Toys you had as a kid


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
I was looking through commercials on youtube (lol I was bored) and I came across some of toys from when I was little.

I used to always play with My Little Ponies and Care Bears. And I remember cupcake dolls.

I always wanted a Kid Sister

I had a Teddy Ruxpin

My Little Pony

Cupcake Doll


I was playing mostly with legos when I was a kid. I really liked building castles and spaceships. I was also building my own creations. I was really into the medieval and space collection.

I also played with transformers a lot (I rally liked Optimus Prime):

Those commercials bring back good memories:)
Man, this is where it was at.


Man, this is where it was at.


Man this is a lot more sophisticated than what I had when I was 5 or 6 years old. I think this is the powermaster version that came out in 1988 or 1989. I had mine in 1986 and it looked like that if I remember right:

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Yup, I had that one (though it was the G2 version with the black trailer, voice box, and extra guns) too.

As of now I've got the old G1, Powermaster Prime, God Ginrai (Powermaster Prime w/Apex Armor) and nearly 100 others.


(Top to bottom: World's Smallest
Transformers Hybrid Style
G1 (reissue)
G3 (Henkei)

My Little Ponies and Legos were the big ones for me as well :awesome: And my NES, of course XD But yeah, I had all sorts of MLP and also the movie, and I think I had a house/stable for them to play in. Oh, and a ton of combs for them, because they always came with combs or brushes to use on their hair XD And the Legos I always had in this huge plastic bucket...I liked building the original models that each set was designed for, but sometimes I would also try to build huge houses and other things with them. I still have a few MLP, not sure about the Legos, I sold all of them in a yard sale a while back :/ Didn't get all that much for them either, I probably should have kept some of the sets because they'd probably be worth something now :sad3: Oh well.
K'Nex.. I had a blue box and a red box full of it the stuff.. I remember trying to build the windmill for weeks i built the actual stand but then gave up on the wheel because.. the cars were easy to make though i always lost the little blue corner pieces though


I had so many of these as well.. I lost count in the end they always use to break so easy though

I suppose dolls count as toys . l0l. I had a shit load of Bratz dolls from 2nd grade to 4th. But this was my favorite set that I bought :

Funny how I still have all 27 Bratz dolls (I was just a kid.) in a big box under my bed. Whenever I get all nostalgic, I can always pull it out and see how much I used to like them.
In my more younger years, I would play with whatever was mainstream those days to kids, like Toy Story figures and a few Barbie dolls (didn't have too much interest in those).

Lego <3

My Little Pony

Care Bears

barbies, there was a horse and some big pink caravan thingy as well

um.. i cant think of anything else 8(

I played out alot more than staying in and playing with toys,,

actualluy, when i was playing, it was lego, play doh, plastecine, shit like that, i got bore easily with other toys

I had more teddies than you could shake a stick at though
I was never into like action figures at all.
Lego and k'nex were my favourite things ever :lew: That was all i ever played with. If i wasnt playing with that id be out on my bike.
I no longer have them in my possession, but I distinctly remember having a large collection of stuffed animals, from teddy bears to stuffed pandas, to a Minnie Mouse and to a stuffed Pikachu. When it came to regular dolls such as Polly Pocket, Barbie and Bratz, I was never really that into them. I would prefer Lego. That was the imaginative side of me. I would have all these pieces on my bedroom floor and spending hours just building random objects. Now that was real value for money. Additionally I do recall my brother and I sharing some old Transformers (that we still have lying around somewhere). I was rather fond of this old Bumblebee figure for some reason. :wacky:
Ah Legos, I remember them playing a big part of my childhood. I think I still got them somewhere around here. :hmmm: Also I remember having a lot of action figures around here. Most of them were either Power Rangers or Marvel related. My brother also had some GI Joe action figures he used to let me play with as a kid so I guess that counts too. To be a kid again...
Heh I used to have alot of pokemon related things. I still like it nowadays xD They were mostly those lityle figures that dont do anything. Like they cant move or shoot things. I still have a mewtwo plush from when I was younger.. Haha it is still here somewhere :wacky: Oh yes Legos... Like I said in the lego thread.. yhe whole set is at my grandparents. Well cause I dont play with it anymore so my little borther too over xD. I recall having power rangers things also. Most notably the black and Silver ranger. I liked Star Wars really early as a kid so I had ALOT of things to do with it. Such as plastic lightsabers and such xD. Ah I do recall us building Those Bionicles actually. They were fun to make but some took incredible patience which of course I had well... sometimes :hmmm: So for me it was pokemon and Star Wars as a kid. I know one of my Uncles brought me Star wars toys every week. I still have my han solo blaster somewhere too :hmmm:
Ohhh man...the memories. I feel old :( These were some of the toys I had when I was little:


Strawberry Shortcake


Polly Pocket


My Little Pony


90210's Brenda hung out with my Barbies all the time


I got Samantha from American Girl and she was one of my favorite dolls EVAR!!!


I watched Care Bears on T.V. and Wish Bear was always my favorite Care Bear.


I had a hot pink skip it too.
Care Bears was always a favorite. I also played with Legos and Barbie. :lew:

My absolute favorite toy was Rainbow Brite though. I had the Rainbow Brite doll and Starlight. I used to take Rainbow Brite everywhere with me and if my parents told me I couldn't bring her, I'd throw a tantrum. I was a brat apparently. :hmmm:

I would love to find a Rainbow Brite and Starlight doll now just as a collector's item and for nostalgia reasons. xD
When I was a little kid
I loved the Action Man figures <3
and yea I played also with Lego
Lego Harry Potter,Lego Alien etc.

I miss that time xD
a time with no sorrows
I don't really have any pictures or anything, but I used to have a shitload of Batman, Star Wars, and Ninja Turtles action figures. I liked making them beat the shit out of each other. It was funny, though. I never did any crossover action. When I played with Batman toys, I only played with Batman toys, and when I played with Star Wars toys, I only played with Star Wars toys....

There was also a period in time where I played with Legos a lot. I loved breaking them apart and putting them back together again.
Man i was such a pokefreak, i had the cards, the toys, the games, pretty much everything that was out there at the time. Then yu-gi-oh came along got into that pretty deep too, to the point where i decided not bothering trying to collect all the cards to each set. Because they came out with a new set every month practically :hmph:

I had legos, transformers, a decent sized terminator 2 figure, a mario doll...I can't remember the rest but i had alot of toys. I couldn't play with them all so i gave some away to my cousins. I'll edit this post later if i remember the other stuff i had.

I loved Slinky's!!! I remember having a plastic rainbow one instead of a metal one but it was so pretty. It got tangled heaps though. :sad3:

I loved Shape sorters as a toddler too. They're those balls that have different shaped holes and you have to fit the right shapes into them.

All I can think of right now.