Dirge of Cerberus Was anyone else disappointed with the ending?

Agito Wanijima

Fang Keeper
Apr 19, 2010
The end of DoC was kinda bad... the rest of the game was awesome but the end...eh. Really... we saw the purple mako falling during the credits,(I personally thought Vincent was dead) and then we saw vincent in the crystal cave by Lucrecia... at this point im like "WTF? Wasnt he dead?" and then Shelke shows up.I personally think it could have had a better ending.:dry:
same here, It couldve been a lot better
but the game was sweet, for a shooter.
The story line never really cleared up how
vincent became chaos
What do you mean it didn't clear up how Vincent became Chaos? It added a whole new section to the lore dedicated to what Chaos IS!

Personally, I liked the ending. For a good 5 minutes, it actually had me wondering whether or not Vincent was dead. My only complaint is that it doesn't elaborate on whether or not he lost the abilities Chaos had granted him.

On another note, what if they actually killed Vincent? I mean, it would be great on one hand, because you'd know that they didn't feel the need to confine themselves to the same basic story format. They could pull the rug out from under you again, just like they did in the old days, with Aerith.

On the other hand, you just KNOW you'd get so many fans bitching about how they "ruined the original game."