Search results

  1. Koph

    Serious What do you look for in a boyfriend/ girlfriend

    I like to look for individualness (is that even a word? xD), someone who doesn't follow the crowd, someone unique. I think I may have already found that person... complicated. But I look for someone who is honest, someone who can share anything with me and not keep secrets. I believe someone's...
  2. Koph


    What is your opinion on it? Personally, I'm quite fond of Beer, I'm only 15 but my parents allow me to have one now and again. Its weird since only a few months ago, it tasted horrible to me, but after acquiring the taste of shandy, Beer started to taste nicer. So do you like/dislike...
  3. Koph

    Japanese Songs Recommendation

    Galneryus... Japanese power metal ftw! Their live versions are better than their studio in my opinion \M/ Also
  4. Koph

    How can anyone enjoy this?

    ...I think I just died a little inside ;_; :cry: The fact that animals don't have any say, they cant resist or cry for help... animal abuse makes me sick. I would happily crush anyone who enjoys doing this :angry:
  5. Koph

    Hi!! Finally ppl who Luv FF as much as me ^_^

    Welcome to the forums :D
  6. Koph

    Lightning's Switchblade

    Thats a great help :D Thanks, I'l do a rough sketch of it, at least I've got the shape of the blade now.
  7. Koph

    US Soldiers remake Lady Gaga Telephone song

    Most soldiers on the front-line today have a fun sense of humour in grim times, it can only be a good thing!
  8. Koph

    Harro to ye all

    :ohshit: Its a conspiracy :wacky:
  9. Koph

    Request Siggy

    I'm only a beginner so I guess I'm just getting practice so I needed ideas to make a sig anyway xD
  10. Koph

    Lightning's Switchblade

    That aint it but it looks pretty epic. I'l see if I can find a cut scene with it on youtube.
  11. Koph

    Lightning's Switchblade

    Yeah it will take me awhile but I'l be sure to get it done :D
  12. Koph


    Welcome, I'm fairly new as well :D
  13. Koph

    I hate Chocolate

    I'm a chocoholic... I have way to much of the stuff. [Mod Edit: Can you please elaborate more on your posts in post count sections. One liners are usually regarded as spam and may be deleted next time. Thanks.]
  14. Koph

    Rate The Sig And Avatar Above You V2

    10/10, hot set for sure ;) You mean likes this Seiji? I added a border but I think the top right section is a bit bare, I'l probably move the text elsewhere and add something to the right courner.
  15. Koph

    Home Schooling

    I would say that humans should be given a choice in life... keeping one in a public school for 12 years is rather restricting. Personally, me being in school at the moment, I don't mind it, but I'd rather self teach myself. Unfortunately lots of people have the view that if you don't go to...
  16. Koph

    [V3] What's Your Mood?

    Mood: CBA Reason: Iunno... I have to do lots of work for tommorow and its already 9.45 ._., I'm in the mood where I can't be bothered to do much apart from browse stuff. I would grind on FF but I cba... etc
  17. Koph

    What time do you go to bed?

    I go to bed at around 11-1 A.M, but I find I can usually get up naturally at around 6-7 a.m... I've been used to getting up early. But tonight I have to do around 10 pages of work...
  18. Koph

    Rate The Sig And Avatar Above You V2

    Icon: 9/10 - Simply put, Cute =P Although a border could have improved it. Sig: 8/10 - Love the design and what you've done as a border <3 Haven't used GIMP in... ages, knocked this up in 10 mins so I had a sig :P
  19. Koph

    Lightning's Switchblade

    I've been searching religiously but to no avail, to find a picture of lightning's switchblade. Reason being I wish to produce a replica, using stainless steal, heh that would make a change to making my sandwiches in the morning xD
  20. Koph

    FFXIII: Favorite Characters

    I love Fang... definitely the hottest FFXIII character :P And her accent... <3 She's badass and has that pure determination look. I also like Snow, however rubbish some of his tactics may be I love him for the fact he never gives up xD