thunder when you lock on the middle head and use potions, glad you beat it but for those that havent take a look at this
This guys a bastard. I did alot of dodge roll. I just did my thing little by little. I'll be honest, my first time I did this fight (almost 2 years ago) I couldn't beat him. I actually had to have my Dad help me.

Every time since then though, I've pwned him! :)
i found this to be one of the hardest bosses in kingdom hearts. i tried many many times to beat it but it kept killing me over and over again. i later realised my controller wasnt plugged in.

when i did eventually beat this son of a three headed bitch i cried with joy.

such a joyous moment. mhm