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  1. Misty

    The Presents Thread!

    Copied straight from FB...! - Nokia X3-02 (Blue, and super shiny) - Mystical 8 Ball (<3 novelty item of the yeaaaar!) - Cadburys Heroes (Yum) and Mastermaze game (amg headfuck 8D) - Tetris Part DS (Retro tune ftw) - Monopoly DS (W00t, one of my fave games easily) - Pokemon Ranger: Guardian...
  2. Misty

    X Factor 2010

    About time Katie went....this just proves that noone really did like her afterall. No offense...something about her personality I just did not like. Wagners a nice guy, but he should have gone so much sooner. Only act to win? MATT!
  3. Misty

    [V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

    Well....FF Crystal Bearers for the DS. Created a male and female Selkie characters, named them Lisa and Alex =P. Haevn't bothered going back to FFXIII, bit bored with it, and I will go back to FFXII soon enough, just got loads of games to play through. In fact, I'll go back to XII this week lol...
  4. Misty

    Happy Birthday Lisa!

    I'm just a twat for not posting yet again, I get sidetracked with everything, I'm getting terrible with age. Ty Mark :)
  5. Misty

    Return of Me!

    Loving that sig pic xD
  6. Misty

    FFXIII - Worth Getting?

    Yes and No. The Linearity really spoils things, but certain locations and missions make things worthwhile. You should all enjoy Gran Pulse.
  7. Misty

    Your favorite location

    ^ Gran Pulse probs. I LOVED Gran Pulse, only place I thoroughly enjoyed, nothing else left a real lasting impression. GP is such a beautiful huge location.
  8. Misty

    Return of Me!

    I've had internet for a long while, but, just left this place for a bit. Bit of an update on my life: Been on a work placement for couple of months, looking into making a career as a Security Guard/Weightlifter/Gym Instructor at the moment. Still doing Taekwondo, now also doing Bujutsu. I've...
  9. Misty

    Return of Me!

    Yay, I'm well remembered, and no, one is not a lesbean. I has developed a taste for security guards in the male form 8F.
  10. Misty

    Return of Me!

    If you don't know me then...I'll talk more later as I am in a rush for work lolz, but if you do then, I'm making an attempt to come back. Life is busy busy nowadays, so I'm here there and EVERYWHERE. Anyway, later. :jon:
  11. Misty

    How could XII have been better?

    XII is fine as it is, HA! And XII did have a sequel, it was a bollocks one called Revenant Wings...though some may just call it a shite spinoff. What to add what I think is a perfect game...weeelll....a bit more diversity on the license grid, cant think of much else.
  12. Misty

    FFXIII - Worth Getting?

    Yeah, if you love exploration, tougher battles, pretty scenery. Not a massive amount of LOVABLE characters, just ones you..."like". Storys...not brilliantly exciting, you don't really tend to use the summons, plus the main villain seems incredibly...boring.'s an ok game. I prefer...
  13. Misty

    A bit shit

    Yeah, most of the characters are a bit...well, not exciting enough for me. Main villain is a bit shit like. Story doesnt exactly grab me by the balls either.
  14. Misty

    Male Viera... lol?

    There are male vieras, apparently - they just live in different camps, and rarely leave the woods. And Garif cannot be Male Viera - their physical stature, their skin colour - its not how you would call it...Viera appropriate.
  15. Misty

    Strength of the Soundtrack

    I had no issues with the music - it was very beautiful, and it's definitely up there in my top 5 FF soundtracks. Sorrow (Imperial Version), really tugged at the heartstrings.
  16. Misty

    What did Santa bring you this year?

    Santa sack gifts (yes i have a santa sack, im cool like that D:) -Pair of snowman novelty bed socks ( - one of the heads is coming off already!) - Boofle personalised keyring (I daren't take it out inn shite weather, it'd get ruined D:) - Winnie the Pooh pen - Cdbus snow bites (bloooy lovely) -...
  17. Misty

    Best Graphics of the Series

    I liked XII's graphics a tad more because in X, uh, why did my characters faces and upclose facial movements look a bit skew wiff? XII didn't have this problem, characters facial movements seemed to be a lot more "normal", without the whole shinyness that X had.
  18. Misty

    Best & Worst (English) Voice-Acting

    Hm, well, I liked the majority in most games tbh. I do favour XII though, I do think they were significantly better then previous titles. I don't like the Imperial Soldiers voices though, I find them a tad annoying haha. Out of X I liked Auron's voice the most, X-2, probably Gippal, and XII...
  19. Misty

    Okay, this is taking the "fangirl" craze too far...

    What next...Twilight Condoms?
  20. Misty

    Abortion - your views.

    Accidental pregnancies...well, women and men should be more responsible in the future when it comes to such cases. Though I'm Christian, I wouldn't say my beliefs are behind my reasonings. Both men and women should use proper protection before having sex - no unborn child's life should be just...