New Kingdom Hearts 2.8 and 3 Footage.

Davey Gaga

Under you like a G.U.Y.
Jun 18, 2006
Glasgow City Centre, Scotland.
Am I the only KH fan left?!

Well, I don't blame you all, as SE has released a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts: Final Chapter Prologue, with a brief teaser of Kingdom Hearts II towards the end, suggesting that more effort is being placed in tying up the spin-offs before the last main title in the series is released. There is nothing ground-breaking in either of the trailers, but the lack of distinctly new footage from the KH3 trailer suggests that development is progressing more slowly than we would hope.

As a refresher, Kingdom Hearts II.8: Final Chapter Prologue will contain main console HD versions of Dream Drop Distance, Birth by Sleep 0.2: A Fragmentary Passage (showing Aqua's time in the Realm of Darkness) and, finally, Kingdom Hearts X: Back Cover (HD cinematics of "a tale yet untold"). The imagery used here suggests it's a story unrelated to anything we've seen so far, but seems to cover Xehanort's "betrayal".

Towards the end, the KH3 trailer showcases the use of Flowmotion, first seen in 3D's battle system, as well as what appears to be Sora using a Shotlock - special moves first seen in Birth by Sleep. KH3 also boasts a much stronger gaming engine, evident here in a truly stunning graphic design of every world.

Both titles are still in development with no release date announced.

I'm a marluxia fan and finally seeing his nobodies was a nice taste for me.

Anyone noticed how sora can go into bushes now?