The Effys! [Information]

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Pale Flesh
Apr 5, 2009
Locked Away

The Effys
Final Fantasy Forums Annual Roleplay Awards

Do you ever spy a magnificent RP post which happens to catch your eye? Or had fun with a new member of the roleplay community? Maybe you've also joined a roleplay with an incredible setup and an enjoyable storyline!? Well now you can give credit where credit is due by nominating your favorites into The Effys, an awards competition that wishes to give credit to those who work hard to contribute to the Roleplay community here at FFF. All information and update about this event will happen in this thread.

What is an Effy?
An Effy is an award that acknowledges the talent of a particular member as they take part in the RP community. At the start of November, all roleplay participants will have the chance to nominate their favorites over the past year into several categories. Once all of the nominees are voted for, the results will be posted at the end of the month and the winners will receive an Effy award title and a small tag to wear in their signature space.

How does something get nominated?
Any roleplayer, roleplay game, or roleplay character that has been active since December of the last year(2012) can be nominated. Simply PM their name to a moderator. Members can nominate TWO choices for each category. Members cannot nominate themselves.

Nominations will begin in September and end on the first of November. Send your nominations to a moderator of the Roleplay Central forum section(Exoskeleton or ‎Noblesse Oblige).

Can a roleplay/er be nominated more than once?
Yes. If a roleplay/er is active within the last year, they can be nominated for each of the appropriate categories.

What makes a roleplayer Active?
If they post more than three times a month, they are sufficiently active enough to be nominated.

When will this event take place?
The nominations begin at the start of September and end on the 1st of November. Voting for nominees will begin on November 2nd and end on November 23rd. The results of the voting and the winners will be announced the following week of November.

What happens if you win?
If a nominee wins in a category he/she/it will win the coveted Effy award along with an Effy Tag and a place in FFF history in the FFF Roleplayer's Hall of Fame. All winners will also receive prizes of gil and a colored username

What happens if you lose?
There are no losers here! If a nominees is not awarded an Effy from the results, they will still get an honorable mention in the FFF Roleplayer's Hall of Fame.

What exactly is the Roleplayer's Hall of Fame?
The Roleplayer's Hall of Fame is where champions of literary genius and products of otherworldly scripture are immortalized in FFF history. The projects and members here are essential parts of the FFF Roleplay community.

What are the categories?
Roleplay of the Year - For the roleplay that was most enjoyed of them all!
Roleplayer of the Year - For that RPer who is a shining example of a fantastic roleplayer!
Most Improved Roleplayer - For that RPer whose roleplay skills have improved vastly!
Most Active Roleplayer - For the Rper who never fails to miss a post!
Most Creative Roleplay character - For that unique RP character who just happens to catch your eye!(NPCs may be nominated as well.)
Most Cooperative Roleplayer - For that RPer who gets along with just about everybody!
Most Helpful Roleplayer - For that RPer who seems to spend more time helping out the newer posters in RP101.
Best ORPG Roleplay - For the original RP idea that trumps them all!
Best URPG Roleplay - For the Unoriginal RP Idea that trumps them all!
Best RPB Roleplay - For the most epic RP battle of the year!

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