How did the guys not notice Faris...


Dec 2, 2008
was actually female?

First things first, i've never finished FFV myself, I never even got to the second world due to one reason or another, anyway I digress.
I honestly thought that Faris was female from the moment I saw her, I honestly couldn't see how the guys didn't see through it. Hell, even I saw through it and she's pixellated to me.

I'm just wondering if this caught anyone out, I just saw it coming myself. How about you guys?
She probably had think heavy clothes on that hid her female parts. And maybe they thought she was a very effeminant man? Men in that world might typically have long hair.

It was probably also unusual for a female to be head of a pirate ship so the idea of her being a woman never crossed their minds.

I didn't realize Faris was a female until it was pointed out.
Good points, never thought of that.
Since it is an old game now and things were rather pixellated it would've been a bit hard to pull off I guess.
I also think that most men in FF's tend to have long hair to some extent as well, so you've got me there too. :hmmm:

Then again, the idea of a female leading a ship might be strange, but don't they find out later and say that they still accept her as their leader or something? To be honest though it's not what you expect though, having a female pirate leader.
I just find it odd how she could've kept it hidden all of that time.
Honestly, it was only a small suspicion for me bc the Japanese are big on hairstyles :ryan:.
I was still a tiny bit surprised though. She didn't have a soft, feminine personality until it was revealed.
I found out at the same time as Bartz and co. I mean, it's not exactly a weird thing for a male to have long purple hair in Japanese video games so I didn't really suspect it straight away.

I'm sure the pirates knew about it straight away seeming as they found her as a baby, so they must've changed her clothes or given her a bath or something. Can't really remember how she ended up being captain though.

It was slightly suspicious how the monk form of Faris wasn't topless though, but other than that there was nothing feminine about her at first.

To be honest, in the scene where she reveals her gender I was more shocked with Faris going straight to bed without removing or drying her sea-water drenched clothes :hmmm:
The story and much of the script would likely have been written before the sprites were made, and that envisioned was Faris’ Amano look and not the more obvious purple haired sprite look. That said, long pinkish / purple hair isn’t unseen among men either in these sorts of games.

I think Amano’s look for Faris is undoubtedly feminine, however so are a lot of the men. Because Faris is dressed like a pirate captain she probably appeared more masculine than Bartz did. :D She was probably just taken as an effeminate man before this scene, and she was a good actress. I’m more shocked that she was able to pull off a male voice for so long without being detected as being female. :O

As for the pirates… I think that the pirates who found and raised her initially knew her identity, but they raised her as a boy because girls were not respected on an equal level, and it would be dangerous in the future for her to be the only female on board. I think that only a few pirates would have known the secret, but when she was older and eventually became captain no-one noticed that she was female, and they all just assumed that she was a feminine looking young man.
I think Amano’s look for Faris is undoubtedly feminine, however so are a lot of the men.

I definitley noticed that air of femininity about her, but I was a bit skeptical at first and didn't know if the issue would be addressed, but lo and behold ship graveyard.
As for the pirates… I think that the pirates who found and raised her initially knew her identity, but they raised her as a boy because girls were not respected on an equal level, and it would be dangerous in the future for her to be the only female on board. I think that only a few pirates would have known the secret, but when she was older and eventually became captain no-one noticed that she was female, and they all just assumed that she was a feminine looking young man.

I think that the pirates would have known it to be honest, how could they not have? A baby would need to be fed, clothed etc and I highly doubt they were stupid enough to miss that. So I think they did know and just raised her as a man, knowing who she was but never actually letting her know that they know... if that makes any sense at all... :hmmm:

I always knew she was a girl, just by her sprite.


