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  1. M

    Mauzzsi's artwork

    Yeah so, I had an art thread a long time ago but it probably vanished because I haven't been posting in a couple of months. I got the ban from devart and i don't know when I'll be posting new artwork so bare with me here. All of this stuff is just like...really old. dawwwww yeah this...
  2. M

    Best & Worsts Discussion

    IDK Rulia, those pants really made me want to go 'wtf was the costume designer thinking' i mean, they give us balthier, fran, penelo, the judges, then all of a sudden it was like IM REDDAS, LOOK AT MY PINK AND PUKE GREEN PANTS.
  3. M

    Who is more terryfing?

    I'd have to say Rinoa.
  4. M

    I admit it it, I do not like this game.

    grape smuggling pants? lol not all the outfits were bad, I actually like Ashe's, well some of it, but I think Penelo's was a good one >:3
  5. M

    I admit it it, I do not like this game.

    I enjoyed the lack of sappy romance for once, not that romance is bad but jeezus. the storyline imo was pretty good although sometimes it did get a bit boring, but seriously not everything can be what you want it to be the character costumes I wuv, some I think are blasphemy...
  6. M

    Your ideal character

    Male Hair - Seymour or Zell Face - ...Seymour Voice - Ghis Body - Auron or Zell Strength - Steiner Personality - Well none of them exactly light up the room...I guess Steiner Weapon - The fan...sword that turns into a staff...thing Clothes - Auron Female Hair - Quistis Face - Rikku Voice -...
  7. M

    Who is the best out of Zell and Squall

    Zell acted way over excited most of the time and he was a bit too eccentric, but he's got a good head on his shoulders and great moral attitude, I think he'd grow up to be a great leader or something. He's also ridiculously loyal to Squall, who, imo, disregards him and doesn't realize what a...
  8. M

    Some of my artwork

    Did this one yesterday
  9. M

    Some of my artwork

    Monsuraute the Pusillanimous Another W.I.P of Monsuraute, this one might have a back round, but idk
  10. M

    Show Quina a little bit of love huh?

    I've never had serious beef with Quina, besides I <3 Blue mages
  11. M

    The Yaoi fanclub

    I'd like to join if it's ok
  12. M

    Ff7 Vs. Ff8

    well sry, but I prefer VIII over VII, that's just me
  13. M

    Ff7 Vs. Ff8

    I'd have to say VIII, I liked the characters a lot more, and it was just more fun for me, thats about it I suppose, and Ultimecia was like woah
  14. M

    Your thoughts on Sephiroth

    He never really impressed me, but then again a lot of the FF villains haven't given me a real buzz. cept maybe kefka... but srsly, he's too popular for his own good, and I get pretty angry when people have a nerdgasm whenever they hear his name, I mean, he's not THAT special. He could've had...
  15. M

    Paris Hilton Is Dead!!

    that's pretty mean >.>
  16. M

    Thank The Member Above You

    thank you for the compliment! I drew it myself :3
  17. M

    My first impressions

    I think you'll really enjoy the game, good luck with it! :)
  18. M

    Thank The Member Above You

    thanks for bein a nice person :3
  19. M

    Selphie useless?

    actually I enjoyed Selphie, I know a lot of people don't like her, but her limit break really helped me out in tight spots sometimes