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  1. KingSean

    Colourful Expressions - Graphic Design Shop

    wow Kira thats awsome!. thanks alot :D. could you make me a quick avatar with it? just with Sean in it. would love that. and again thankyouu!.
  2. KingSean

    Colourful Expressions - Graphic Design Shop

    Hello Kira! Since i wanna make a new start on this forum. I was wondering if you could make me a set. With this picture: Link Size doesnt really matter just give it a Kira look. Text: King Sean. SubText: Everyone is born with a talent. I really hope you accept my request this time. :gonk...
  3. KingSean

    Colourful Expressions - Graphic Design Shop

    Hey Kira, long time ago ive been here ghehe, Was wondering Could you make me a set. With this picture: Link Avi: Avatar style: Just give it a Kira effect :D Text: Sean. Sig: Text: Sean. Subtext: The legend who fly's without wings. I know you will do great. Thank youuuu. Any questions...
  4. KingSean

    Frazer's Graphic Shop

    may i ask why you do all requests except for mine?
  5. KingSean

    Frazer's Graphic Shop yes there is its a game i play. and i will cred you here + that forum. i really need the emblem so would be great if you can make something. something with a Crown if possible. i wont steal it if you think i will. im not like that, i used to be photoshopper long...
  6. KingSean

    Frazer's Graphic Shop

    Credits on this forum and on =) i will also make a post to show people.
  7. KingSean

    Frazer's Graphic Shop

    Get at mine to :( please x
  8. KingSean

    Frazer's Graphic Shop

    HELLO!!! :D Nice work in here, Could you make me a Set. Someonething that looks like this one. avi size max 200x200. sig size: 160x480 / 180x500 But the avatar text : Origin. and the Signature text : Origin, and with small letters somewhere Clan Leader : Sean. colours and stuff at...
  9. KingSean

    Avatar request.

    Hello guys i need an avatar max size 200x200. The avatar needs my clan name in it. Clan name: Origin. with a nice font if possible maybe something like the Diablo logo. or some 3d texture. these are just examples i like to give you guys a view of what iam looking for. ofcourse it...
  10. KingSean

    Frazer's Graphic Shop

    Devo: :holyshit: HOLY SHT LOL! this is awsome, thank you so much sakura. i think shes gonna love this :$ :x3::x3::x3::x3::x3:
  11. KingSean

    Frazer's Graphic Shop

    Yo i see your work and its kinda awsome :o, i posted this request in cali's shop but hes busy and was sick, so he told me take a look at sakura's shop :D so here i am hihi, can you do sumthing with this photo? some nice effects or a bigger signature or idk, with like 400,600 or idk :D that...
  12. KingSean

    SOTW 181 Voting Thread.

    i couldnt pick 1 or 7. but it became 1 for me love the way the eyes come out, actually all entries supprised me :O great job,
  13. KingSean

    ◖LEADING . R U S E◗ Cali's GFX Shop

    Yo cali, replaced the request to sakura, as u told me, but thanks anyway mate, peace
  14. KingSean

    Birthday present.

    Hello guys, One of my best friend's birthday is coming. So i wanted this photo to be done with sumthing cool and new. So if the photoshoppa's would give this a try i would really appreciate it. Ofcourse ill rep and Creds to maker. Thanks guys, and thanks alot for the people who giving...
  15. KingSean

    Request picture.

    doesnt really matter but if u wanna make a sig of it thats also fine ;]
  16. KingSean

    Request picture.

    Hey Guys, i stopped photoshopping for a while so maybe u can do this, ^ that picture ^ Size: just add size you think u need doesnt really matter ;] Text: izabela Sub text: She shines just like a star. its for a good friend of mine so just...
  17. KingSean

    Colourful Expressions - Graphic Design Shop

    ok now problem, thanks for your honesty. hope you feel like photoshopping soon again. so good luck, bye bye.
  18. KingSean

    Colourful Expressions - Graphic Design Shop

    i just like your work ;p but does it mean you could do it later? or do u want me to ask someone else ;o cuz if u recommend me to ask someone else thats also fine, but i justed want to tell u that i can wait till u have time thats no problem at all ;)
  19. KingSean

    Colourful Expressions - Graphic Design Shop

    Hey kira, i stopped photoshopping for a while so can u do this for me <3. ^ that picture ^ Size: just add size you think u need doesnt really matter ;] Text: izabela Sub text: When i look in those eyes. / or / She shines just like a star...
  20. KingSean

    Artistico's Place.

    27-10-2010 More as promised. Enjoy. :D