That didn't really look like a guy to me :D The poncho thing really gave it away. >.>

But heck, would have been a lot easier if she ran about like this:
I think that the pirates would have known it to be honest, how could they not have? A baby would need to be fed, clothed etc and I highly doubt they were stupid enough to miss that. So I think they did know and just raised her as a man, knowing who she was but never actually letting her know that they know... if that makes any sense at all... :hmmm:

Perhaps. I think that her being a woman could have been an issue if she didn't become a good captain, but by the time that she became captain her crew respected her far too much to care about her gender when they sussed it out.
Was she a baby when the pirates dropped her? It thought she was just a young child especially when she recognized her father. I could just be remembering it wrong.
I'm not so sure, I thought she was a baby at the time? If she was a little older then it could be a different story. Although I honestly can't see how she'd have fooled them for all those years to be honest. I don't think children generally understand that thing so that's maybe the reason why she was brought up to act and think like a man.
Wasn't she named Faris because she couldn't say her real name properly? She kept saying 'Farifa' instead of Sarisa. I'm guessing she was a baby if she couldn't talk properly.
Here ya go guys. She fooled them using her sea-dragon :D

Born as Sarisa Scherwil Tycoon; the daughter of King Alexander Highwind Tycoon and his Queen, Sarisa became lost at sea as a small child and found by pirates. As she was unable to pronounce her name correctly (calling herself "Farifa"), they dubbed her "Faris".

Due to how women were not respected on an equal level among the all-male crew, and due to the dangers inherent in being the sole woman on an all-male ship, Faris was raised and disguised as a boy, dressing and acting accordingly.

When she was fifteen years old, the ship encountered a mysterious whirlpool. The crew unable to escape it, Faris dove into the water to discover what was causing it and came out with Syldra, a sea-dragon with whom she formed an almost sisterly bond. This bond enabled her to tame the dragon, eventually using it as a steed to pull the ship through the ocean without the need of sails. The pirates, unaware that she was a girl, made her their captain for this. This was supposedly the youngest a pirate had ever been made captain.

They found her as a child at sea :)
Wait, I don't know if i'm missing something here but these parts don't make sense:

"Faris was raised and disguised as a boy, dressing and acting accordingly"
the pirates, unaware that she was a girl, made her their captain for this"

If this is the case, then who actually raised her? It can't have been the pirates now, can it? I think, so... who?
She would have been a small child or toddler as the reason she was called Faris by the pirates was because she couldn't pronounce Sarisa. She was old enough to talk, but not too old. She also has little to no memory of her true heritage, so she can't be much older than this.

I think that she was found by the pirates as a young child and raised by some of the pirates to act like a man to save her a harsh life among the pirates. It would be harder to detect in a child if she dressed like a boy, as a boy would have an unbroken voice, and she wouldn't need to act as much. By the time that it would become obvious she likely relied more on acting, and when pirates (who were not aware that she was a girl already) found out she was already well respected as a great captain, so they probably didn't mind in the end.

EDIT: Double ninja'd. :sad2:

Wait, I don't know if i'm missing something here but these parts don't make sense:

"Faris was raised and disguised as a boy, dressing and acting accordingly"
the pirates, unaware that she was a girl, made her their captain for this"

If this is the case, then who actually raised her? It can't have been the pirates now, can it? I think, so... who?

I think that we are to assume that some of the pirates raised her. Perhaps one or two, or a small group who would act as parents. The rest of the pirate community were probably kept in the dark about the whole affair.
Wait, I don't know if i'm missing something here but these parts don't make sense:

"Faris was raised and disguised as a boy, dressing and acting accordingly"
the pirates, unaware that she was a girl, made her their captain for this"

If this is the case, then who actually raised her? It can't have been the pirates now, can it? I think, so... who?
That's the part that doesn't much make sense.

I think she was raised either by a few pirates who knew, or raised herself. :/
I think the general conclusion is just that a few of the pirates actually knew about her gender, which would make more sense than the original text itself.
I don't think she would have raised herself though, children tend to learn by being told what to do, it's rare they take initiative especially at such a young age.

However, having been around the pirates all of her life, I think that she would have just caught on to it as she went along.
I had a feeling, the first time I played. i mean, long purple hair? In the pixelated world long hair almost always ='s female. After getting the first set of jobs I was dead set on the fact that she was a woman. And I was right. xD
I thought she was a guy. I thought that she was one of those long-haired bishie men that you usually see in animes.
I thought it was incredibly obvious...
Maybe that's just me.

Also, there's a scene that gives it away before the Ghost Ship.
If you go to the town before that, Faris will stay at a room in the Inn. If you try to go into the room, you'll see a scene where Bartz and Galuf go to wake her up and see her... female parts. It doesn't say it explicity but it implies it.

This scene has no effect on the ghost ship scene, however.
They still act super surprised. :hmmm: