Zentek's GFX

Hey, thanks. I appreciate the kind words a lot.

If you look back on the first page of this thread, I've already done a 'real life' signature, that was some time ago though, I might try doing one of those again some time. I'll definitely try to stay more active here, or at least just appearing online often enough and try posting here and there. Not sure about joining a GFX clan, but I'll probably be trying SOTW.
This was my SOTW entry, not exactly a winner this time round, but hey, I got one vote. (it's down at the bottom of the list in case you didn't see it under all of those huge signatures people make these days)


It started off as a smudge signature, but I realised that I wasn't really pulling it off too well, so I changed it up a little with some C4Ds.