Signature Shops/Request Section Guidelines

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Gingerbread Lesbian

Dec 30, 2007

1) As stated directly above, you must have 50 or more posts (ie. Full Member) before you are allowed to request for a GFX design of any sort unless the designer specifies in their signature shop that they will accept requests from members with a lower post count than 50.

2) Please do not spam your way up to 50 posts in order to request a GFX design. First and foremost spam is against the site rules and posts will be checked to ensure they're not spam. Should you be found spamming in order to request a GFX design, your request will be cancelled until you work your way up to 50 posts properly.

3) You may only request for a GFX design/Signature & Avatar set once every 10 days. Not only does it looks suspicious on your part, it's also unnecessary and gives designers chance to complete other requests should they feel overloaded and/or need time.

4) Give credit to the designer. Unless the designer grants you permission to not have to credit them, you must give them credit at all times. It's not your work, they spent a long time designing it and should you be seen using the request without crediting the designer will be informed in which they may wish for you to stop using their GFX until credit is given.

5) Should you wish to use the request on another forum, you must gain permission off the designer. Should you be seen using a request design on another forum without permission the designer will be contacted and you will be given an 8-point infraction. You will also be postponed from requesting a design dependent on the seriousness of the issue for a set period of time. This will be discussed amongst the staff and yourself in the prison thread.

6) Furthermore, if you have been granted to use the design request on another forum, you must provide the link of the forum that you wish to use it on so that we can monitor the use of the sig. Should you not provide a link, you will be given only one warning before you will be postponed from making a request for a set period of time.

7) Do not whinge about how long a GFX design is taking to be created. Should any posts be seen doing this they will be deleted and the request may be cancelled until the next 10 days is up.

8) Do not request a GFX design in someone else's request thread, make your own. This enables us to keep track of who is requesting and how often and keeps the thread uncluttered. If you request a GFX design in someone else's thread, your post will be deleted. You may not post comments in someone else's request thread either unless you are the designer who wishes to take up a request or has questions about the request, or the thread creator. Any other posts will be deleted.

9) Please be aware of the specific rules in each of the designers GFX Shops, should they not want requests for specific things. Do not request them. The designers also have the right to turn down requests if they see fit.

10) Please be specific in what you are requesting for. State whether you want a signature, avatar, both (a set), banner etc. This makes it easier for the designer to understand exactly what you want.

11) When creating request threads please:
- State what type of GFX design you want.
- Give the stock or render you wish to have in your GFX request.
- Size of the signature (500x200 or below).
- Colour schemes & other details you may wish to have.
- Text you want to be included (if applicable).

12) Again, please note that your request does not have to be taken or can be turned down. Designer's shops may also vary in terms of what you can or cannot specifically request so if they wish to have something changed, take note of their comments and try to work with them. If a designer feels uncomfortable with certain details, your request may not be as good as it could be.

13) Request threads will be locked 3 days after all designers have submitted their final designs and the creator is happy with them.

14) All general forum rules apply:

  • [*]Signatures and avatars:
Please remember that the size limit for signatures is 500x200 pixels and 100x100 pixels for avatars. If you are found to have passed the limit, the staff will ask you to edit the signature to its appropriate size. The staff also has the right to change the size of the signature if he/she deems it absolutely necessary (for instance, a member not logging in for days therefore unable to make the appropriate changes as soon as possible) or if there are any inappropriate contents involved.

  • [*]Copyright Infringement/Plagiarism:
Basically do not post something which does not belongs to you. This includes copying posts from others and reposting them in other areas, claiming a piece of media (signatures, banners, music, art, et cetera) and/ or ideas as if it were your own and/or without giving prior credit to the rightful owner. You can, use other people's work as reference as long as you do not duplicate it exactly as it is written. We do know that ideas are not always original and that most pieces of literature/art/media were based on previous projects but please, but please refrain from duplicating other's work without prior consent from the author. If you are caught doing this, you will receive an infraction and a suspension might be or not issued depending on the level of infringement to this rule.
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