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  1. Chaos Theory


    Where you live, do you get all 4 seasons? I mean a *Winter* where you drop to 50 degrees is not a winter. I mean, do you get a real Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter? We get a long Winter (Usually 4-5 months) and the other 7-8 months are divided amongst the other 3 seasons. Our temperatures...
  2. Chaos Theory


    No shows about CSI? Pff. The original CSI is a work of pure genius. I tune in every Thursday at 9. Great series it 'tis.
  3. Chaos Theory

    Most Dissapointing Game.

    What game(s) were you looking forward to, that just ended up severely dissapointing you? For me, I'd have to say it was Midnight Club 2, I loved the first one, but the second one was horrible.
  4. Chaos Theory

    Star Wars

    Possibly the most legendary trilogy (The original) of all time. One of my personal favorites. The only good one of the new 3, I felt, was Episode III.
  5. Chaos Theory

    Lord of the Rings

    Who doesn't like this movie? I mean seriously. These 3 movies are my all time favorite movies. Anybody else like 'em?
  6. Chaos Theory

    Favorite Type of music

    What is YOUR favorite type of music? Mine would have to be Classic Rock. <3
  7. Chaos Theory

    Nintendo Nintendo 64

    Well, I don't see where it says only classic games, so how about a classic console? I had so many hours logged in on my many good memories with that system. Mario Kart 64 Star Fox 64 Goldeneye Etc. Etc...
  8. Chaos Theory

    Gears of War

    Qutie possibly the best game on the Xbox 360 at this time. This game is simply incredible. The best graphics of any next-generation game I have seen yet.
  9. Chaos Theory

    XBox Xbox Live

    Now, I just bought Xbox Live about a week ago, and it's pretty fun, I'm not good at multiplayer, but it's still good. Anyone else have it?
  10. Chaos Theory


    EASILY one of my favorite bands, they just are such good songwriters. Bad, Pride, and Sunday Bloody Sunday are among my favorite songs of ALL TIME. They are just a really good band that any fan of classic rock should listen to.
  11. Chaos Theory

    Led Zeppelin

    A great classic rock band, as well as amazingly influential with loads of great songs. Some personal favorites are Misty Mountain Hope Boogie With Stu When the Levee Breaks All of My Love Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp and MANY more.
  12. Chaos Theory

    Guns N' Roses

    I love GNR, they have some amazing songs, a few being: Paradise City Patience Welcome to the Jungle November Rain Nightrain Etc. Anybody else like them?
  13. Chaos Theory

    Best FPS

    There have been many First Person Shooters over time, but which ones stand out as the elite of the elite? In my personal opinion, it is between Halo and Resistance: Fall of Man, with Halo edging out Resistance.
  14. Chaos Theory

    PS3 vs XBOX360

    At the moment, the 360 has the upper hand over the PS3 in terms of just about everything. But I have confidence that in time, the PS3 will catch back up to the 360. Sony had better hope at least. What do you guys think will happen/Is happening?
  15. Chaos Theory

    Assassin's Creed

    I, for one, am looking forward to this game moreso than any other at the moment. It looks incredible to say the least. Anybody else plan on getting it?
  16. Chaos Theory


    Oooh, this looks to be a good forum. Anyhoo, my name is Jerry, I'm new to FF but not to forums in general, I like Classic Rock/Rock, video games and the like. I hope to enjoy my stay here, becaues I don't forsee myself leaving anytime soon. =D