Recent content by ikenjix

  1. I

    I made the Fusion Sword/First Tsurugi!

    Ey thank you! I have thought about selling these types of things. Just gotta practice my craft more :D
  2. I

    I made the Fusion Sword/First Tsurugi!

    Thanks so much! Means a lot. A lot of time went into designing this thing it really was a pain lol. But i think it was good i spent that long. Made the end result better than I expected.
  3. I

    I made the Fusion Sword/First Tsurugi!

    I just joined this forum, so I'm not too sure which forum this would fall under so I decided to put it in this one. Just thought it'd be nice to share my love (even if small) for FF on here :D Heres the video: