
Sweet, I'll look forward to that. Anyway back to topic, I thought Kuja's sex was well enough explained in the Dagger Cid chat when you get to Lindblum on Disc 1. She talks about a strange man who is visiting Brahn's castle
now and then. I also think that he is titled as "strange man" when you see him in Burmecia castle. Of course I could be mistaken, I haven't played it a couple of months.

Aye, very true. Kuja being a man is well established. And if the people so insecure in their own sexuality would notice, Kuja has no boobs.

Not here: http://atma.lost-edens.com/displayimage.php?album=9&pos=22
Nor here: http://atma.lost-edens.com/displayimage.php?album=35&pos=2
And not here: http://bishounen.info/kuja/index.html

That last link ought to explain it pretty well to everyone who is so insecure in their sexuality when they are attracted to a man that they have to think up a conspiracy that he's actually a chick.
I always thought he was male ...

I din't actually pay much attention to what he said, plus it's been awhile since playing the game
When I saw Kuja in cutscene in Burmecia where he flew off with dragon, he reminded me a lot of Micheal Jackson :lol:
Okay.... Anyway, when I first saw Kuja in Burmecia, though his attire was a bit feminine he looked male so unless people base gender by your clothing Kuja is obviously male.
And well, Garland did mention once before on the Pandemonium, addressing Kuja as Zidane's "Brother"
The only reason that the genomes have different physical genders is because you cannot create a clone without a clone "host"...or...the original DNA donor.

Let's say that in this imaginary world, Garland decided to create a race of Clones...he had to have started with an original strand of DNA somewhere along the line, and unless Garland is hiding a tail somewhere under that cloak, then we can assume that the DNA was not his own.

And...according to the "recent" splurge of domesticated animal cloning, the clone always shares the same sex as the original DNA donor.

Therefor...either Garland used two different original DNA donors...a male and a female. Or...he used his own DNA and his clones do not have sexual preferences. This is totally theory/speculation at the time being, because I have no clue who the original DNA donors were for the clones on Terra.

I personally think that Garland used his own DNA...because there is absolutely no mention of an original DNA donor...and it is possible that Garland doesn't resemble the rest of the clones because of his old age...and apparently, all of the clones on Terra are relatively young, as they appear to be in the same age range as Zidane and Mikoto. And on top of that...Kuja was the first clone, meaning that no clone on Terra is older than 24...

The only booboo in my I-wish-was-perfect theory is that...if Garland were the original clone...then all of the genomes would be males.
Who in the fack were the original DNA donors then?


And let's also mention that clones do not have cloned personalities. Creating a clone is like creating a twin of the original DNA donor...and just because you're a twin does not mean that you'll share the same personality as your counterpart.
The twist here is that all of Garland's genomes (save Zidane, Mikoto, and Kuja) all have the exact same personalities.
Obviously there's a flaw somewhere in this cloning process...

I still can't get over the fact that Kuka does have a girly personality. And girly (aka gay men) have similar brain resemblance/functions to women.
(Gay sheep cloning study) indicates that animals have biologically determined sexual preference, as is possible in humans.

Just because you are a clone (practical twin) of an original donor, does not mean that you will share the same personality or sexual preference as the original DNA donor.

Just because genomes are supposedly male and female does not mean that they have a specified "preference".

Somewhere in this cloning process, all of the clones turned up with the exact same personalities. And just because Kuja acts girly does not make him a girl...or gay. It has something to do with the cloning process/the original DNA donor.

WTF.. Argh.. Can't read it all.. (I hate reading too many words..!)
Well, thanks for the information though (Sigh, forced myself to read it)
Didn't know about the DNA thingie..!
There is nothing in the game that suggest Kuja is the first genome and in fact thinking back on some of garlands lines he is not.

When you talk with Garland and he is describing how Kuja came to be he says something to the effect of finding of the Genomes created to have a very powerful soul. So it is likely that Kuja may have been one of the first batch perhaps but knowing how old Terra is and the project to absorb worlds I doubt that, Kuja is defiantly not the first Genome.

Also the Genomes are never referred to a clones that idea is pure conjecture by fans. They are only referred to as empty vessels for the souls of Terra's population. They have genders because Terra's people have genders. The Genomes also took part in various activities that prepared the bodies for use when they received a soul.

No i don't think Kuja is female, Garland referred to him as Zidane's brother and I think the Genomes did indeed have genders.
Yeah I wasn't absolutely sure that Kuja was the first genome, so I decided to wing it...

The word genome means "genetic material"...aka "DNA". They aren't just walking pods of DNA...
Just because the word means genetic material does not mean that is how it's used in the game.

