Final Fantasy 11 Trial

Feb 27, 2012
Looking for players to contact me Playing Final fantasy XI once again after 3 years.?
I'm in Server:Cerberus I have level 90+ class BLM,NIN,SAM,BST,THF much more
If you are starting it out let me know so that I can start a chat via POL Chat room
You can download POL here now Free:

Additional Details
You can also download Final Fantasy 11 here PC: for a 14 day free trial
I don't know about PS2,xbox 360if they give you a free trial...

Looking for players to join me on Cerberus Server level 1-70 If you are new I can get you a world pass.

[Step 1] The inviting party purchases a Gold World Pass. (That would be me)
[Step 2] The inviting party gives his/her friend the Gold World Pass.
[Step 3] The friend creates a character using the Gold World Pass and you're set to go!

Gold World Pass
A Gold World Pass is a 10-digit password that allows players to invite their friends to join their adventures in the same World while receiving an added incentive. They may be purchased in-game for 1000 gil and the term of validity is seven days (Earth time).
Once you have given a Gold World Pass to one of your friends, all that remains is for that friend to enter the password on the character creation screen when first creating a FINAL FANTASY XI character.
A Gold World Pass can only be used once. Thus, if a player wishes to invite multiple friends to play FINAL FANTASY XI, a Gold World Pass must be purchased for each friend.
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