Affiliate KupoCon

Final Fantasy Forums

Blue Mage
Jun 12, 2006

KupoCon is a Final Fantasy fan event initiated by dedicated Final Fantasy fans. They aim to take Final Fantasy fan gatherings to the next level by conducting well-organized events through unique activities that fans are bound to recognize. Draw Points, Treno Auction House, Wall Market, Card Tournament...these are just a few interesting things that Final Fantasy fans can appreciate and experience in their awesome events.

If that piqued your interest, then read on as KupoCon has some exciting info and dates.

Upcoming Events:
Le Pom: Canadian event set for POSTPONED DUE TO COVID
Location: Montréal Airport Marriott In-Terminal Hotel, 800, Place Leigh-Capreol, Dorval, Québec.
Tickets: TBA

Retropom: London UK event set for February 5th, 2022.
Location: Novotel London West, London.
Tickets: TBA.

Pomza: Australian event set for POSTPONED DUE TO COVID
Location: Bayview Eden Melbourne.
Tickets: TBA

The Big Pom: US event set for January 29th, 2017.
Location: Robert Treat Hotel, Newark, NJ. (Across the street from Distant Worlds.)
Tickets: The Big Pom

Mind the Pom: UK event set for March 25th, 2017.
Location: Royal National Hotel, London, United Kingdom.
Tickets: Mind the Pom

Pomtario: Canadian event set for December 3rd, 2017.
Location: Hilton Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Tickets: Pomtario

Pomingham Palace: UK event set for February 3rd, 2018.
Location: Royal National Hotel, London, United Kingdom.
Tickets: Pomingham Palace

Pomtropolis: Canadian event set for April 21st, 2018.
Location: Pinnacle Hotel, Vancouver, Canada.
Tickets: Pomtropolis

Pomathon: UK event set for September 8th, 2018.
Location: Birmingham Conference and Events Centre, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Tickets: Pomathon

Pom Saucer: Canadian event set for December 2nd, 2018.
Location: Hilton Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Tickets: Pom Saucer

The Wee Pom: Scottish event set for January 26th, 2019.
Location: Hilton, Glasgow, Scotland.
Tickets: The Wee Pom

The Bigger Pom: US event set for June 29th, 2019.
Location: Robert Treat Hotel, Newark, New Jersey.
Tickets: The Bigger Pom

Pomex: London UK event set for September 21st, 2019.
Location: Novotel London West, London.
Tickets: Pomex

Port Pom: Canadian event set for November 16th, 2019.
Location: Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront, Vancouver, Canada.
Tickets: Port Pom

Freepom: Scottish event set for February 15th 2020.
Location: Hilton, Glasgow, Scotland.
Tickets: Freepom

To celebrate the launch of part one of the Final Fantasy VII Remake, KupoCon organisers also hosted three launch parties:
West Coast / North America: Vancouver, Canada, February 27th 2020.
The Pinnacle Harbourfront Hotel, 1133 W Hastings St, Vancouver, BC V6E 3T3
Doors open at 7 – Event from 7:30pm until Midnight
See here

North America: Toronto, Canada, February 29th 2020.
The Westin Harbour Castle, 1 Harbour Square, Toronto
Doors open at 7 – Event from 7:30pm until Midnight
See here

Europe: London, United Kingdom, March 2nd 2020.
The Loop, 19 Dering St, Mayfair, London W1S 1AH
Doors open at 7 – Event from 7:30pm until Midnight
See here

Online Events:
During the pandemic KupoCon has been incapable of hosting physical events. But that hasn't stopped them! Their numerous free online streams are available on Facebook and YouTube.

For more information on KupoCon and activities, please head on over to their to their website at

Useful Links:
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Artwork by Wave's Art Stuff

KupoCon is coming to Canada!

Many people here already know this but KupoCon’s third event (named Pomtario) will be taking place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on December 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] 2017. This date means that this event is held the day after the Distant Worlds concert at the Sony Centre.

If anybody in Canada, North America, or anywhere else in the world would like to go then tickets for this event are going on sale on April 10[SUP]th[/SUP]!

Why not plan to go together? If not, you’ll be sure to meet new people there.

Go to the KupoCon website (here) for details and tickets (from April 10th 2017).


Other news: 2018 events

While we don’t have details yet we have confirmation that KupoCon is planning an event on the west coast of the USA as well as returning to the UK in 2018!

KupoCon has proved to be a roaring success after its first two events, and FFF would encourage all members to consider it in the name of fun and Final Fantasy!


KupoCon, London 2018: Pomingham Palace.

If you regrettably missed Mind the Pom, KupoCon will return to London on 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] February 2018! This time the event will be referred to as Pomingham Palace!

The venue is set to be the same as Mind the Pom (the Royal National Hotel, Russel Square, London). Pomingham Palace will be the fourth KupoCon event, and the second ‘generation 2’ event (the first will be Pomtario in Canada on December 3rd).

For information about Pomingham Palace see the website (here).

You should also watch the announcement video here:

As always, Final Fantasy Forums strongly encourages FFF members to attend KupoCon for the fan-experience of a lifetime. If you plan to attend any KupoCon event, let us know and we could organise a meet or enjoy the event as a group.

The tickets for Pomingham Palace will go on sale on June 9[SUP]th[/SUP].

Artwork by Wave's Art Stuff

KupoCon, Birmingham 2018: Pomathon

If you are of the many people who regrettably missed out on tickets to attempt Pomingham Palace (KupoCon's London event in 2018), some of you are aware that KupoCon will be coming to Birmingham in the UK on September 8th 2018 too! This event is going to be referred to as Pomathon .

The venue is set to be the Birmingham Conference and Events Centre and promises to expand on the KupoCon experience so far!

Want more Final Fantasy the day after? KupoCon plan to host a special screening of Kingsglaive on the 9th September at The Electric, Birmingham!

See this podcast to learn more:

For information about Pomathon see the website (here).


tickets go on sale this Friday (8th December 2017). The tickets for Pomingham Palace famously sold out within 24 hours, so if you definitely definitely do want to go then it is strongly recommended that you aim to purchase your ticket this Friday.

If you use FFF's discount (
discount code: FFF) then you shall knock 11% off your purchase!

We hope to see some of you there!


KupoCon Vancouver, 2018: Pomtropolis.

Many of you are already aware of KupoCon's Pomtropolis event scheduled for April 21st, 2018, in Vancouver.

The venue is set to be the Pinnacle Hotel, Vancouver, Canada.

Special guests Ray Chase (VA for Noctis, FFXV, and Edgar, World of Final Fantasy) and Liam Mulvey (VA, likeness, and motion capture actor for Libertus, FFXV: Kingsglaive / Comrades) are currently scheduled as special guests.

There are still plenty of tickets available!

For more information (or to purchase your ticket) see the KupoCon Pomtropolis portal (here).

Remember you can use FFF's exclusive discount of 11% off when purchasing your tickets. To do this simply type the discount code 'FFF' before selecting your preferred tier of ticket.



KupoCon is returning to Toronto, Ontario!

KupoCon have announced that they shall be returning to Toronto, Ontario, Canada on December 2nd, 2018.

We currently do not know a name for the event or any details about the planned location or special guests. Last year's Toronto event (named Pomtario) proved to be a great success with attendees.

KupoCon state that event information will be available in early March, and that tickets shall be on sale in the Spring.

KupoCon is coming to Glasgow, Scotland!

Grab yer kilts!

KupoCon have announced that they shall be coming to Glasgow, Scotland on January 26th, 2019.

We dinna ken a name for the event or any details about the planned location or special guests at the moment.

KupoCon state that event information will be revealed sometime in the spring.



KupoCon shall return to the Tri-state area, USA!

KupoCon have revealed that they shall be returning to the tri-state area (New York, New Jersey or Connecticut) sometime in 2019.