Though I think it likely the Genomes are based on a Terran's template I think it likely to be some sort of general only partially complete DNA strand using a string that the entire Terran race has. Rather then on any one persons DNA as that may cause problems when the bodies are given souls.

They were properly engineered from that one strand and gene theory used to create the different genders or perhaps if they were created from an incomplete DNA strand the process of creating the rest allows for they body to develop gender naturally so some are born female others male.
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Who's to say the original people of Terra even LOOKED like the Genomes? Some dialogue for you, when Zidane meets Mikoto on Terra:

Mikoto: "Garland watches over this planet. His mission is to restore the
people of Terra."

Zidane: "R-Restore the people of Terra? You mean people besides these
guys here?"

Mikoto: "They are merely vessels. So am I, and so are you. But the true
people of Terra have been asleep for ages, waiting for their
time to come. When the time is right, the light of this planet
will change from blue to red, and Gaia will become Terra."

Later on when Zidane talks to Garland in Pandemonium:

Garland: "I constructed the Genomes to be vessels for the souls of the
people of Terra when they awaken. But 24 years ago, I gave
life to a Genome that was very much like you. His will was too
strong to make him into a proper vessel, and I even considered
discarding him. But then I thought that I should put his
strength to use. I sent that Genome as my servant, to disrupt
the cycle of souls on Gaia."

After the party beats the Silver Dragon and is about to fight Garland:

Garland: "I was created to oversee Terra... I exist to wait for a time
when this world is without life or death... I am the absolute
controller of this planet!"

So basically, Garland himself was created. Those faces in Oeilvert that told Zidane about Terra's history, those are likely fashioned after the original Terrans who made Garland.
Oh God, sad thing fer Zidane up there, VR.

Uh...what's sad for Zidane? Nothing in those lines of script was sad.

I don't get why they had Kuja looking that a female.
Maybe that's a new Japanese fashion for guys...?
Oh for christ's sake, would you people read up on bishounen? It's been in asian culture (especially Japanese) for a long time, it's where a guy can be perceived as beautiful by both genders.

Oooo I haven't played this game in a while. I guess my grand theory just flew out the window. >__<
And if Garland was created by the original Terrans, then I would assume that he resembles them more than the genomes do.

Anyhow, the faces look like regular people to me...

Oh God, sad thing fer Zidane up there, VR.
I don't get why they had Kuja looking that a female.
Maybe that's a new Japanese fashion for guys...?

I don't know what the deal with this person is...but the last three posts that I've seen her make in this thread have had squat to do with the conversation or the topic at hand.
Oooo I haven't played this game in a while. I guess my grand theory just flew out the window. >__<
And if Garland was created by the original Terrans, then I would assume that he resembles them more than the genomes do.

Anyhow, the faces look like regular people to me...

Hmmmm....they looked creepier in my mind when I remembered them XD Either way, like I said, Garland was created to be an overseer of the Genomes...so maybe there were differences between him and the original Terrans, maybe not. Personally, I was always more interested in why the Genomes had tails, rather than why Kuja was made a bishi. They were built just like humans, so I doubt they served a purpose as far as balance goes.

I don't know what the deal with this person is...but the last three posts that I've seen her make in this thread have had squat to do with the conversation or the topic at hand.

I propose a mandatory name change for her, from Kelet Queen Amelia to Queen Spamelia.
On the topic of how the Genomes looked and how the vessels look... how in the hell did the designers make that decision?! The design of, say, the viera in Tactics and XII makes sense, even if it's based on fan service... what exactly was so appealing or logical about blond shoulder-length hair parted in the middle and a monkey tail?

Perhaps the answer to that question also answers many other questions about Final Fantasy: heavy drug usage by the game designers?
Regardless of gender crisis, Kuja had sex appeal which makes the main antagonist even more likeable. I thought that Trance Kuja looked more feminine but was due in part to the colour choices. Either way, Kuja was cool.
Well knowing the Japanese culture and their preference for video games and such, I wouldn't be surprised if Kuja was origianlly meant as a female nemesis in the game. I mean the plot makes sense that Zidane and Kuja would be separated so-to-say "brother-sister" and then the jeolousy and ambition would make one turn her back on the other.

As a main enemy in the game, I love Kuja. He is one of my favorite final villains in the series and it does tick me off when people bitch that he looks too femine and think he's really a girl, but like I said, the Japanese may have had other initial intentions and just made some changes down the line.

is kuja a boy or a girl i dont know because if he/she is normal looks like a boy but with trans he/she looks like a girl so.......what is kuja a boy or a girl?