Did this ever disappoint you?


Oct 6, 2006
I know that FFVII is a wonderful game but did it ever let you down as in you had higher expectation?Not what moment made you sad,but if ever made you feel that it could be better than it already is.
It didn't dissapoint me. Then again it was my first FF game, and was the one that pulled me into the series. I had no expectations for the game at all, so when I played it I just saw all the good in it and didn't have expectations to ruin.

So for me, no it didn't dissapoint as I didn't know what to expect at the time as it was my first FF game, and also my first RPG other than Pokemon (and Zelda if that counts as an RPG, though it is a completely different style).
No i'm not disappointed.

It was my second Final Fantasy game, the first one was VIII, and i found it to be a bit inferior to Final Fantasy VIII but still i considered it an amazing game...just a bit overrated when you think about it's popularity compared to other titles.
I wasn't disappointed when i played it the first time through when i was like 8 or 9... and even now, it still amazes me...

Though i was to young to realize it at the time, the graphics were pretty beast for it's time, and the storyline was well thought out and applied. Character's backgrounds were pretty well thought out too.. :awesome:
No, this game was everything I wanted and more. The story kept me hooked for weeks on end. I even had dreams about this game. The graphics were very good, in my opinion. The character development was very diverse and kept the game fresh. Cloud was done very good and his character was very easy to follow. A remake might dissapoint me, as it may destroy the legend that is this game.
The whole game disappoints me. As do people who herald it so much. All-in-all, the game was boring, uninspired, none of the characters were all that interesting to me, and there was nothing innovative in terms of gameplay.

It just makes me shake my head everytime Squeenix makes another spin-off or a game including characters from it. It's just really old and stale.
It was the first FF game I ever heard of or played, and it was the first RPG game I ever played. At the time I played it, I was amazed and immersed into a new world that transformed my life forever. I have never regretted it, and there is nothing about the game that dissapoints me, I'm happy to say.
it was dissapointing,it was dubbed as one of the best games of all time,but i played it and found it no different from your average rpg,VI was alot better