Details about the event location, date, or special guests have not yet been revealed, but we shall expect updates on this event later in the year.
Some big updates:

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Artwork by Wave's Art Stuff​

Pom Saucer (Ontario, 2nd December, 2018):

The next Canadian event, set to be held at Hilton Toronto, Ontario, Canada, is titled Pom Saucer (after FFVII's Gold Saucer).

There is a new special guest announcement: Amy Shiels (Lady Lunafreya, Final Fantasy XV) will be attending!


Tickets for Pom Saucer go on sale May 30th.

Remember you can use FFF's exclusive discount of 11% off when purchasing your tickets. To do this simply type the discount code 'FFF' before selecting your preferred tier of ticket.


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Artwork by Wave's Art Stuff​

Pomathon (Birmingham, United Kingdom, September 8th, 2018)
2018's second UK event, Pomathon, is to be held at the Birmingham Conference and Events Centre. Here are some of the latest exciting updates for this SOLD OUT event:

All people who managed to purchase a ticket to the private screening of Kingsglaive (held at the Electric Cinema on September 9th, the day after KupoCon) shall receive a copy of an exclusive artwork poster by the talented Fiveonthe. Kingsglaive cast members are also planned to be in attendance during the screening.


Additionally, KupoCon have now revealed that by NEo Liu's ‘Calling for Rain’ (the catchy song from Kingsglaive which became the conga-line song during KupoCon's evening celebrations) is to be performed live by NEo Liu during Pomathon's evening celebration!

Just when we thought that the evening celebration couldn't get any better than the masquerade ball which had already been planned (complete with Venetian-style chocobo masks for all premium ticket holders). It is set to be a blast!

We hope to see you there!

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Artwork by Wave's Art Stuff​

The Wee Pom (Glasgow, United Kingdom, January 26th 2019)

This event is to be held at Hilton, Glasgow, Scotland. Going with the amazing artwork of Alexandria Castle by Wavechan, The Wee Pom tickets will all be IX themed.

As the first of the Generation 3 events, this shall be a particularly exciting KupoCon to attend! There should be a lot of new elements to look forward to. Just be sure to pack your kilts!

Tickets are going on sale June 27th (6pm GMT).

Remember you can use FFF's exclusive discount of 11% off when purchasing your tickets. To do this simply type the discount code 'FFF' before selecting your preferred tier of ticket.


Assorted information Alex Maine (KupoCon's lead organiser) sent our way:

· Generation 3 TriPom cards will be revealed the first week of June.
· The new TriPom Limit Break cards for Gen 3 are from FFX, FFXII and FFXIII
· KupoCon are working on a TriPom card folder with sleeves as an alternative to the deck box.


Please keep your eyes open for the FFF Magazine's first issue!
We have an exclusive interview with Alex Maine coming up!
More big updates:


The Bigger Pom (Newark, New Jersey, June 29th 2019)

The return to New Jersey is to take place at he Robert Treat Hotel, Newark.

It has now been confirmed that the rather glamourous evening event will be 'Insomnia Crystal Ball'!

Tickets for this event are confirmed to be going on sale on October 2nd (October 1st for Patreon supporters). This event takes its ticket-theming cues from FFXV with three tiers of tickets this time: Infantry (basic), Chocobro (standard), or Kingsglaive (premium).
Evening passes can be purchased as separate items as you purchase your day ticket.

For more information about this event see the page.


'Project X' (London, September 21st 2019)
Get your diaries out! The rather mysteriously named 'Project X' (a working title, we suspect) is being planned. It has now been confirmed that this event will take place a year from now in London (venue to be announced at a later date).

What could 'Project X' imply? We wonder....

Anyone interested? Let us know!


Additionally, quite a lot of FFF members are heading to The Wee Pom (Glasgow, January 26th).
If you are going, let it be known!


Remember you can use FFF's exclusive discount of 12% off when purchasing your tickets. To do this simply type the discount code 'FFF' before selecting your preferred tier of ticket.
Some recent big updates:

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Artwork by Wave's Art Stuff​

Pom Saucer (Toronto, Ontario, December 2nd 2018)

There are now under 100 tickets remaining for this event. If you know anyone in Canada who would like to attend, give them a doink!

