Cactus Island


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
What's so special about this island?

Ive just noticed on a map its highlighted with a yellow dot like the KOTR island and other such areas like that

I never noticed anything special the one and only time I visited it my last play through, Im pretty sure the cacti don't give EXP and Im sure the AP wasn't anything to write home about either. And shit AP with no exp seems like a bollock waste of time to bother with training there

So, what the fuck am I missing?
It's because it is the only place where Cactaur are found.

They can be morphed into Tetra Elementals I think, which is why it is useful to visit Cactus Island. Tetra Elementals are useful accessories that absorb the elemental magics fire ice and lightning, and I think that morphing Cactaur is the only way to find them.

Still.. Not sure why it would be given a yellow spot on the world map. I'm not sure if there is any MAJOR importance to the place.
I suppose that could be it, it's a shit reason to make it a place of any significance though, unless that armour is the best/one of the best you can get..... in which case it makes more sense seeing as the materia cave for HP>.<MP is yellow and thats utter shite....
the only good thing about cactuar island is that it is the only place in the game in which you can find cactuars. i know its not very exciting but i think that you should pay the cactuars a visit in every ff. haha it should be a sidequest like the one in ffX
Argor251 said:
They can be morphed into Tetra Elementals I think, which is why it is useful to visit Cactus Island.


Either I never knew that or I had completely forgotten.

Either way, thanks for the tip.
Well I never found the cactaur island or unless it is that tiny place in the middle of nowhere and if you adventure there you find a cactaur but what id=s the point of them they give you no items they give you crap exp and ap and I can't seem to hit them so I use magic but magic hits nothing on them!!

tetra elementals work against 4 elements earth being the one you didn't mention and to the best of my knowledge magic hits them and so do physical hits plus i don't think they give you anything item wise, well at least the bradygames stragty guide says they don't drop anything or morph into anything(though i hvae corrected other errors most of it is correct)
hmm, i thought that the Cactuars gave you a shit load of AP or whatever it is that upgrades your Materia... So yeah, if im right.... Then the cactuars are good for that :P

I was thinking there was a summon too, but thats FFVIII >_<