Making a fully animated FF8 Tribute, need support!


Aug 9, 2011

So I know I JUST signed up here, but I'm a long time Final Fantasy fan, I've played and finished Final Fantasy 7, 8, 10 and 13 and I'm just starting on 6. But as of recent, I just finished Final Fantasy 8 and it struck me as one of the most brilliant games in the franchise. Now, there's tons of things I absolutely hate about it, like the fact that you can't visit any towns once you've started the whole thing at Ultimecia's castle, and that unlike 7, it never focuses on any of the other party members' stories after the first disk, ie. Selphie, Irvine, Quistis, and lots of other stuff. But what struck me as one of the crappiest RPGs I've ever played at first really turned around by the end. The plot was very easy to follow, the characters' motivations all felt very real, and the love story between Rinoa and Squall kept me in the game all the way through. And when I was done the game, I realized every moment in the game meant something to, may it be tedious or exciting at the time I played it, it was all perfectly wrapped up by the end of the game.

Well, I'm a flash artist, I've done some work under this exact alias which you can find on Newgrounds: And I wanted to make a tribute about this game. What it would be is a bunch of memorable moments from the game all strung together sort of like a collaboration to the an orchestrated version of the song "Premonition" from the FF8 OST. Many of you might remember this as the Edea/Ultimecia Boss Theme, and it's very dark and creepy indeed. The song is about 3-4 minutes long meaning the tribute will be too.

What I need from you guys is a bit of a support base, I'd love it if some of you could get the word out about this project and vote on it when it's completed, and perhaps some ideas for memorable scenes to add to this game, and even additional animators if any would like to join in.

Here is a picture of what I've completed so far:


So yeah, if you're interested, PLEASE REPLY. I really need support for this project to go through.
I don't understand what you mean by support. Do you just want to get word out about the link to it or you need money or what?

Nope, no money needed. Well not for this anyways (heheh).

No, what I'd like is for some fans of the game to take an interest in this project and maybe share some ideas of what they'd like to see in this tribute, and for them to maybe make posts on their blogs or what not linking viewers to places where they could see this in development and when it releases. I really want word to get out about this so I can have a lot of people viewing it when it comes out. I'm not really that famous and if I just submit it, chances are it won't really reach a broad audience of Final Fantasy fans unless some well known people post about it. Idk, anything helps.
You might want to go to Newgrounds and talk to

people who post their animations there.
Plus there are several FF tributes and take offs , so you might try to get advice from people who have done those .

Good luck.