Newbie Here


Mar 24, 2019
Virginia, USA
Jason Tandro @ Louisoix
Free Company
Always mildly awkward these first posts. I'll try to keep it short and readable.

My name's Micah, but I go by Jason Tandro (JT if you prefer). I've used that nickname ever since I started out on the TerraEarth forums way back in 2004. Name comes from a character from a book I was trying to write at the time and slowly evolved into my standard net handle.

Which leads neatly into point 2: I'm a writer. My main project these days is an FFVIII Fan Novelization, which is being edited by the amazing M.J. Gallagher (of the FFVII Unofficial Novelization). I've written tons of fanfiction, original fiction (mostly short horror stories but I do have a novel in the works) and other side pieces here and there.

My history with the series is way too long to get into in a beginner post but let's say over the course of my life I have played and beaten every main series game except FF11 (and I haven't beaten 12 but I've gotten about halfway through it).

I work two jobs, one as a Night Auditor at a hotel (full time) and one as a Sales Lead for a dollar store (part-time). I also take care of my daughter most days. My ex-wife and I are (of course) divorced, but on good terms.

Other than that, I'm an Agnostic Buddhist, fairly liberal-minded, and American. Any other questions about me I'll answer freely and openly.

Um, I think that's about it for now. Good to be here!
Welcome, Micah! :argor:

I actually recognised that this may be you before even clicking this thread due to your avatar. :D

I see Mo Galagher posting updates about your FFVIII novelisation and we also follow you on Twitter, etc.

Feel free to share updates with us about any of your work. I'm sure our members would love to see it!

I hope you enjoy FFF. We're a mostly crazy, mostly friendly bunch.
Welcome to Final Fantasy Forum new comer! We appreciate you on joining our community. Hope that you enjoy your stay, post a lot and stay active. Any questions please feel free to ask the staff members.

I see that you like to write novels alot. That is surprising. If you like to share your novels with us you may do so.
Thank you all for the greeting!

Just getting my forum legs back, lol. Hoping to contribute to the fun.
Hello Jason! Nice to meet you. =] I think I've heard of TerraEarth sounds familiar.

I haven't met M.J. yet (aside from the occasional tweets on twitter) but I've heard great things about him.

Hope to see you around often!
Hello Jason! Nice to meet you. =] I think I've heard of TerraEarth sounds familiar.

Ah it was my first forums. A great place which was dedicated to the Soul Blazer trilogy (Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma). The group has mostly fallen apart sadly but most of us are friends on Facebook - the great Monolith - so we still talk. One of the forum admins, Raini, is like one of my best friends to this day. I'm even a Moderator on that forum for all it's worth nowadays.

I haven't met M.J. yet (aside from the occasional tweets on twitter) but I've heard great things about him.

Hope to see you around often!

Oh M.J. is a sweetheart. He's not just insanely talented he's also very kind. Hopefully you get the chance, perhaps at a KupoCon!