Search results

  1. Pandora

    Living with family or roommates?

    Once upon a time, I lived with my grandparents who were very loving, gave me plenty of protection, yet were very strict. Strict in more ways than one, that I had little to no social life, and I was miserable. Then college came around the corner, and like most if not all high school graduates...
  2. Pandora

    Unpopular Opinions

    We should all have at least one that the majority of the people that don't agree will want to prove you wrong, get a whole other perspective of you, and/or will just (for whatever reason) not like you as much. Whether if they're little opinions or ones that can stir heavy controversy, whether if...
  3. Pandora

    Avatar size reset itself?

    So I just made a new set for myself. I'm not a veteran, so I had to buy the 150 pixel increase for both the width and height of the avatar a while back. Well I just now checked my avatar options, and it's back to not letting me use anything larger than 100x100. I'm wondering if the size...
  4. Pandora

    Happy Birthday, Ringo ❤

    Yes, I am in fact making this thread for you a whole 23 hours and 45 minutes early . U all jelly. :trollface: Anyway Happy 22nd Birthday, love . :ryan: Hope you haven't forgotten . :wacky:
  5. Pandora

    Original [Discussion] Pursuit of Blood

    One of the biggest attacks in the land of Sonria has just taken place, leading to the burn down of one of the largest monasteries in the planet. Very few people survived this incident, taking the lives of 1/3 of the city's population. Valerius Briller, the monarch of the monastery and a powerful...
  6. Pandora

    Original [Story] Pursuit of Blood

    [Chapter 1 | V ] So it was true that the town got very shady during the night hours. The partly middle aged man sighed in exasperation as he had gotten up from his knees and left the unconscious mugger underneath the tree. He had only put the person to sleep, so his life was spared, for...
  7. Pandora


    WHAT'S THIS?! WHY, IT’S A MOTHERFUCKING INTERROBANG. Not only does it have a sweet-ass name, but it’s a fucking amazing piece of punctuation. Does your teacher bitch at you for using a “?” and a “!”? Well then, this is the thing for you! YOU JUST PULL THIS BITCH OUT, AND WIPE THE GRIN...
  8. Pandora

    « p a n d o r a ' s b o x »

    A R T I S T I N F O R M A T I O N - NAME : Raye [Pandora] EXPERIENCE : 6 years / Intermediate TOOL(S) OF TRADE : Photoshop CS5 Extended ACTIVITY : 2+ hours a day , 7 days a week LINKS : gfx c&c thread | Night Owl Emporium BRIEF BIO : The majority of the people on here know me as Raye. I...
  9. Pandora

    Estrella Briller

    ORPG/URPG/RPB - ORPG/RPB Name: Estrella Briller Title/Alias: Starshine (Estrella is Spanish for 'Star', while Briller is Italian for 'Shine') Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Age: 21 Gender: Female Place of Birth: Indefinite Current Residence: Sonria City Resides With: (Past) Parents...
  10. Pandora

    Avatar Size ?

    I knew that before the server for FFF got moved, the biggest your avatar could be was 150x150 pixels. After the move, however, I decided that I should make an avatar (since the question mark in some places looked repulsive), but after I make one, I notice that the settings for changing your...
  11. Pandora

    What. is. this ?

    [ L I N K ] I don't even -
  12. Pandora

    FFF .

    Happy V Day (or Ringotine's day). With love [making] ~ Raye . :andry:
  13. Pandora

    Happy Birthday, Mark ♥

    I'm actually thinking ahead and making the birthday thread 3 hours earlier (EST) than everyone else. How do you like me now, everyone else ? :griin: But Happy 19th Birthday ~ Despite that you couldn't share your wine with me, you still get 3 wishes . :mokken: -shoots the thread title fail-...
  14. Pandora

    Then he waddled away .

  15. Pandora

    Favorite Band/Song for each genre .

    I don't think there's a thread like this out already. If there is, I won't be very happy. I remember making this thread in another forum once and people failed to understand it. But what I'm wanting to know that for each genre that you've heard of (could be a small variety of them or a very...
  16. Pandora

    Add up the things you've done . . .

    The total will be your title (bold or color the choices you've done if you want). 1. Had sex. $10.00 2. Smoked. $3.00 3. Got drunk. $7.00 4. Went skinny dipping. $4.00 5. Kissed someone of the opposite sex. $5.00 6. Kissed someone of the same sex. $5.00 7. Cheated on a test. $2.00 8...
  17. Pandora

    Night Owl Emporium

    Welcome to my set shop. My main talent on lies in graphic designing, so I felt now was a good time to make a shop to use my skills to make avatars and/or signatures for anyone that wants one - and if you ask nicely, I'll be happy to make one for you; there's just a couple of things to read first...
  18. Pandora

    I was just searching for melevolent last names. . .

    And this is what I find : Can you find what I found ? How about now ? . . .Or now ? Fail result is fail .
  19. Pandora

    Anime NANA

    Source : Anime News Network This is probably one of the animes that I enjoy watching very much. Most of them either revolve around realistic fiction (like this one), horror, or fantasy. I've watched 42 out of 47 episodes so far, and I find this show to be great for anyone into music, life in...
  20. Pandora

    Converting from one religion to another .

    (Yaay, first thread about religion~ forgive me if there's already a thread like this. I've looked .) So the purpose of this thread is to discuss if you've ever changed your religion - whether it was once, or twice, or a dozen times. Or maybe you've stuck to your beliefs all of your life, yet...