I need to 'vent' my (positive) feelings for this game


Blue Mage
Feb 2, 2012
Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
I know I've replied to some threads saying this but I feel like I need to make my own thread for it, my personal experience for it. Well, here, at the time of typing it is around 3:00am. But just out of curiosity and some fun listening I thought I would look up the final boss music for Final Fantasy XII. After being disappointed in the quality in both audios I found on YouTube, I found a video (that I've seen multiple times) that basically compiled all the Hymn of Faith soundtracks from Final Fantasy X into one, and every-time I listen to this or something similar the nostalgia hits me hard.

My brother got me this game for my birthday after he discovered that I loved Final Fantasy 7 and 8, fantastic games, but I needed a new one because I played the Playstation Two quite a bit back then. So he got me this game, and I was extremely excited to play this, if I was to go out now to the store and see a tall beautiful redhead smile at me, that would be the same feeling I felt back then when I first saw the front (and back) cover of this game. Because in school we're all narrow-minded, on none-uniform days we all dress the same as everyone else to fit in because we don't know any better, listening to the same music and visiting the same crappy websites because we didn't know what Google was. But I don't know what it was, but after I started playing the game I instantly started to change. Elements of that game must have come from a higher power, because every part of that game made me feel like I was somewhere else and actually living another life. Even the menu soundtrack made me feel like I was living the material world and going into this fantasy digital world.

Every part of the story would cause me to go into excitement, every sentimental scene would cause me to sit there on my bed at 3:00am at night watching the TV like someone watching an intense soap opera, it felt like brainwashing but brainwashing I was completely willing to go through and glad that I did to this day as I wouldn't be who I am today if I hadn't had such an epic and lovely gaming experience. I truly miss it, the many references to well-known Final Fantasy traits such as Shiva and Ifrit, the victory fanfare, the menus, the leveling system, and the many enhancements to the system that truly made the game ahead of its time on an emotional/spiritual level.

The game was like a personal life teacher, that friend that inspired me to be a smarter, better and more enlightened person. But when the game ended I felt like a part of me died, like I just broke up from someone I was in-love with. I know a few people today that have played this game and enjoyed it, quite rightfully, but they'll talk about things such as the sphere grid, Blitzball and boss difficulties, but I never feel like they connected to the game on such an emotional level as I did. I didn't even use much of the sphere grid because I didn't even know about it, I was to engrossed in the story, and Blitzball was kind of fun I guess. The game had its own set of varied, beautiful characters (I loved Lulu's Gothic look and Rikku's sexy introduction) who all had strengths and weaknesses that were all useful to juggle, species that actually had a reason to be there in that world, powerful and really well-designed Aeons (loved Shiva and Ifriit) and challenging but intimidating Monsters, locations including temples and places you wished existed, deep soundtracks that alone make you want to cry and feel alone (like the dream sequences and the map before battling Jeht, or after Sin attacked the beach, or visiting Zanarkand ruins) and even its own religion that really gives you an insight on what religion is truly about (and not just people swearing at each other over YouTube in hostility).

Final Fantasy XII gave me similar feelings, but I don't really want to go into that as I've typed enough and this isn't even the right section. Something about the game was so fantastic, the developers really concentrated this and you can almost feel that energy when you're playing it, I haven't experienced this with any of the modern games but I really hope Final Fantasy versus XIII does something for me.

I don't know if I even want to play the remake of either this game or the sequel (which was quite heart-warming, I must admit) when it comes out. I've always hated being sent back to when I was young, because I've always struggled since then on an emotional level and I always subconsciously refer it to "Before it all went wrong" but I don't know what would happen if I was to play it again, I'd probably raise a tear once or twice because it would be like revisiting a place I used to visit, or the home of a friend who died and the house was empty.

I kind of feel like I've just spammed/flooded by making this useless thread but I wanted to make this public, because I don't know if there's anyone else who knows exactly what I'm talking about, when a game cuts through to your soul and you don't care about the mechanics and game-play strategies nearly as much as what the game intended to make you feel. I don't know if I'll ever get this feeling again, not even the beautifully scripted ending of Assassin's Creed: Revelations made me feel empty as the last fraction of Final Fantasy X.

But yeah, thanks for reading, if this thread doesn't drown.
I'm right there with you, OP. Final Fantasy X is such an amazing experience, I kinda love everything about it. I don't really have anything profound to add to your post, but wanted to let you know that there are others out there like you that feel this way about FFX, one of the greatest in the series and among my favorite games of all time. I'll actually be playing through it again for a review I'm writing; I'll probably post that on the forum when I'm done.
I'm right there with you, OP. Final Fantasy X is such an amazing experience, I kinda love everything about it. I don't really have anything profound to add to your post, but wanted to let you know that there are others out there like you that feel this way about FFX, one of the greatest in the series and among my favorite games of all time. I'll actually be playing through it again for a review I'm writing; I'll probably post that on the forum when I'm done.

I appreciate that! And I'd like to see this review! :D