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  1. chrono trigger

    New to the main series: where to start?

    Final Fantasy IX is the best starting point as it has great characters,gameplay,music,imaginative world and by far the most amusing lead character in the series. Final Fantasy VII is another strong contender too with a great plot, iconic villain, secret characters to recruit, gold saucer etc...
  2. chrono trigger

    What are the "true" hang ups of 12.

    My main dislikes of XII was the gambit system and poor character development among the main party. Also i felt the game was made to be more like a MMORPG without being an MMORPG which is no good for me as im not keen on them games.
  3. chrono trigger

    The most tragic death in Final Fantasy?

    Aeris/Aerith- if only she had not gone by herself. Raine- so glad others mentioned how sad this was as well. Brahne- i hated her until her last moments, then with her final words and Garnets grief i wished she could have been saved. Tidus- as the main character it was very shocking that he...
  4. chrono trigger

    [24/7] "Prequel Trilogy" trademarked

    Interesting, i hope as you say it isn't for final fantasy XIII because that story has been played out now. I would love a prequel trilogy based on a earlier final fantasy.
  5. chrono trigger

    Zack or Cloud

    im team cloud as zack just wasnt as interesting a character for me and i loved cloud going crazy for a bit in the game.
  6. chrono trigger

    The Downfall of Final Fantasy.

    i agree with you about final fantasy becoming a cash cow and it's really sad when you think how great the games used to be under squaresoft but ever since they joined with enix the series has been dieing a very slow death. however im still hoping for final fantasy to make a comeback in terms of...
  7. chrono trigger

    The Downfall of Final Fantasy.

    I think the series has been going downhill for some time sadly but i still think the problems can be fixed. All they need to do is 1. give us back complete control over the party in battle rather than just play as the one character. 2. create villians of the same caliber you used too like...
  8. chrono trigger

    [06/12] Dengeki AND Famitsu Rate FFXIII-2 Perfectly, DLC Sazh? & Miscellaneous Info

    Im still worried about this game:worried: as i dont like that their will only be two playable characters and sazh (the best character in XIII) is reduced to downloaded content.:mad: The only thing im looking forward to in this game is the antagonist caius who im hoping will be as good a baddie...
  9. chrono trigger

    FFVIII : Love It Or Hate It?

    i agree it's one of the best, i reckon the main reason it was disliked by some is because it came after VII which was always going to be hard for any final fantasy.
  10. chrono trigger

    Why is Rydia More Popular than Rosa?

    i like rydia better because she was more fun to have in your party with her fantastic spells and summoning abilities while rosa only really had healing spells. also rosa had less personality and was mainly in the game to just be cecil love interest. despite all that i still like rosa just not...
  11. chrono trigger

    FFIX: Love it or Hate it?

    this and VII are the best of final fantasy.
  12. chrono trigger

    Aerith or Aeris

    i will always call her aeris because i just cant get used to calling her anything else.
  13. chrono trigger

    Final Fantasy 15 Ideas!

    make sure there are towns to explore and i will be happy.
  14. chrono trigger

    FFXIII: Love It or Hate It?

    just beat it today and i loved it exept chapter 13 which annoyed me because alot of the fights take awhile to beat well they did for me anyway but overall great game with one of the strongest stories in final fantasy ever.
  15. chrono trigger

    How could XII have been better?

    CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT thats all i will say Please put more effort into your post and say why that could have been improved. Cheers.
  16. chrono trigger

    Help FFXIII: [CH10 SPOILER ALERT] Boss Fight Help

    i found him difficult aswell but i used lightning as a commando and fang as a saboteur and vanile as a medic and it worked for me but it takes awhile
  17. chrono trigger

    Early thoughts/impressions?

    im at chapter five and im loving it.the only problem i have had is no towns which takes the sense of exploration out of the fav characters are sazh,vanille,lightning
  18. chrono trigger

    FFXIII - Worth Getting?

    well i was worried aswell but i have to say i have enjoyed it so far i mean its not perfect but i like this battle system more than XII and the characters are more developed which im happy about so i say try it out
  19. chrono trigger

    spoilers please

    for those that may know can you give me any spoilers regarding plot developments in ff13 like who the main baddy is and are there any traitors
  20. chrono trigger

    Hardest Boss in the Final Fantasy Series...

    hardest final boss zeromous or kefka or ultimecia who did you find the most difficult to beat out of them three as i found them to be the most difficult particuarly ultimecia