ff7 to ps3

Nov 29, 2009
Hi guys and gals, Im new here and i wanna buy ff7 for the ps3, The only questions i have is this. I have a 42" plasma tv and i wanna no how the graphics will be on it. Are the graphics any better? (smoother) or is it gona look like a hunk of poo on my tv?
FFVII is blocky, so on an HDTV the blockiness will be clearer than ever :D
First off if you're gonna but it, make sure you get it off the PSN store, it only costs £7.99 is installed onto your system and you don't need disks (y) As for your question, it'll be exactly the same as when played on the PS1, though it'll be bigger so you'll notice the nasty little PS1 graphics a bit more haha. It won't stretch to the full 42" though I don't think, I think it'll be a square in the middle of the screen :hmmm:

Personally I didn't like it on the PS3 because it felt odd so if you have a PSP I'd recommend downloading it off the PSN store then shoving it onto the PSP (y)
yeah, i ment to ask bout the psp, I guess it would look even better on my psp with it being a smaller screen..ill see the blockiness less.
It looks shite on bigger tv's , Ive got a 43'' shit hole of a tv, Il play my PS2 games on it, but PS1 games I keep to my portable, because the images just look shite on a big screen. The bigger the screen the bigger the blockiness, if I wasnt so lazy I'd take a picture and show you the difference but this requires effort.....

Ok, so I got off my arse, so you will damn well look at all these pictures. The things I do for you people. AND I sat on my control pad.. It made a funny crunching sound,I hope my fat arse didnt break it...

The pictures actually give it more justice than the rough edges you see on the screen, it's also in widescreen so everyone looks far 8F, I couldnt be arsed altering that, and I get grey lines either side which I hate, I wouldnt mind if they were black, I can live with those but GREY. So annoying. It is actually not THAT bad, but I still prefer how it looks on my portable, it just looks....cleaner






Annnd the bigger tv



You cant even see all that much difference tbh, BUT ITS THERE :rage:
well i downloaded FFVII from the PSN store on my PS3, and i have my PS3 hooked up to the 48 incher in the front room, and it was just the same as playing it on the PS1 way back when. i didn't really see much of a difference, but for the record, Sephiroth's sword in the Aeris death scene looks MAHUSSIVE!!! and Diamond weapon looks a whole lot bigger on the larger screen, very very scary.

but there aint really much of a difference on the bigger screen, i noticed this when i was playing it.
I tried doing this yesterday on my 37" TV with the PSN downloaded version and the only issue I saw was how everything seemed stretched in the widescreen format. As for any form of grey lines, I couldn't see any- then again it was late and I didn't have my glasses on. I liked how things were magnified though.

It could be worse- you could be playing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time on a 42" TV.........Wii version, like my rather intelligent next door neighbour. He's there playing what is essentially a DS game on the big screen and it looks awful if you don't shrink the left screen with the Wiimote.
dunno what inch of TV i got,maybe 35-39", looks good on mine,also put FF7 on my PSP which is the most intelligent thing i've ever done xD(seperate games,gonna experiment parties when i can be bothered to pick it up again)
Ya the graphics look less blocky playing on a smaller screen but its so much more relaxing to play on the big screen then staring down for countless hours playing it on the psp. I have it on both my ps3 and psp and i prefer the ps3, one because i dont have to keep 1.32 G on my psp memory card and two, surround sound!
Ya the graphics look less blocky playing on a smaller screen but its so much more relaxing to play on the big screen then staring down for countless hours playing it on the psp. I have it on both my ps3 and psp and i prefer the ps3, one because i dont have to keep 1.32 G on my psp memory card and two, surround sound!
Haha, i have to agree with you. The surround sound would make it awesome, plust staring down....ugh, my neck hurts after awhile.
That game is not HD compatible so it's not going to make the graphics any better. It will look the same that it looks on any TV.

I dissagree though, don't get it off the Playstation Store. Atleast with my experiences I've had problems with the PSstore version of it. Plus, why wouldn't you want to own the actual physical copy of this great game anyway?
I bought the psn version of FF7. It's not bad on my TV, it's an HD 27' inch tube television, flat screen of course. >.< The game isn't as clear on my TV as it on a Plasma Flat screen. Given it looks better on my PSP, I like playing it on my TV. Bigger picture. I'm not one to complain, the graphics back then sucked in comparision to what we have now, but I've always liked the classics better. Dispite the horrid graphics.