RP Bio Format Information

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Pale Flesh
Apr 5, 2009
Locked Away

Bio Format Information

Welcome! If you are in this thread then your intent must be to create a bio for a character to RP with! If you are an experienced RPer perhaps you may wish to look up some tips to improve your bio creation? Or maybe you're a newcomer wishing to burst onto the RP scene with a totally awesome kick-ass character! Whatever your skill level or intentions, below are some quick links to posts that can help you with whatever you wish to know about creating a character to use in our fantastic RP community! I hope this thread helps! Enjoy your stay here!


~ FFF Bio Template ~
A link to the skeleton template of our FFF RPC bio. Experienced members need only scroll down or click here to get the outline for their next RP character masterpiece!

~ The Bio Template Explained ~
A link to the updated bio format. This section includes thorough explanation of what is expected of each section in the template. It also includes tips from mods that can prove most useful to newcomers and veterans alike!

~ Accepted Alternate Bio Formats ~
This link will take you to the alternate bio formats. Additional information includes which bios can be used in which sections and whether each bio is friendly with casual, beginner, experienced, or detailed RPers.

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FFF Bio Template

FFF Biography Template

Yellow - Required
Bright Yellow - Optional
Bright Green - Optional Merge













First Impression






Fighting Style




Other Skills


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The Bio Format Explained

The Bio Format Explained

This section is for those people who wish to have more detail as to what is required in each of the sections of the bio. If you are a new-comer then this section is a must read guide to get you started on making a strong, well rounded, fully fleshed out character! ^_^

These are the rules that one must follow in terms of formatting their bio. If you have a bio in a different format, and you want to keep it, you can, but only if you submit it to a mod and they approve of its use. This can be done via PM.

If you have a current bio not in this format, you do not need to change to this format. However, it is HIGHLY recommended that you do. It will improve clarity for other members as well as for current or future moderators.

Yellow written tabs, are required.
Bright Yellow tabs are optional, but are preferred if applicable.
Bright Green tabs mark required tabs that you can cram together into one. Instead of writing them in separate sections you can write them all under one section.
Spoiler buttons include tips one may need to consider before filling out a section. (Tips provided by RP moderators.)

Detailed FFF Biography Format

OSRPG/ORPG/URPG/RPB - A brief declaration of what kind of RP your character is intended for. Required Section

If you want your character to be able to participate in a RPB, you must state RPB at this point. Be aware that characters tagged for RPB will be looked on in much deeper detail and will in general be harder to get approved than a non RPB character.

Name – Your character’s first, middle, and last name. Required Section

Please refrain from using random words like 'shadow' and 'chaos'[in the name].
Even if this is [your character's] name, it is doubtful that the character is given this name.

Title – Any title that you have decided to grace your character with. You must describe where the title comes from and how the title relates to your character. Optional Section

If your character has a title, explain it's origin here or in the history tab.

Alignment – Your character’s moral alignment, in terms of Good, Neutral, or Evil. Required Section

Exoskeleton said:
This can include the different types of each category, including chaotic good/neutral/evil.

Race – Your character’s race. Briefly describe the physical appearance of the race. If your character has several bloodlines, describe the appearance of each one, and the effect that each race has on his abilities (give specific details in the Abilities Section). Required Section

If anything other than human, you need to explain the race here. Take note to add normal behavior generally found in the race, general physical builds even though your character has the same. Any racial skills that may or may not be useful.

Gender – Male, Female, Ambiguous, or Genderless. Required Section

Age – Give a general estimate on the age of your character, in Earth years. If not in Earth years, give us an estimate of how many Earth years your character appears to have(based on looks). Or you may estimate how many Earth years are in one of your character's years. Required Section

Appearance – Describe what your character looks like (please keep sexual content to a minimum). Give us a muscular structure, any defining features on his/her skin/outer layer, the shape of the body, weight, height, etc. Give details on the hair color, hairstyle, eye color, ear shape(if not human), facial expression, number of fingers on your character(if not human), scars, tattoos, etc. Leave nothing out, and be as imaginative and descriptive as possible. If you wish to place an image, this is very much welcome however a text description is still required. If your character has a transformation, do not describe it here(This section is for a default appearance), and place it in the transformation section. (Can be merged with Armour/Attire) Required Section

Leave nothing out, and be as imaginative and descriptive as possible.
When making it, and if you have an image, look at it and detail what you see, the text description should be good enough so that the picture is not needed as there are those that cannot see images hosted on specific sites.
Images are great, but are considered secondary to a full text description. This way, in case the image fails to load, there is the text description on which to fall back.

Be as descriptive as possible. I want to be able to recognize your character from your description if s/he walked past me on the street.

