Naming Characters


Solider of the Wasteland
Dec 22, 2008
North of Ohio, South of Canada, West of Wisconsin,
I just restarted my IX game and I was wondering if anybody changed the characters names. I remember I used to do this in FFVII, I would use all my friends names, it would make the game feel more personal. I have yet to do it with this game but given the ability I really thought about doing it.

Anybody do this or thought about doing it?
Well, i've changed 'vivi' to 'sorrow' because of the clip that you see and it has the word sorrow and vivi's saying afterwards. Ever since then, it's sortof stucked to me. Garnet I changed her to an 'Amy' instead of dagger. That name (imo) suits her ^^ Heck, I think i've changed everyones name XD(cept Freya). Zidane to Pick<--- I know its weird but my old man started that thing (its part of his last name) and idk i just always used that for his name XD. Eiko to Ericka--> She was a lil kid and at the time (when she was still a little girl) my cousin has the name and Eiko--Ericka sound alikish XD. Quina I renamed 'her' to Queenie. My dad thought Quina was a girl and so he named 'her' that XD. I changed Amarant to Red/Zero it seemed like it suited him XD. Steiner to Marc<--- old man's first name. (it's kindof funny cos he acts like my pops in a way)
But yeah that's what i renamed them to and probably always will do that :monster:
I usually change the names of the characters. I change Vivi to my best friend Mark, just because he likes Vivi. Changed Steiner to my brother because he acts like him. Eiko to Britney, who is Mark's girlfriend. Zidane to me (always play as the main character). Quina to Daniel, because he LOVES to eat.

Freya and Dagger are the ones I usually leave the same because nobody I know really fits their character.
I gave all my characters a pet name just to amuse myself and my brother who would occasionally spy on me to see what I'm playing.

Zidane is called Goku in reference to the Dragonball Z anime and how Zidane himself has blonde hair with a tail. If only he doesn't become so pink when he goes to his Trance Mode. It would have made a good Super Saiyan mode.

Vivi is called No Face because quite simply, he has no distinguishable face other than the slightly freaky-twin glowing yellow orbs for eyes.

Quina is called ???? because no one here in the FFF knows what the hell he/she is meant to be. We don't want to know what he is. He/she eats frogs, so it could be related to a Frenchman :wacky:

Garnet's alter ego is Katy as named by my brother. His logic goes that both Garnet and Katy Perry have black hair and that both Garnet and Katy are beautiful- so there.

Adelbert has a new surname- Bruno named after the movie and character. Too bad Steiner acts nothing like Bruno, but the juxtaposition is amusing.

Eiko has been named.....................Irene. I don't know why, probably because it's a nice bit of contrast. Irene is normally an old fashioned female name not normally given to children nowadays, while Eiko is a young little 8-9 year old.

As for Freya, she is Minnie as in Minnie Mouse. Freya is basically a rat, and Minnie is a mouse- both rodents.

Finally, Amarant. I have called him Vegeta. I know Amarant looks nothing like Vegeta, but I called him Vegeta because he sees Zidane as being a bit of a foil to him, just like the relationship between Goku and Vegeta.
I never rename characters. Giving characters other or weird names only breaks the magic of the game. I think I can't take a Zidane-character seriously if his name is Goku or if he would have my own first name.
I did so the second time I played the game, I changed them to Dragonball Z/Tenchi Muyo character names. But I always find it odd re-naming characters in FF games (no idea why, it just feels strange), and I havn't done it on subsequent playthroughs.
I like to stick with the original names. I used to rename the main character of the FF games to my name sometimes, but now I just like to keep them the way they are. I know Zidane as Zidane and it would feel weird to change his name.
I always mean to change the character names, But can never be arsed. It's too much effort, and I feel that they are named those names for a reason, I'm sure on one of the games that a character name has reference to the games storyline...Cant remember which one though....
I have never really bothered to change the names of characters. First of all I like to play through the games with the characters proper names to see how it plays out, but mostly because I'm too lazy to think up new names for all of the characters. Especially when there are 9 of them...
I use to love changing the names when I was a youngster but now I leave it as is. The story just flows better the way it was meant to be.
Unless there is voice acting I change some of the characters names. I never changed Freya's name because I never used her(she sucks).
I left the names. Didn't see the reason to change them. They all had good names except Quina, who I did not use. I was going to change Dagger's name to my sister's name, but chose against it after the confusion it cost me. FFIX was the only game where I did not think to change names.
I usually don't change the characters' names, the only time I've ever done so was a VERY long time ago while playing IV. I just thought it was neat that you could do that, so I went to Namingway on the moon and changed the names briefly, to ones I can't remember now, and then changed them back. Incidentally, my other half actually started playing FFII recently, and decided to name his four characters Ass, Anus, Arse, and Butt. The dialogue sequences were rather amusing. :rolleyes:
The only persons name I changed was Garnet's.

I changed it to 'Kandy'. XD It's quite funny seeing my name up on the screen sometimes. >.<

I left everyone else as is, so that when I come online to discuss it I don't forget who's who and get confused as to who people are talking about etc.

Maybe the next time through I'll change a few of their names.
I just restarted my IX game and I was wondering if anybody changed the characters names. I remember I used to do this in FFVII, I would use all my friends names, it would make the game feel more personal. I have yet to do it with this game but given the ability I really thought about doing it.

Anybody do this or thought about doing it?

When I first got FFVII, I thought one of the best parts about the game as being able to name the characters. I think almost every time through that I played I always changed at least one name. I think it is a simple, yet awesome aspect of these games.
I do it to any FF that allows name change. I either make up my own fantasy names, or do like Chris Redfield did, name characters by friends.
I remember doing this on many games, especially ff VII and ff IX. I named people after friends, family, pets, characters on tv and in books, whatever i was into at the time. it was a little childish maybe but it made the game much more personal. got confusing when u talked to people about stuff in the game though.
The only Character name I change is Garnet's as I change it to
all the time.

Please remember to use spoiler tags when revealing important plot information. Thanks. :)
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Freya doesn't suck, She's awesome! I love rounded characters like that.

Anyway I remember one time I named them all after Advance wars villains. I think it was...

Steiner/Hawke (Bit of a stretch)
Freya/Tabitha (Because she totally doesn't suck.)

I don't know why i thought to do that but after I named Zidane, Adder. I just kind of rolled with it. And It's funny to think about how their namesakes would react. Zidane would be more like his brother. Steiner a more able rival to Beatrix. And Freya would probably be a bit less forgiving.
Hahaha wow, talk about a throwback memory!

My mom bought my ff3 for the SNES for my b-day, I didnt even know what FF was then and I didnt ask for it, she probably just asked the person which game they suggest and she got it. Anyways, I didnt really take it serious at all and I named all the characters the worst imaginable degrading curse words in the book!! I wont tell you what they were, you can use your imagination lol.

Anyways, my lil sister came in my room to watch me play it and she goes and tells my mom what their names were, my mom comes in my room and took the game and THREW IT AWAY!!!! I was grounded for maybe 1 week too.....

I didnt end up playing another FF game until 7 came out and I just kept the original names from then on.

Oh the good ol' days...