All these spinoffs ...


  • I Love em, keep em coming :)))

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Please just stop, just make III already

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • meh... (indifference!)

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters


Black Mage Tree
Nov 22, 2008
So I tell you what, after all the disappointments I've been getting with all the KH handheld spinoff games, Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded is coming out like tuesday or something...
I had no idea! I make it a pointe to collect all the KH games, but all these lame spin-offs are just gettin on my nervesss >.<

So my poll quesiton, Are you friggin tired of the spin-offs or what??

use this thread to complain about how they just need to make III already :p
Finally someone else who thinks this!!
I freaking hate all the little handheld spin off games, sure they add to the story in some way but why can't they just incorporate it into the 3rd KH game??

I do not care about roxas or ventus or those other guys, There are so many 'main' characters now I am starting to forget them all :(
I missed the simpleness of Riku, Sora and even kairi.

Plz no more spinoffs!
EDIT: @PinkSquid: When you edit your post, a Delete option should appear :hmmm:

Am I tired of these "spin-offs"? No. Why? Because they aren't spin-offs.

Just because a game doesn't have a number to it, doesn't mean it's not part of the story. All the games are connecting in the grand scheme.

If you only played KH1 and KH2, by the time KH3 is here, do you think you'd completely understand how and why things are the way there are?

You don't play CoM, you wouldn't understand how things got set-up in KH2.

You don't play 358/2 Days, you wouldn't know about Organization XIII's motives and who Roxas really was and why he's important.

You don't play BbS, you wouldn't even know how the whole friggin' thing got started in the first place.

As for Re:Coded, that appears to be bridging the gap between KH2 and KH3. KH2 ends more or less conclusively, but Re:Coded appears to touch on something that may unfold into something bigger.

Same with KH3D. I actually don't have much concrete evidence here, but interviews are suggesting that KH3 will come about after that game, so I'll assume something significant is happening there.

I think if all these "spin-offs" were created for console and had a number slapped on them, no one would say anything.

And in general I've really enjoyed all the KH games I've played, so please, keep them coming. We already know KH3 ain't gonna be here for 2012 due to Nomura and co working on Versus, so gimme these so-called spin-offs in the mean time then.
I am sorry but the fact that they are making me buy 5 different games for 3 different consoles is not on. what if I dont own a PSP... so if I want to play KH3 I wont understand because I couldnt afford a PSP?

thats very unfair to their fans.
If they're smart they'll make it so you can understand KH3 without needing to buy 3 different consoles/handhelds for each of their games.
They are turning it into another FF7 and FF4. No more spin-offs!

Please - PLEASE - create the third game! T.T
^ Again, the story is actually planned for the most part, not just getting tacked on after an isolated title >.<

I am sorry but the fact that they are making me buy 5 different games for 3 different consoles is not on. what if I dont own a PSP... so if I want to play KH3 I wont understand because I couldnt afford a PSP?

thats very unfair to their fans.
If they're smart they'll make it so you can understand KH3 without needing to buy 3 different consoles/handhelds for each of their games.

Well I can understand that, for sure. I was pissy before I grabbed a PSP and DS for other games (and I already half want a 3DS for KH3D >_>), but you could turn the argument around and say then that would they still make KH3 for the PS2?

There's a couple of arguments when it comes to the consoles actually. I've heard people often wanting a certain series to go to handheld because they want it on the go and just the over-all convenience, so maybe that's what they KH team had in mind? At one point someone surely thought "I'd love a KH game on handheld", although probably didn't think about the story relevance xD

I think there's also the idea of trying to appeal the series to as many people as possible. More consoles, more potential customers I guess. Although someone told me how Nomura hates the 360 and we'd never see KH on it, and something about KH never going to Wii either, so that kind of screws up the idea then actually. Hmm...
well I honestly wouldn't mind if they kept it on the PS3 and PSP OR on the DS and PS3 but the fact that they've spread it across all three systems just really irks me and makes me think that they really are only doing this for money. (of course they are but you'd think maybe a little bit is about the customer?)

I just don't want to have to pick up a PSP, DS, PS3, PS2 (although my ps3 does ps2 games) 3DS etc just to understand the story of KH3 D:
^ Again, the story is actually planned for the most part, not just getting tacked on after an isolated title >.<
Well, I was talking about how usually, spin-offs ruins games, which is why I brought up FF7/FF4 :p

Not from what I've witnessed after playing them and then thinking back to the first FF7 game and then playing that again. :/ If they do this any more to KH games, it'll ruin them :(
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To be honest I enjoy the handheld games WAAAAAAAAAY more than the numbered games. Roxas and Ventus are my faves in the series so I don't mind them so much. KH1 kinda bored me with its story and I just straight up hate Sora and Kairi...The handheld games offer a different view of the KH story and in some cases offer the darker side of things. I prefer them more than the numbered games because of this so I dont mind...
Hm, I like the spinoffs because they answer many questions of the KH universe...Of course I wanna play KH 3, but I'm also waiting for KH 3D on the 3DS! I don't want to miss important pieces of the story and I'm glad the spinoffs answer many of my questions about KH.
I'm gonna start off by listing the order of my favourite KHs story wise (Not overall).