Attire – This is what your character wears if/while they aren't wearing armor. Describe your character's clothing here. Give everything from material to colours/patterns to , etc. This includes hats, shoes, leg-wear, body-clothing, socks, etc. If your character regularly wears armor, state it here("N/A") and DO NOT describe the amour, unless you make the attire and armor tab into one. Like the Appearance, you can have an image here as well. (Can be merged with Appearance/Armour) Required Section

Armour – In this section, you describe the appearance and properties of the armor your character wears. If your character does not wear armor, state it here("N/A"). Describe the appearance of the armor, give details on patterns or symbols of the armour. Describe the thickness of it, what materials it is made out of, what parts of the body it does/does not cover, and what magical properties or otherwise it may have. (Can be merged with Appearance/Attire) Required Section

Transformation – If your character has a transformation deviating from their default appearance please describe the appearance of what their transformation looks like here. Please be as descriptive as possible including noticeable changes from default appearance. Optional Section*

Personality – Give us details on how your character acts, how they treat others, what they say, how they react, etc. Tell us how your character reacts when they are alone or in a crowd. Write how your character see's the world. Required Section

Be very imaginative, and leave as little as possible out.
Answer these questions in your description and it should help a lot.
-How is your character around friends?
-How is you character if alone and bored?
-How is s/he if insulted by someone larger than him/herself?
-if someone accidentally trips and spills a mug of water on you char, but apologizes after, how does your char react?
-What opinion does your char have on the following:
|-Killing the innocent.
|-Killing evildoers (bandits and the like).
|-Killing in self defense regardless of the person.
Expand, expand, expand

First Impression – This tab is for the first impression others get about your character, be aware that people tend to make a mental impression based on any person's appearance. So if your character dresses like a bum, one might assume as much. Try to get a sense of how others see your character upon meeting them for the first time.Required Section

Note that the first impression is made upon first glance, you should state here what a different person (character) might notice when seeing you for the first time.
Add how he will react if approached and randomly talked to.

Strength – This is a section completely devoted to the physical strength of your character. Describe to us his/her brute strength, such as how much he/she can lift, how much damage they can do to a brick/wooden wall, for example, in a single punch.Required Section

It is also possible, but not recommended, to state how much damage a punch would do to an opposing character if the opponent’s health was at 500 (with minimal defensive capabilities), and give your damage a numerical value. DO NOT automatically assume that every character's health is recorded by numerical values. This is simply a ratio for the mods to understand. Remember to keep this within the God-Modding rules of the forum.
Keep in mind that physical strength comes from the muscles, slender bodies have less of them.
A very strong fighter that focuses on physical strength don't do more than 120-140 out of 500 if you use the numerical version.

Vitality – This section will detail the physical and magical defensive properties of your character. State how much damage you would take from an attack, both from a typical physical and magical strike(it is HIGHLY suggested that you DO NOT use numerical values for these). If your character has any special augmentations that increase either defensive property, you should mention them here. If it is an ability, further detail can go into the Abilities tag. Required Section

Exoskeleton said:
It is unlikely that someone of a slender build will be able to take a heavy physical punch to the chest without pain or harm.
Keep in mind that this follows the strength tab, the more muscle and the stronger your char, the more punishment he can take.

Stamina – This is a section devoted completely to the stamina of your character in terms of how long they can keep up physical activity before they have to take a short breather: fighting, running, etc. Keep this within God-Modding rules of the forum as well as logical limits. Required Section

State how long a character can go in fighting at full. Also add how long your char can run at full speed, again keep this logical.

Speed – This is a section devoted to the speed of your character. In this section, state how quickly your character can run at top speed (after a build-up), how quickly you can sidestep, and how fast your attacks are. Once again, keep this within the God-Modding rules of the forum. Required Section

Keep this logical, try and state the speed one can reach in good conditions.
Take note that baggy clothes and skirts and the like will make the wind slow you down.
When stating speeds, use both kmh and mph, you can do this by using google.com.
An Olympic sprinter tops out at around 23 MPH.

Reflexes – This is a section devoted to the reflexes of your character. State how quickly your character can react, such as how long it will take for them to realize they’re being attacked, if they can react to an arrow, etc. Keep this within God-Modding rules of the forum. Required Section

Regardless of how fast your character is, it is severely doubtful that he can dodge bullets that have already been fired.
Keep this site in mind, so a common today rifle bullet moves at 4000 feet (1200 meters) per second, that is fast as hell.
Arrows from a distance is different, though keep in mind that your char will not always know that they are fired.

Fighting Style – In this section, state how your character fights. Give details on their methods, such as if they resort to cowardly tactics, if they fight with honor, etc. Also, state the actual style of fighting, such as a specific martial arts style or street fighting, etc. and make sure to describe what the essential tactics for each of those styles are. Required Section

Weapons – In this section, describe the weapon(s) that your character carries. If it is a specific relic or ancient weapon, describe its history. Also, state any effects these weapons will have on your magic or abilities, as well as any inherent properties that are embedded in the weapon. Make sure to describe each detail specifically, with as much imagination as you can put into it. Remember, your weapon should not be indestructible, as that takes away from the preciousness of it to your character, and its importance. Originality is greatly encouraged here. Each weapon should be described separately. If your character does not use weapons, state it here('N/A'). Required Section

-Blades: How long is the blade?

