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  1. Darth Ultor

    Zidane and Dagger, my favorite FF pairing.

    I feel that in the entire FF series, which has given us some great romances, Zidane and Garnet/Dagger was the best. Other than them being just plain adorable together, their relationship felt the most natural in its development, other than the whole Princess/Peasant thing. It starts out with...
  2. Darth Ultor

    Anime Avatar (okay, not a real anime)

    I think that Avatar is not only the best animated show of all time, not just the best TV show of all time, but the third best story of all time. It's a shame that it aired on Nickelodeon. Many adults loved the show, but more would've discovered the awesomeness of ATLA. Favorite character, in...
  3. Darth Ultor

    Fan Fiction Avatar: The Journey of Lian

    I had this idea since 2009, but I obviously had to abandon it because of Korra, but I've been fumbling with the idea of resurrecting this ever since the finale aired. Ergo, instead of a Waterbender named Kasumi, our Avatar is an Earthbender named Lian. The Yi family's names are taken from...
  4. Darth Ultor

    "US responsible for earthquake" quoth Hugo Chavez

    Basically, he says we caused Haiti's disastrous earthquake. That the U.S. Navy launched a weapon capable of inducing a powerful earthquake off the shore of Haiti. He adds that this time it was only a drill and the final target is to take over Iran "¿Por qué no te callas?" -Juan Carlos-
  5. Darth Ultor

    Final Fantasy gripes

    If you could get an all-inclusive trip out to Japan to be escorted up to the boardroom of Square-Enix, only to find yourself in front of 30 pensive-looking suits who want nothing other than to hear your biggest, peeves with the series (you, a Loyal Gamer, of course), what would you say...
  6. Darth Ultor

    Your favorite war movies/programs

    I'll do a top eleven list. 11. Platoon: Just intense 10. The Patriot: Jason Isaacs really took the cake here. 9. Last of the Mohicans: First war movie I've seen, and I really credit the scenery and the music more than anything. 8. Enemy at the Gates: I like a movie that shows the less...
  7. Darth Ultor

    How do you think Obama is doing

    War on Terrorism: Not once did he refer to this conflict as the "War on Terror", and he handles it as a very unimportant issue. First of all, why the fuck are there troops still in Iraq when he clearly stated that there will be a withdrawal within the year? He has seldom made contact with the...
  8. Darth Ultor

    Patriotic and folk songs

    List your favorite ones. USA: Proud to be an American, America the Beautiful, God Bless America (Ray Chales version), Marines' Hymn, Blood on the Risers, Semper Paratus, Navy Hymn. UK: Land of Hope and Glory, The Grenadiers, Loch Lomond, Scotland the Brave, Flower of Scotland, Rule Britannia...
  9. Darth Ultor

    Fan Fiction The Final Testament of Phoenix King Ozai

    Disclaimer: Anything or anyone you don’t recognize from the show is mine. Avatar: The Last Airbender is owned by Nickelodeon. A/N: I’m aware that in the show, the last we see of Ozai is in prison, and Zuko says. “Maybe your time in here will do the same”, but I seriously don’t think he and the...
  10. Darth Ultor

    Anime Avatar: The Last Airbender

    How many of you have watched this one? I got into it really late in the summer of 2008. I was amazed by the deep storyline and the animation itself. Even the acting was good. My favorite character would have to be either Iroh or Zuko. I rank the story of the show way up there with Xenogears and...
  11. Darth Ultor

    All your forums are belong to Ultor.

    Hi guys, the name's Boaz, it's pleasure to make my acquaintance. I'm a cynical, dry-humored fanfic writer, gamer, and criminal justice student. Seems like a nice place. As for the username, I made it up. It was my "Sith" name in a roleplay in another forum that never really got off the ground.