KH BBS > KH2 > KH: 358/2 Days (overall wise, this would be dead bottum due to gameplay ftr) > KH: CoM > KH1

I'm gonna agree with Fusion here and say that I don't think spin-off is quite the right word for it. The handhelds tie in the story too flawlessly. I play each handheld and can't help but think that they planned this from when they first made Kingdom Hearts, a thought that never occurs when I played most of the games in FF7's compilation.

So to summarise. If they kept going like this, I wouldn't argue with more.

o0PinkSquid0o said:
(of course they are but you'd think maybe a little bit is about the customer?)

To point out something Fusion said earlier, there most likely were fans out there that wanted KH on a handheld. So yeah, they were thinking about the customer really, but they have to go with the majority so they get the most money, as any business would do, and chances are, the majority wanted a handheld game. It's a awkward scenario, you cannot please everyone, and unfortunately, you are among those who were not pleased by them making the game handheld. No ones fault, just bad luck really.

But tbh, I reckon you'll still be able to play KH3 and not be completely kerfuffled, they had a way of making it so you could play KH2 and still get the story without playing CoM. I didn't even play CoM before I played 2. (I still haven't, I just recently found out everything that happened through KH Wikia. :lew:
To point out something Fusion said earlier, there most likely were fans out there that wanted KH on a handheld. So yeah, they were thinking about the customer really, but they have to go with the majority so they get the most money, as any business would do, and chances are, the majority wanted a handheld game. It's a awkward scenario, you cannot please everyone, and unfortunately, you are among those who were not pleased by them making the game handheld. No ones fault, just bad luck really.

But tbh, I reckon you'll still be able to play KH3 and not be completely kerfuffled, they had a way of making it so you could play KH2 and still get the story without playing CoM. I didn't even play CoM before I played 2. (I still haven't, I just recently found out everything that happened through KH Wikia. :lew:

well like i said earlier, I dont mind if they want to make a spin off game for a handheld system, but srsly dont' make one for every handheld, not everyone owns a PSP AND a DS, so if they're planning on making spinoff's add to the story keep it all on one console and one handheld then not 2 consoles and 2 handhelds, it really makes no sense other than the make lots of monnies which is annoying D:
However that comes under "Something for everyone" which too, is thinking of the customer, therefore whatever handheld you have, you'll have an opportunity to play a Kingdom Hearts.

Plus they do not want to restrict themselves to Sony audiences, they want to try and branch out to Nintendo and increase their fanbase. Yes, it does make money as you say, but it increases the popularity of Kingdom Hearts, meaning we can get more out of the series. Though that's reliant on them not slacking on development, mind.
yes but if they're going to do that make it so people who don't have a PSP can still understand the story of KH3 without having to have played the PSP games.
thats all i am really trying to say
I'm quite happy to have the handheld games if I'm honest, Birth By Sleep is actually one of my favourites out of the whole series, the whole storyline interested me.

Thing is, since KH has been around, the handheld games have been released on different consoles from the beginning, I mean CoM was released on gameboy advance, it's called moving with change, that is what SE are really thinking about. I have both a PSP and a DS anyway, so it doesn't bother me.

ive played all KH games and I had no clue Re: coded came out on the 11th

im one of the KH fans who is tired of the side games

honestly, after I found out about KH3DS I was done

that's it

im not buying any more of their shitty games

when KH3 comes out ill play it, but I go no further then the xehanort saga

im tired of getting screwed around my Nomura and square
I'm gonna have to agree with Glow about most things.

I was PISSEEEEDDDDD when 358/2 Days for the DS was coming out. I don't have a DS. I don't have the money to buy a DS right now. They already made me pretty much beg my parents when I was younger to buy me a GameBoy SP deal and I ended up getting it from my grandma. I can't do that again, since I'm about twice the age I was last time. So, I'm not able to play a game I really want to play.

I have a PSP, because I'm a Sony fanboy, so I'm able to play KH:BBS. In fact, I downloaded the Japanese version a while back from a website because I wanted to play it so badly. Don't worry, I'll be buying a hard copy VERY soon, so technically it's not illegal. ;)

Now, they're coming out with Re:Coded (which I thought wasn't coming to the U.S. until 2011... oh, wait, it is 2011. Well, I thought it would be this fall, probably in August). It's another game for a console I don't own! >_< I convinced my dad to buy my brother a DS for his birthday, so I'll be able to get the two games, but now, KH: 3D is being made, for YET ANOTHER CONSOLE. ARGGGHHH!!!! Money doesn't grow on trees for most people, SE! Daammn! Anyway, I'm forced to buy a 3rd console just to play one of my favorite series. That's 5 consoles total. It's too much. I'm gonna loose it soon, when they make one for the Wii, the 360, the PS3, the Atari, Sega, the Nintendo, and every other console out there.
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
I'm sick and tired of the spin-offs too. Birth by Sleep made me the most angry. I used to just think that Sora was chosen by the light but then they threw in Aqua, Terra, and Ven and it just kinda ruined it for me. I love the series and I wanna play as Sora again not the old one but the new one with drives and new clothes. I know it sounds silly but I'm really just want the spin-offs to end.
Heres the thing i havent played every spin off but ive played 2/3 major ones re chain of memories and birth by sleep, but i know 352/2 days or whatever their calling it is important too. As a game they really are great, but Im sick of them neglecting 3, and yes they should stop and make 3, all the spin offs are all going on these handhelds which i think is ruining a great franchise in my book, even if it was on a main console I still would be mad cause i just wanna get to 3 not another damm side story again.