Accidentally jumping when trying to pick up an item.


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Jun 26, 2008
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We've all done this, right?

X makes Noctis jump... X is also the action button which you use to pick up items...

As a result when I go to pick up an item I often find myself jumping a couple of times first, and then I have to carefully position myself and make sure that I stop moving before pressing the button again.

I guess the problem is because the game is too sensitive with Noctis' movement and it doesn't prioritise animations. It's similar to how I often find myself pressing X to greet people in Lestallum, but since I'm always walking / running I rarely get to see the animation as the movement overrides it. Maybe the jumping instead of collecting items issue is related?

Does anybody else have an issue with this?
Yes, it's an issue. Once the unlocked framerate mode for PS Pro came out, it got a bit better. The reason it happens is because the prompt for performing actions like picking up items, moving into tight gaps, or talking to people, doesn't have a wide enough radius and shows up too slowly. So simply moving Noctis a bit too much, or panning the camera a bit too much can cause the game to think you're no longer in the right position for the prompt to stay up. Meanwhile, trying to act too quickly can mean the prompt didn't have the time to show up in the first place. So what often happens is that you'll press the button too early. Noctis jumps right as the prompt shows up. But since you're jumping, the game realizes you're no longer in the right position, and the prompt goes away. By then, it's likely that you've landed and pressed the button again, and Noctis will once again jump, starting the vicious cycle all over again, lol.

It improves with the framerate because the game can check Noctis' position more often, and because the interface as a whole is sped up with a higher framerate. So not only does the prompt show up slightly faster, but there are more frames where your inputs are being read, meaning you've got more chances for the prompt to be active while you're pressing the button. Seriously, the map and Ascension screens are so much smoother in unlocked mode because they run at a solid 60fps. In game button prompts seem to take advantage of this too, though it's to a lesser degree since it usually runs at around 45-55fps while actually playing.
I can say I experienced this as well, was kind of annoying overall in the game. But I did tolerate it after awhile but still it got to the point I had to pause some of my actions to allow the chance to not jump when I wanted to talk or grab an item.
Yeah, this was probably one of the most super frustrating things in FFXV when I think about it. I'm not sure how it slipped past testing but during the dungeon, under Insomnia (Crestholm channels) there was a part where you had to press X to get past a pipeline and I jumped off about 10 times. It was super frustrating how precise the x button has to be pressed. It's a big issue for a game with a long development time for sure. I think the whole excessiveness of pressing X to get past parts like small crevices was also very annoying.
This is easily one of the most frustrating things with the game. Wanna get in the Regalia? Nah man, I'd rather jump beside it. Wanna refuel the Regalia? Nope. I'll jump at the pump.
I've gotten to where now I just stand there for a second or 2 before I try and initiate an action. Thats helped a bit but its still an issue for me.
Believe it or not, but bigger issue instead of the jumping one is when I am trying to hold down 'B' (Xbox One) and instead of running, I whip out my weapon on the world map and swing it around a few times. It slows down my progress and throws me off a bit with the animation, but I definitely deal with that nuisance more than anything. :/
Believe it or not, but bigger issue instead of the jumping one is when I am trying to hold down 'B' (Xbox One) and instead of running, I whip out my weapon on the world map and swing it around a few times. It slows down my progress and throws me off a bit with the animation, but I definitely deal with that nuisance more than anything. :/

That only happened to me a handful of times. If I had to guess why, it would probably be because I changed my controls so that R2 (PS4) was my attack/run button. Since R2 has such a long throw, it's all but impossible to 'piano' the input. Face buttons meanwhile have basically no throw before the input, so if your finger stutters even just the least bit, you'll hit the button more than once and he'll attack instead of run. That's my assumption anyway.
Yes and it gets on my nerves!! I've also had the same issue with my weapon as well, Busta. That issue exists on PS4 too D:
I can't say I ever had an issue with it :s. Maybe it happened but I can't really remember it bothering me at all. I can't remember too well!
We've all done it, and I wish I could remap certain parts of the controls to make it never happen again.
My issue is accidentally warping myself when I'm trying to open the menu. I keep thinking triangle is to open the menu and then warp myself across the screen.