Why? Because the guest list has expanded!

You can now expect to meet:
  • Ray Chase (voice actor of Noctis, Final Fantasy XV)
  • Amy Shiels (voice actress of Lunafreya, Final Fantasy XV)
  • Liam Mulvey (the voice, motion capture and face of Libertus, Final Fantasy XV and Kingsglaive)
  • Adrian Bouchet (voice and motion capture and face of Drautos, Kingsglaive)
  • M.J. Gallagher (author of the FFVII novelisation and The Nibelheim Incident).

KupoCon have said that they won’t be returning to Toronto for a few years after Pom Saucer, so don’t miss your chance!

You have a little under a month to prepare but, if you can, grab your tickets here:


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Prompto’s coming to The Wee Pom!

Robbie Daymond (the voice actor of Prompto, Final Fantasy XV) is set to make his KupoCon debut at The Wee Pom (Glasgow, January 26th 2019). Let’s get some good snaps of him, shall we?

There are still a limited number of tickets left for this event (which can be purchased here:

There are multiple FFF members attending this one, so do consider joining us!



'Project X' (London, September 21st 2019)

The venue for the mysterious ‘Project X’ has been confirmed to be the Novotel London West. This venue will be 130% bigger than the previous London venue.

You will be able to buy tickets in 2019.

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Crikey! KupoCon’s coming down under!

FFF have known for a while that KupoCon have been planning to go to Australia. Now they have officially confirmed a city and year. KupoCon will be going to Sydney in 2020. The precise date and venue shall be confirmed at a later date and new information is expected in the new year.


Remember you can use FFF's exclusive discount of 12% off when purchasing your tickets. To do this simply type the discount code 'FFF' before selecting your preferred tier of ticket.
In addition to updating the first post, here are some recent huge updates:

The Bigger Pom:


The next KupoCon event is fast approaching!

The Bigger Pom: US event set for June 29th, 2019.
Location: Robert Treat Hotel, Newark, New Jersey.
Tickets: The Bigger Pom - On sale now!



Adam Croasdell (Ignis, FFXV), Liam Mulvey (Libertus, Kingsglaive and FFXV) and Quinton Flynn (Reno, FFVII Compilation, Isaaru, FFX, and Axel, Kingdom Hearts) are confirmed as voice actor guests.

The evening event is set to be an FFXV-themed event called the Insomnia Crystal Ball! There will be live music from Neo Liu (the artist behind ‘Calling for Rain’, Kingsglaive).

M.J. Gallagher, the author of the Unofficial Final Fantasy VII Novelisation and The Nibelheim Incident is also a special guest and will speaking at a panel about the FFVII Remake.

There are still limited lower-tier tickets remaining. Grab them while you still can!
This will be your last chance.

More information and tickets here:




The landmark 10th KupoCon event is set to be the biggest KupoCon ever!

Pomex: London UK event set for September 21st, 2019.

Location: Novotel London West, London.
Tickets: Pomex - On sale now!



Remember to bring your pears!

So far Ali Hillis (Lightning, FFXIII) and George Newbern (Sephiroth, FFVII Compilation and Nooj, FFX-2) have been announced as voice actor guests, with more being teased.

Additionally community guests Pontus Hultgren (the musician behind 'Mogzart') and artists Crimson Sun, Wavechan and Fiveonthe are set to attend.

Tickets are still available, but going quickly.

For information and tickets, see here:

Port Pom:

Arrr! This be th' next Canadian KupoCon! Set sail fer Vancouver an' plunder its booty!

Port Pom: Canadian event set for November 16th, 2019.
Location: Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront, Vancouver, Canada.
Tickets: Port Pom - On sale now!

Special guests will be announced in due course.

The evening event is to be called the Moonflow Masquerade. Similar to Pomathon's evening event, exclusive masks will be made available to purchase on the day.

For information and tickets, see here:


Other news:
Additionally, KupoCon have announced that they will be returning to Glasgow on February 15th, 2020.
More information to come!


Remember you can use FFF's exclusive discount of 12% off when purchasing your tickets. To do this simply type the discount code 'FFF' before selecting your preferred tier of ticket
Celebrate the remake with KupoCon!


To celebrate the launch of part one of the Final Fantasy VII Remake, KupoCon organisers are also hosting two launch parties!

North America: Toronto, Canada, February 29th 2020.

Europe: London, United Kingdom, March 2nd 2020.

More information to come.

For the Toronto event see:

For the London event see:

Crikey! An Aussie venue!


KupoCon have made a recent announcement about the Australian event. KupoCon will no longer be hosting this event in Sydney (where their sights had been set previously) as they have determined that Melbourne would be a more appropriate venue. This is to ensure that the full KupoCon experience can be possible.

In fact, a venue and date has now been selected! KupoCon Pomza shall take place at the Bayview Eden Melbourne on October 17th, 2020.

The website is not yet up, but you can follow updates at their Facebook page for the event:
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In addition to updating the first post, here are some recent event updates:


Port Pom (Vancouver, November 16th 2019)

There are still tickets left for the next Canadian event at the Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront, Vancouver, Canada.

Fancy seeing some of the FFVII Remake voice actors? Thought up a new recipe? Good! John Bentley (Barret in FFVII: Remake) Briana White (Aerith in FFVII: Remake) and Adam Croasdell (Ignis, FFXV) are all now set to attend!


For details and tickets follow this link:



Freepom (Glasgow, February 15th 2020)

If you have a brave heart, you might be interested in the next Scottish event! This will be held at the Hilton, Glasgow, Scotland.

Tickets have not long been released so if you want to guarantee a place at this event, it is suggested that you grab one soon to avoid disappointment.

So far John Bentley (Barret in the FFVII: Remake) has been confirmed as a special guest and he seems very excited. Another guest announcement is
expected this month.

The evening event (ticket purchased separately) is FFXII themed and is titled The Big Band Basch. We're promised bunnies (Viera), or maybe the hope is that people take things in that direction... What little we know about this curious plan so far is that it is to be a semi-formal party and people are encouraged to dress in 1920s and 1930s fashion... They are also hoping to get a 'Big Band'.

For details and tickets, please follow this link:


Le Pom.jpg

Le Pom (Montreal, April 4th 2020).
Another Canadian event, this time hosted in Montreal at Montréal Airport Marriott In-Terminal Hotel, 800, Place Leigh-Capreol, Dorval, Québec. It is set to be the largest KupoCon in North America so far!

We don't know much other than that but updates are to be expected when KupoCon has wrapped up other events.

Tickets will go on sale on November 5th 2019!

For more information, please see:



Final Fantasy VII Remake Launch Parties:
Toronto (29th February 2020) and London (March 2nd 2020).

The tickets for the KupoCon hosted Remake launch parties are set to go on sale on 27th November (London) and 28th November (Toronto).
Both events will not be traditional KupoCons as they shall lack a day event, but they will both be evening event parties and are expected to be unforgettable experiences.

Here is the venue and event information.

North America: Toronto, Canada, February 29th 2020.
The Westin Harbour Castle, 1 Harbour Square, Toronto
Doors open at 7 – Event from 7:30pm until Midnight
On sale November 28th 2019.
Event website:

Europe: London, United Kingdom, March 2nd 2020.
The Loop, 19 Dering St, Mayfair, London W1S 1AH
Doors open at 7 – Event from 7:30pm until Midnight
On sale November 27th 2019.
Event website:

There will be cheaper, standard tickets available and also premium tickets granting you access to loot (including a KupoCon exclusive limited edition FFVII: Remake game case).

These tickets will be extremely limited so do get there fast if you want to go!

A number of other FFF members hope to go to the London launch party. Will you join us?


Remember you can use FFF's exclusive discount of 12% off when purchasing your tickets. To do this simply type the discount code 'FFF' before selecting your preferred tier of ticket
Vancouver: A third FFVII Remake party!


Following the success of Port Pom (Vancouver November 16th 2019), KupoCon have generously announced a third planned FFVII Remake release party! The new event shall be hosted in Vancouver at The Pinnacle Harbourfront Hotel. The party shall be happening way up on the 19th floor, offering panoramic views of the city as the entire room slowly rotates.

West Coast / North America: Vancouver, Canada, February 27th 2020.
The Pinnacle Harbourfront Hotel, 1133 W Hastings St, Vancouver, BC V6E 3T3
Doors open at 7 – Event from 7:30pm until Midnight
Tickets on sale November 29th 2019.

This shall be mere days before the sibling events in Toronto (February the 29th) and London (March 2nd).
North America: Toronto, Canada, February 29th 2020.
The Westin Harbour Castle, 1 Harbour Square, Toronto
Doors open at 7 – Event from 7:30pm until Midnight
Tickets on sale November 28th 2019.
Event website:

Europe: London, United Kingdom, March 2nd 2020.
The Loop, 19 Dering St, Mayfair, London W1S 1AH
Doors open at 7 – Event from 7:30pm until Midnight
Tickets on sale November 27th 2019.
Event website:

For further information about the newly announced event see here:
In addition to updating the first post, here are some recent event updates:

New London event set for September 19th 2020!

Arrr! By the briny beard of Neptune, there be a new event on th’ horizon in th’ port o’ London! (It shares a date with International Talk Like a Pirate Day).

More details are anticipated in the New Year, but we know it will be hosted at the same venue as this year's Pomex event (Novotel London West in Hammersmith).


Freepom (Glasgow, February 15th 2020)

We have an, exciting new guest announcement for the upcoming event in Glasgow. Rachel Robinson (Oerba Yun Fang, Final Fantasy XIII) is now set to attend!


She’ll be joining John Bentley (Barret’s voice actor in the Final Fantasy VII Remake).

There are limited tickets remaining:


Remember you can use FFF's exclusive discount of 12% off when purchasing your tickets. To do this simply type the discount code 'FFF' before selecting your preferred tier of ticket.
In addition to updating the first post, here are some recent event updates:


Pomza (Melbourne, Australia, October 17th 2020)

KupoCon have revealed the excellent koala-themed artwork for their first Australian event. The venue will be the Bayview Eden Melbourne.

New details are expected to be revealed in the near future, but it has been announced that tickets shall be going on sale on May 1st 2020.

See here for further details:

Le Pom.jpg

Le Pom (Montreal, Canada, April 4th 2020)

Tickets are still on sale for this Canadian event to be hosted at Montréal Airport Marriott In-Terminal. Three special guests have been announced which shall give this event a healthy amount of variety.

Briana White (Aerith in the Final Fantasy VII Remake), Nicholas Boulton (Raubahn in Final Fantasy XIV) and Adam Croasdell (Ignis in Final Fantasy XV) are set to attend.

For tickets, loot and further details see here:



Remake Launch Parties:

John Bentley (Barret’s voice actor) is set to attend all three of KupoCon’s Final Fantasy VII Remake launch parties.


You can find further information here:

The London launch party has sold out already!

A useful FAQ for those who are attending can be found here:


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To help cheer people up during the coronavirus crisis KupoCon have announced that they shall be hosting a free live KupoCon event. They're planning to include some of the things which people would usually experience at a KupoCon (such as guests and quests) but this will be hosted online, obviously, and you can 'attend' it for free!

To make it even more special, April 9th is the eve of the launch of the FFVII Remake!

Think you might be free on April 9th? The time will be 2PM - 6PM UTC-03. That means:
London: 18:00-22:00
Toronto/New York: 13:00-17:00
Vancouver: 10:00-14:00

See here for full information and to RSVP:

If you wish to donate you can so at eventbrite or by signing up to their Patreon, but the event itself is open to anybody for free.