Staff Promotion Global Moderator Promotion AuronX


Βρεκεκεκὲξ κοὰξ κοάξ
Staff member
Social Media Team
Jun 26, 2008
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Hello guys.

It is my pleasure to announce that AuronX / Luke has been promoted to Global Moderator.

Luke has been a Moderator for over two years now, settling as a Final Fantasy Section moderator, and also has acted as part of our Editorial Staff. Luke has continuously proven himself to be reliable and hard working. Luke shall now be replacing his purple robes with a mantle of green, and as our new GMan his responsibilities will broaden. Luke’s patience and calm wisdom is exemplary behaviour of the sort which this community needs, and I’m sure he’ll thrive in his new role.

Please welcome and congratulate Luke!
Congrats Luke! Now I will start to pester you with all my annoying problems! :grin:
Congratulations, Luke! :)
Dionysos said:
Please welcome and congratulate Luke!

Welcome to the Final Fan--- :wacky:

Congratulations, Luke! :lew:
Welcome to the Final Fan--- :wacky:

Congratulations, Luke! :lew:


We know I meant welcome him into his new role, rather than in general. :argor: Then again, I guess 'welcome' is often said by someone greeting someone into a space they themselves belong to (so where members are concerned Luke in his transcendent state is actually getting farther away from them and they could be shouting 'farewell' or 'get back here')...

But if we look at welcome etymologically (and as 'well come'), then Luke's coming into Globdom is very well and pleasing.

We know I meant welcome him into his new role, rather than in general. :argor: Then again, I guess 'welcome' is often said by someone greeting someone into a space they themselves belong to (so where members are concerned Luke in his transcendent state is actually getting farther away from them and they could be shouting 'farewell' or 'get back here')...

But if we look at welcome etymologically (and as 'well come'), then Luke's coming into Globdom is very well and pleasing.

Lmao! ♥ I'm picking on you, Dan!
'Grats, Luke! I'm confident you'll be right at home with the new role.
Thanks everyone, I will do my best! :)

...Luke's coming into Globdom...

In my head I totally heard 'glahb-dum' instead of 'globe-dum'. has a ring :lew:
uke shall now be replacing his purple robes with a mantle of green

Downgrade confirmed.

Unless you like green.

But no one likes green.

Especially cabbages.

Wait, what is this thread about, again?

I mean, err

Congrats, Luke! :D
Congrats, L-Money.

I'm confident that you will excel in your role, and will continue to contribute as much- if not more- to our happy community as you currently do!!

Plus, Green looks much better than purple. >.>

Purple is awful and makes my eyes rain.

Downgrade confirmed.

Unless you like green.

But no one likes green.

Blue is the best color of course (fact) but sadly it has already been claimed. Green's not so bad, though!