Advent Children Advent Children Ripoff...

After watching it again does anyone else think that the Marlene child is freaky? just she doesnt blink or show emotions! ever! *shudders* after i find the song im going to set it to the original fight scene and upload it on youtube ^_^
that was just....scary i cannot believe it what a rip its weird i cant stand it lol soak my eyes in petrol and gimme a lighter lol
After watching it again does anyone else think that the Marlene child is freaky? just she doesnt blink or show emotions! ever! *shudders* after i find the song im going to set it to the original fight scene and upload it on youtube ^_^
lol that sounds awesome!
Oh gee, I'm kinda addicted to the song now. I swear it kept playing over and over in my mind the last 24 hours. I have to listen to it last time...
It's not that bad actualy it's just the bloke who plays Loz is a BAD actor and the ending was rubbish.
Yea, no doubt. Square should sue... and holy crap. Terrible. THis must be the version of the Midgar church that is three inches from the freaking sun. How many lights do they have in there? You can barely see anyone or anything.
lol seriously, and they desecrated Aerith's church with their whorish dancing :P Square sooooo needs to sue her ass off.
the worst part is the whole flower scene - which looked awesome in AC looks really really REALLY crap in that video >_<

although the song is damn catchy :P i found myself playing it in my head during my science exam - so if i fail then ILL sue her :P
C'mon it's not that bad. It accomplished what it was set out to do....which was copy that scene. And everyone saying they should does say it's copyrighted by SquareEnix. The youtube comments say at 30 seconds in it says it at the bottom of the screen. Also, it was mentioned that the person that directed this was also a part of the AC movie. That's what the comments say anyways.

Song was catchy, the fights were good for a music video! It's not like they spent millions on this like the AC people. The only thing I can't agree with is Loz.
if she's a proper singer then she would have got the rights to do it, so thats her being sued out the way. And as for the whole OMG their ripping off final fantasy thing is bull. The KEY word is re-create or making into live action. As for it's spoiling advent children, the film was a bit pants any way. Only reason i liked it was because the original characters were in it. Got annoyed that sephiroth was in it though. I don't think the songs that bad!


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