-Bows: How many arrows does your character carry on them at any given time?

-Guns: How does your character reload? How much ammunition does your character carry on them at any given time?

Abilities – State any specific physical abilities your character has here. For each ability, you must describe the general appearance, the theoretical effects, and the duration of any long-standing skills. These skills can range from the use of artifacts, such as pendants, to a shout or power up that gives you more strength. If your character uses Chi, Ki, or any other form of bodily/mental/external energy to fuel their attacks, you must state it here. If your character uses energy, you should state how much each energy attack will cost you. Required Section

This is NOT magic, that has its own section. This section should not include effects of weapons as those should be listed along with the description of the weapon itself.

Magic – This is the section where magic goes. In here, you state the type or element (Fire, Earth, Air, Wind, Water, Lightning, Aether, Arcane, Necromancy, etc.) of your magic, and for each type, state the appearance and effects of this magic. For example, you sport Necromancy and decide to raise corpses, describe how long the skill takes before it is complete, how much energy it takes, what the undead will look like, what abilities/strength they have, etc. This applies to all magics, and each should be described in detail. Required Section

Be original when naming your magical abilities(Names like "fire, water, cure, etc" will not be accepted).
Keep in mind that a character's magical energy is trained to a higher degree[No one is born an expert in magic].
-What is the energy drain for this spell?
-How much does the spell heal for?
-What is the size of the area the spell hits?

Other Skills – These are skills that don’t really fit in the other sections or skills that are not combat based. Maybe your character carries a magical item of some sort? Perhaps your character can cook, or is an expert painter? Describe each skill in detail. Optional Section

History – This is a history of your character, and should be one of the largest parts of your bio. Don’t make it so that it’s a journal of your character's entire life, but don’t make it too brief either. Make sure to outline the highlights of your character, such as major events he encountered in travels, when she found her weapon, why they have their title, etc.Required Section

Exoskeleton said:
Try not to add unnecessary information. A good history is about 3-5 paragraphs long(5 sentences each) and should contain the character's origin(where was he/she born? Who were their parents? Where did they live? Were they rich or poor?), what conditions they grew up in(Were they spoiled as a child? Were they abused and depraved?), important events in your characters life(Where'd he/she get their signature weapon? Where did they get that nickname from? When did he/she loose a limb? When did his/her parents die?) and important relationships your character has/had with people throughout their lifetime(Does your character have a childhood rival? ). Everything you include in your history should help tell the story of how your character came to be who they are at the present.

Try not to go over 8 paragraphs. A good bio is concise and detailed. A bio that's too long may cause others to loose interest and skim the text.

Well, there it is, folks. Have fun RPing. If you have any questions, feel free to PM the RP staff.

YOU MUST HAVE A BIO APPROVED BY A MODERATOR BEFORE YOU CAN USE IT IN AN RPB (Role-Playing Battle). If you are using it for another type of RP, it is entirely up to the creator and master of that RP to approve or disapprove your bio.

Hera Ledro: The Eternal Dragonic Allsie
Edits and remake of the bio done by Red Fox
Further edits done by CassinoChips
Edits and bio remake/restructure by Exoskeleton
Tips taken from from CC's "Commonly Given Bio Critiques" thread and Red Fox's bio tips post.

Moderator Edit List
13/02-09 - Changed coloration so the 'optional' tabs are easier to spot. ~ Red Fox
27/07-09 - Added the Bright Green tab, and moved armor to make it flow better as well as general edits. ~Red Fox
24JAN2010 - Removed Endurance tab, replaced with Vitality and Stamina tabs to remove confusion.
19, June 2013 - Added Transformation tab and simplified/edited text. ~ Exoskeleton
30, August 2013 - Created new bio template thread, changed coloration of general text(to make it easier to read for lighter forum skins), inserted information from related threads, reorganized information to help it flow better, reworked bio template a bit. ~ Exoskeleton
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Alternate Bio Formats

Below is a list of alternate RP bio formats that have been approved by an RP moderator. If a character is submitted in any of these formats, please state it at the very top of the submitted bio. If you would like to submit a bio format of your own please PM a RP moderator and it will be posted if it meets certain criteria(Be sure to include the template title if any, along with the actual template).

Please note that certain bios will be unable to be used to submit characters for RPB approval. The bios below will be arranged and will provide you with information that tells you the difficulty level of the bio template, if it can be used to submit for and RPB, and the creator's information. The bio template will be contained within the spoiler buttons.

