Back of FF13 Box Leaked, No Install & Lossless Audio for PS3 Version

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Gingerbread Lesbian

Dec 30, 2007
What appears to be the back of the Final Fantasy XIII boxart over in Japan has leaked onto the web - and the image confirms some long-debated questions about the final release of the game.

Specifically, the back of the box states that the game has No Optional or Mandatory install, only using up 500kb of hard drive space for a save game. This is great news for PS3 owners, and indicates that the game will run as smoothly as the demo did.

The image also confirms that the PS3 version will have super high quality LPCM 5.1 audio and the CGI sequences will be in full 1080p HD rather than the 720p that was feared.

While the game itself does run in 720p, this means the FMVs on PS3 will be of the highest possible quality. This may be the advantage PS3 will have over Xbox 360, as fitting lossless audio and large FMVs on a DVD will prove difficult.

Do bear in mind that this is an unconfirmed leak, so take the details on the image below with a pinch of salt! We're trying to confirm it and will update if we do.

Final Fantasy XIII will be hitting Western stores in March next year.


Source: UFFS
Is there supposed to be an image there because Im not seeing one?
Yeah, it's coming up as the blue question mark for me. But if that's true, awesome. I really was worried they were going to lower the quality for the 360. Glad I'm getting the PS3 version, anyway.
It says that there is sex scene in it?
Now im confused:S
Do you mean the two gender signs? I think that contains suggestive outfits and stuff as well such as exposure of underwear and things like that :wacky:

Glad the PS3 version is supporting FLAC mind. Though I really do hope amount and quality of 1080p FMVs haven't been hindered by the 360 >.>
Hey the 360 will have good graphics and fmvs too! Stop dissing the 360 :ness: We will have everything the ps3 has. If ps3 version has more content than I can imagine it coming as dlc.
Well, Square kept to their word about how FFXIII is developed primarily for the PS3 using the Crystal Tools engine. The lack of mandatory installation, the amazing audio and visuals will definitely mean the PS3 version will be the much more appealing option. I personally don't really care that much about the 1080p HD goodness. As pleased as I am that SE have put most of the effort into the PS3, I'm more interested in just experiencing the game.
Hey the 360 will have good graphics and fmvs too! Stop dissing the 360 :ness: We will have everything the ps3 has. If ps3 version has more content than I can imagine it coming as dlc.
I'm not saying it won't have good graphics, I'm just saying that the 360 doesn't support FLAC as far as I'm aware so the PS3 Audio will be better and that purely because of the amount of space a blu-ray can hold, the potential is always there for the PS3 to surpass the 360 graphics wise. :wacky:

None of this can be given to the 360 through DLC 8F
So a whole lot of info that kind of went over my head, but I guess it's good that I plan to buy a PS3 version of the game? xD
Sometimes I wonder if Japanese developers still live in the late 90's/early 00's or something. Pre-rendered FMV's in video games is a relic of the past and don't belong in any video game made with this generation of consoles in mind. It's even more baffling when you take into consideration that one of Square's favourite selling points for the Crystal Tools engine was that it would be able to render highly detailed CGI in real-time.
I was expecting the PS3 to have better graphics or something, but as a 360 owner, I'm just happy that I can get the game without shelling out $300 for the PS3.
Sometimes I wonder if Japanese developers still live in the late 90's/early 00's or something. Pre-rendered FMV's in video games is a relic of the past and don't belong in any video game made with this generation of consoles in mind. It's even more baffling when you take into consideration that one of Square's favourite selling points for the Crystal Tools engine was that it would be able to render highly detailed CGI in real-time.
As far as I'm concerned, until in-game graphics match the quality of FMV's i'll take pre-rendered over real-time any day.
As far as I'm concerned, until in-game graphics match the quality of FMV's i'll take pre-rendered over real-time any day.

That's where I disagree. FMV's were great in Final Fantasy VII to XII when they worked as a storytelling element, enabling scenes which were impossible to do with the relatively crude in-game graphics of those games. The White Engine however is fully capable of rendering high octane action, detailed facial expressions, etc, etc, in real time, so the FMV's are just a bit pointless.
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