Moogles, Chocobos and Hummingways

Black Mage Moogle

Moogle Kupo
Jul 27, 2007
United Kingdom North East England
Out of the 3 Races which do you like best? If some of you ask what a Hummingway is, its a race that appears in FF4. They are similar to the Rabbit like Moogles, but they dont have pom poms.

I love Moogles, no matter what design they are I find them all so cute!!

what about moomba's ? (so far only FF I know them from is FF8)
Anyways CHOCOBO's

I love them to death. Good for transport, looks fierce in some FF titles and also good for battle.(Chocobo Knights)
I love chocobos so much, they are beyond adorable. I couldnt let the chocobo eater get them in FFX, no way!!!! Got my own FFX chocobo also :) Moombas are cute also, pity they are limited to FFVIII. As for moogles, Im not crazy about them. Theyre ok, but they arent chocobos :)
Chocobo's for #1!
Chocobos are awesome. They're good for racing, fighting, transportation, or just plain staring at. I also prefer "Kweh!" over "Wark!".
Moogles are cool to. They don't like their pom poms touched though, kupo...
Hummingways? Can't say there is much special about them.
Hummingways, because they don't have a sentence ender more annoying than "desu", or annoying minigames centered around them. Oh, and because I like bunnies. Especially bunnies in clothes that carry around backpacks.

Moogles and Chocobos have, over the years, given me so many reasons to hate both of them. Hummingways are awesome, and shall remain so ♥
I like Hummingways the best myself, though I prefer the ones from the SNES version to the ones in the DS version :hmmm: Bunnies are cute, but I kind of liked not being able to associate the SNES ones with an animal from this world, since they were too small for me to really be able to discern what they were. And I haven't gotten to the Hummingway village in IV DS yet so I'm not sure if it's there, but I love the song the Hummingways sing :awesome: Doo do doo do doo do doo, *doo* do do do do...^_^

I do love Chocobos too--especially Bobby Corwen, he has to be the cutest one ever :yay: And I still like Moogles too, though I don't find them quite as cute :hmmm:
Hummingways, hmm not interested.
Moogles are cute.
Chocobos take the cake. Love them, although i did break a controller doing the chocobo race in FFX:rage:
Moogles deserve lots of praise and admiration - so I would say that Moogles are my favourite - FFIX Moogles to be exact. The amount of Moogles in FFIX is one of the reasons why I adore that game so much. I'm not too keen on the bunny ones that FFXII introduced - I thought that was quite a bit of a departure. As for FFXIII, don't get me started on how disappointing that was for Moogle-fans. :gonk:

Yes, I know that Chocobos are useful to ride around - but Moogles to me will always win against them in the cuteness department. Who doesn't love their cheery little "Kupo"s and their love for Kupo Nuts? In fact while I'm typing this, I'm craving for a Moogle plush doll now. xD

As for the Hummingways - I don't really remember what they look like. I've only ever seen them as sprites in my GBA copy of FFIV. I've never touched the DS version. :hmmm:
Personally I like Chocobos, though not because they are cute.

I've always been fascinated by Chocobos as an armored war mount.

Maybe that's because I've been Army mad from a young age.

They're so cool and the FF IX moogle mail was fun! I would of said Chocobos but FF X's racing stuff made me very mad (first time I've yelled at a video game like it's a person).
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
Eh, the Hummingways never really appealed to me. Didn't seem like much to me...

Chocobos were cool. They had a fun, classic theme that stayed practically the same over the years, and they were fast.

Moogles win though. They fight for you, really well, they're upbeat, they have iconic characters, like Mog, Stiltzkin, and the Hurdy Brothers, and they look awesome. They needs a spin-off... :hmmm:
Well, I've never really been that familiar with Hummingways, so between the moogles and chocobos - well... probably moogles though - but only by a margin. I love them both to pieces. Chocobos are adorable, but they nearly made me tear my hair out in FFX with the chocobo balloon racing mini-game. I wanted the celestial weapon that associated with the item received for the game ( couldn't remember which weapon it was). As for moogles, I would glomptacklesquish them if I ever have the chance to (゜∇゜)