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For those of you who looking to play FFX again or is currently playing FFX, here are the Al-Bhed Tranlastions. Also Included are the Primer Locations.
For those of you who looking to play FFX again or is currently playing FFX, here are the Al-Bhed Tranlastions. Also Included are the Primer Locations.
- A=E
- B=P
- C=S
- D=T
- E=I
- F=W
- G=K
- H=N
- I=U
- J=V
- K=G
- L=C
- M=L
- N=R
- O=Y
- P=B
- Q=X
- R=H
- S=M
- T=D
- U=O
- V=F
- W=Z
- X=Q
- Y=A
- Z=J
- Volume I: Al Bhed Ship (right side of the ship's deck)
- Volume II: Besaid Village (in the soldiers barracks)
- Volume III: S. S. Liki (power room)
- Volume IV: Kilika (tavern)
- Volume V: S. S. Winno (control room)
- Volume VI: Luca (in the basement level B of Luca Stadium)
- Volume VII: Luca (Luca Theater)
- Volume VIII: Mi'ihen Road (get from Rin in travel agency)
- Volume IX: Mi'ihen Road (northern New Road)
- Volume X: Mushroom Rock Road (near cliff)
- Volume XI: Djose Highroad (right side)
- Volume XII: Moonflow (North Wharf, above O'aka)
- Volume XIII: Guadosalam (inside house)
- Volume XIV: Thunder Plains (Rin's travel agency, speak to Rikku, then choose the top answer)
- Volume XV: Macalania (road branch close to save spot)
- Volume XVI: Macalania Lake (in front of travel agency)
- Volume XVII: Sanubia Desert (northwest from third save sphere)
- Volume XVIII: Sanubia Desert (north from third save sphere)
- Volume XIX: Home (left side from entrance)
- Volume XX: Home (south from second save sphere)
- Volume XXI: Home (east from second save sphere)
- Volume XXII: Belvelle (road leading to temple)
- Volume XXIII: Calm Lands (northwest)
- Volume XXIV: Remiem Temple (left, near Chocobo)
- Volume XXV: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (east of save sphere)
- Volume XXVI: Omega Ruins (continue left and north from save sphere)