Simple Formats are bio templates that are friendly to new RPers. These are generally easier to set up and create. However characters within these template will most likely not be able to submit their character to be approved in RPBs.

Challenging Formats are templates that take a little longer to fill out. These templates are ideal for the Rper who has had a bit of experience and is looking to take the next step. These templates are usually very much similar to the FFF general Bio template above. The content of these bios determine if they are able to be submitted to be approved for RPBs.

Complex Formats are templates that are more suited to experienced RPers and those who with to create a truly thorough character. These bios are able to be submitted to be approved for RPBs.

Shenorai & Kaos' Bio Format
Difficulty Level: Simple
Unable to submit for RPB use
- Hair:
- Eyes:
- Height/Weight:
- Skin:
- Build:
- Attire:
- Noteworthy Features:
- Photograph:
(Optional, but NOT a replacement for the Appearance section.)

Weapon(s): (If applicable.)
Armor: (If applicable.)

Magic: (If applicable.)
- Spell:
-- Drawback:



Raye's Bio Format
Difficulty Level: Complex
Able to submit for RPB use





Date of Birth: {Optional}[The month, day, and year your character was born. Doesn't have to be based on our modern day character]

Place of Birth: [Where your character was born]

Current Residence: [Where your character currently lives]

Resides With: [Does your character still live with his family or with roommates, then put it here. If s/he lives by him/herself, just put 'alone']

Zodiac Sign: {Optional}


Nationality: {Optional}[Basically what origin your character is. This may not be needed if your character does not come from Earth.]

Sexual Orientation: [What are your character's preferences. Examples ae heterosexual, asexual, bisexual, lesbian, gay, transgender, intersexual, etc.]

Appearance: [picture can be posted here, but some people can't tell what people are by looks. Sometimes they need a description broken down, like the following]:



Skin Tone:

Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Body Type:

Blood Type:

__________________________________________________ __________________________


First Impression:

Distinguishing Marks: {Optional}[Refers to any unique marks your characters have. Whether if they have piercings, tattoos, scars, some sort of mutation/distortion - describe them here.]

Religion/Spiritual Views: [What is your character's faith if s/he has one.]

Political Affiliation: [What spot your character stands for in regard to politics.]

Style: [What your character's general taste in attire is. If s/he likes to wear a specific color, wear a favorite fabric, or wears a lot of accessories, put them down here]


Casual - [What your character generally wears if s/he's not expecting or doing any combat.]

Disguise -[Whenever your character is in hiding or is in pursuit of someone and tries to avoid
being recognized, describe what s/he wears in this case.]

Apparatus A -[The main outfit that your character wears during voyaging and combat.]

Apparatus B -{Optional}[Does your character have an alternative main outfit, describe it

Special Talents/Abilites:



Weaknesses: [Every character has a soft spot or something that can give them the lower hand in battle. It can range from emotional/mental issues to ailments to attacks that s/he's more vulnerable to than others.]

Vitality :

Speed :

Stamina :

Reflexes :

Fighting Style :

Weapons :

Magic :

Other Skills :

Favorite Food: [If your character has a stomach, s/he should have something that s/he finds more delectable than other things. Put it here ~]

Least Favorite Food: [Not everything in this world is tasty. Put what your character dislikes the taste of more than anything.]

Bad Habits: [This could be anything you character has a problem with. Does s/he swear a lot, is s/he a frequent smoker, an alcoholic, or harshly blunt with people? Anything that may give your character a bad vibe, list them here.]


Past Occupations: [If your character has had a previous class or has been employed somehow in the past, list them here.]

Activities/Organizations: {Optional}[Did your character take part in any organizations or is currently in one? List them here and describe what his/her role was in the group.]

Speech: [How does your character sound when he/she talks. Does he/she have a high or low toned voice, would you think he/she was a child just by listening to how he/she talks, does he/she have an accent? Describe your character's vocals here.]

Quote: [Something memorable or often said by your character.]

__________________________________________________ __________________________

Relationship Status: [Single/In a Relationship/Married/Divorced/Widowed/Engaged]

Relationship History: [Give a brief history on what your character's views on relationships are and the past ones s/he's been in (doesn't have to be about every person s/he's been with).]

Family: [A list of your character's important relatives go here. Give a small to medium description about their general lives and their closeness to your character.]

Personal Adversaries: [Enemies that your characters have come to hate in their lifetime. List them here with a small bio, briefly describing their life and how they have become your character's nemesis.]

Close Companions: [Close friends that your character has made in his/her lifetime. Not the kind that s/he had met just 5 minutes ago. List them here with a small bio, briefly describing their life and how they have became companions with your character.]

__________________________________________________ __________________________

Themes : {Optional}[List any songs here that suit your character's personality best.]

__________________________________________________ __________________________
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