Have you ever made somebody play FF games?


Aug 6, 2016
Sopron/Budapest (Hungary, EU)
Andre the Adamantoise
Carlos el Cactuar
Barry the Behemoth
Chocobo Egg
Jun Sasaki
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Have you ever made somebody play FF games? Which game was it? And how the other people reacted? Did she/he fell in love with the series, hated it or stayed neutral/not interested?
Or maybe you was the one who played it after a friend's recommendation?
I'm really curious so tell me your stories, please! :3

I thing I read almost all topics in FF General Discussion and I didn't remember finding anything like this, so I hope my topic is valid. xD
I got two close friends into ffxiv! they're enjoying it a lot so I'm actually proud of that haha, I tried to convince my younger brother to play it as well (he's obsessed with WoW) but he quit the second day smh
I've convinced a few friends to play FFVII. Most of them had never played that one game. One of them had never played an RPG. He has since played a ton of RPGs, lol.
I got into the series because a friend basically harassed me to play FFX saying it was such a great game. He would not stop talking about it. So I decided to play it and it was excellent. I messed up in my first playthrough and had to start over after learning how to use the level up system.

The story was excellent and the gameplay was superb. I simply had to go back and play the other games in the series and now I just recently finished FFXV. The series is awesome.
I remember back in school when it was rare to find anyone who was interested in video games, let alone any of the FF's. 😅 I remember when Pokemon was a really big thing when I was younger but most of the kids were into the cards/show and less into the games.

Anyway, I tried on a few occasions getting my friends to play FFVII, VIII & IX. One of my friends died during the first battle with Baku in FFIX. I didn't realize it was possible until that point. 😂

I think I had a total of 3 friends I convinced to try and play a FF game. Only one of them played all three - I'm not sure if she beat any of them or not, but she was really experimenting with her game interests at that point. I think she found the Tales series more interesting in the end, which was cool because I got into the series as well, just maybe not as hardcore. She must have gotten far in at least FFVIII though because I distinctly remember her letting Rinoa float off into space forever and dying of laughter :LOL:

I also got my husband into FF games. He... well, he tried anyway. He struggled through FFIX because it was my favorite but it was a team effort to get him to the end boss. He's also more into Tales, though his interests are far more vast than my own. I swear, he's tried FFVII multiple times and never proceeded farther than the first trip to Junon. FFVIII & X I had to command his attention when playing it with him and I still don't think he knows what either was about. The other day he told me we never even played VIII together, so I guess that one is a hard no. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Oh well, I married him for his good looks & money, not his game smarts. :whistle2:;)
I was around 14 yo (long time ago now é_è) I talked about FF to a friend, she started with 8 and I bought her ff7 a few years after

I discovered FF with the 7 when I was 11, it was at my cousin's house, he was doing some arena battles. Next Xmas I got it with the PS1 =3