Announcements FFF's New Game Grants


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Jun 26, 2008
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FFF’s New Game Grants.

With the release of two major Final Fantasy titles towards the end of 2016, this is shaping up to be a very important time for FF fans.
Yet staff and members alike are concerned that FFF does not currently reflect this exciting moment. We need new threads and discussion topics in order to boost activity and restore FFF to greatness! This drive needs to come from members as much as from staff.

Our solution? We have decided to give out 1 CT to any member who creates a thread on the topics of World of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy XV. If the thread proves to be popular (generating detailed discussion and / or debate) then another 1 CT shall be given out as a bonus.

Please consider:
  • The topic must be non-spammy.
  • The thread topic must not be a duplicate of another existing thread.
  • If your topic contains serious spoilers then please make this clear in the title. For example, use '
    Lunafreya's secret...' instead of 'Lunafreya is the tooth-fairy'.
    [*]Unfortunately 'Help' threads are excluded - otherwise people could too easily feign to be stuck in order to create a new topic.
    [*]Since we can’t keep giving out CT indefinitely, these rewards will be handed out for two months.

Hopefully this should act as an incentive to create threads and discuss Final Fantasy again. There really should be a lot of fresh topics to discuss in a thread. We just need to make them!

If you still aren’t sure what you can buy for your CT then please check the MogShop. :brahneto:

If you have any questions about the New Game Grants then please send a Private Message to an Administrator.
I think this is a great idea to get activity going again! Let's see how it goes :)
If people don't want to talk about new and upcoming SE titles, then they simply don't. While the intention is good, I know such a thing could lead to a fake atmosphere. It's evident there is a common mentality that the old stuff rocks, and the new stuff sucks in this environment. That is never going to change. I don't rely on this site as a primary location to discuss FFXV, but to each their own.
If people don't want to talk about new and upcoming SE titles, then they simply don't. While the intention is good, I know such a thing could lead to a fake atmosphere. It's evident there is a common mentality that the old stuff rocks, and the new stuff sucks in this environment. That is never going to change. I don't rely on this site as a primary location to discuss FFXV, but to each their own.

It's not just about generating activity in the FFXV and World of Final Fantasy sections. It's about the activity which is generated in those sections in turn then generating activity across the whole site. If we were able to encourage activity on the forum (in any section) then it may encourage others (people who lurk but never post because of a lack of discussion topics currently trending) to feel like posting again.

It just makes sense to make this about the new games because we might get more new fans typing 'Final Fantasy forum' into Google for the first time, and encountering us. It would be nice if we had something to show them!

It's worth a shot, I think. We'll see how it goes.
We're now out of January and unfortunately the New Game Grants have just ended. You will no longer earn Community Tokens (CT) for every thread created about Final Fantasy XV and World of Final Fantasy.

If you feel that you have created a thread which has gone unnoticed (and you think that you deserve CT because it fits the relevant criteria) then please contact Dionysos. Otherwise, I hope that those who earned CT will enjoy themselves one day in the MogShop. :chocobuncle:
