[IC] Final Fantasy VII role play/story.


Eternally Begrudged
Aug 21, 2013
The story/premise has been long since written and good to go - for like, nearly 12 years. :lew: (Created it with my cousin when I was a younger lad.) I've recently made adjustments to it, though, and made it more "modern to the times" - but, if anyone is willing, a co-collaborator-of-sorts is welcome, in order to develop, modify, and adjust the story more. (I don't feel that the current version I have is quite ready yet.)

Some elements from the old story:
  • The setting takes place 3 years before the earliest FFVII game, which would be Crisis Core.
  • The story primarily revolves around an AVALANCHE-like group.
  • Two of the primary characters are Cetra siblings, but not related to Aerith.
    • The older brother is initially an elite operative, loaned out to ShinRa by a nameless third party.
      • The newly-founded Turks work with him often.
    • The younger sister is one of the founders of the main group, and initially thought to be deceased by her older brother.
      • She's able to wield magic without the assistance of materia. This ability takes a bit of time to master.
    • Their parents weren't too "fleshed out" within the story, but:
      • Their mother died, becoming collateral damage during a firefight in Wutai.
      • Their father was believed to be integral within ShinRa.
  • Some "primary" locations within the story: Midgar, Kalm, Rocket Town, Wutai, and the Temple of the Ancients.
    • Another Cetra/Ancients ruin was briefly touched upon. It was located underground, near Fort Condor.
  • Chobobos are endangered. (A member of the main group cares for a white chicobo; they feel strongly about protecting the species.)[/B]
  • ShinRa is mining "illegal raw materia", for technological purposes. (Can you guess those purposes?)
  • Sephiroth was just beginning to experience his "legendary status".
    • He worked well with the older Cetra brother, too.
Again, if you're interested in being a "co-collaborator" of the new premise, let me know and we'll chat. ^_^ Otherwise, please feel free to ask questions, give suggestions, comment, etc in this thread.
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Regarding the original story, I provided more information in the first post.

Anything in italics is revised info. Anything in bold is newly added info that I found worth mentioning.
Just put some more tidbits from the old premise in the first post. (They'll be in bold.) This will likely be the last of said information.

I've been on a roll with the updated premise, and I'm pretty excited to share it soon. ^_^
The new premise is ready. Sign-up/information/discussion thread coming either today, or this weekend sometime.

I feel it turned out well. ^_^ Had to refer to the FFVII timeline a bit, but I got there. Haha.