We need Voice Actors for our Final Fantasy OTR project!


I am MILK, the Protein Paladin!
Oct 20, 2012
We need Voice Actors! [CLOSED]

Ah, here we go again. Ok, so the thing is that we need a lot of voices for our OTR project (OTR means Old Time Radio, for you youngsters out there who don't know of the good ol' days).

There are only a couple of things that you should remember when auditioning:
1. You can audition for multiple characters. How ever many you think you can handle (of course that doesn't mean you'll automatically get them).
2. You do not have to sound exactly like the characters, just try to do as best you can to fit their personalities.
Other information about auditioning is listed at the page linked below.

Now, the original post I had written on the first site I went to took me a long time to write, so I'm simply going to give you the link to it. It has all of the information you'll need.
Also, this is critically important to remember: When you send in your auditions, you must include the main email address that you use and you must remember who you're cast for, because I am very tired of having to recast people when someone continuously neglects to respond to my emails.

Here is the link to the original post:
Make sure to read all of the post, all the way to the bottom. If you decide to audition (and don't happen to have a VAA account) then send me your auditions through PM on this site.

It is also stated in the original post, but for reasonable purposes I'll say it again: The list of characters is only the ones currently needed. More will be added as they become relevant to the story. But not all characters will be given big roles. So please keep in mind that if you are auditioning for someone, that character may not have a big or important role. I have made sure to include all of the characters we have planned, though. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
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