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Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
Do you have anyone that you seem to talk to almost constantly? You don't necessarily have to be great friends with them but it seems you can carry on a conversation about almost nothing at all for hours on end.

I think this usually happens with people of the opposite sex but I suppose there's nothing stopping it between two people of the same gender. For instance, Busta and I talk quite a bit when we're hanging out but I never call him up to shoot the breeze or text him without a reason. We're close friends but we don't "chat", we talk.

I do seem to have this relationship with an ex-girlfriend of mine though. Even though she's a bit crazy and always seems to have some problem in her life, it's nice to know that there's (usually) always someone there that I can gab with if I want to. It gets annoying sometimes when its one-sided (like today for instance) but most of the times it's extremely nice. For a change of pace, I really wanted someone to talk to today and she's been incredibly sick all day so I haven't had that luxury.

I'm just curious if anyone else has a friend who they talk to frequently about unimportant and random things. I imagine on forums like these there'd be quite a few people living on MSN who chat up the same people on a daily basis.
olol yeah >_>
Me and Vikki can natter on into the early morning if we wanted to, we rarely seem to run out of topics, anything and everything really.:gasp:
I'm sure that she'd agree with me too xD
I think it depends on what you have in common with the person too, obviously if you have more in common you'll have more to talk about, therefore creating longer conversations.
Or I could just me guessing.:gasp: xD
Sure thing, and that would be Mandi and Bei Bei mostly, although I haven't seen much of Bei lately since she's been so busy with work. I can really related to those two in so many levels - life, experience, work, parenting, etc. It's great because we text each other when something important comes up and there's this deep bonding and mutual respect for one another. I can talk and cry with them (yes it's happened before) or be stupid and not worry about them judging my flawed character because we know the real deal. It's great to know there's always someone there who I can talk to and listen to my rants and how my day went and what I feel about certain things and oh yes, forum-life. xD That's always fun. But yeah, Mandi and Bei are on top of my list definitely.

Next would be Busta. He's a goofball sometimes but he's helped me on certain things too which is greatly appreciated. It's kinda fun talking to him drunk, thinking he might slip and type all weird, but it's not so bad. When you need someone to talk to, he's there acting like his normal self, drunk or not. It's great to be able to catch up and I have great amount of respect for him since he can typically understand a lot of what I have to say and again not have to worry about anything. Forum or non-forum life, Busta's 'da man!"

But yeah, those are the main three. I talk to other people too and I've shared a few stuff with them (such as Dave just last week xD - you know what I'm referring to), but not as much as Mandi, Bei, and Busta.

Me, I'm mainly a guy who keeps to myself. I mean I'll be the first to help out a friend who needs to talk/vent/punch me, etc., but when it comes to sharing my problems with people, I just basically keep them to myself or write them down, not really intended for anyone specific.

Aztec's been a great friend of mine for the last almost 15 years. He knows when somethings up usually, but even to him I won't spill what's going on usually. Time and time again, he'll state that he'll no doubt try to help me out of whatever jam I get into, and I trust him with that, but it's just rare I tell anyone anything personal about my emotions. I usually attempt to hide any sense of negativity in my life. However, Aztec's number 1.

The next few gotta be Mitsuki, Mandi, and my cousin. Awkward combination, eh? Lately I've been talking to both of Mandi and Mitsuki on MSN when we're on and no matter what's going on in any of their lives, I try to let them know that I'll drop what I'm doing to jump online and talk them through whtever bad junk they're going through, shoot out a few dumb jokes to make them smile even though they make no sense, or just sit there, shut up, and listen to them. Through thick and thin, they're a blast to talk to, and seeing them down and out, just won't cut it for me.

My cousin's another case. Troubled 20-year old, great athleticism, musical talents, hangs with a bad crowd and has a bad home life and possibly suicidal. Looks up to me; in a way a little brother to me by 3 years. I've taken him aside by the neck and asked him "what the hell are ya doin' man?!" But he knows he's family no matter what. I tell him in some ways I've struggled with similar problems, maybe not as bad as he, but I understand what he's going through and I'm a support for him whenever he needs it.

These 4 are some of the easiest people I can talk to about anything.
There's a few people I talk to constantly. Two of them being of my closest friends in day to day life. They're always there for me when I need them and I for them. There's absolutely nothing about me they don't know XD But onto non-irl people.

Mandi's probably the person I talk to most about my problems. We tend to comfort each other a lot. From the looks of things, others think the same. No matter what, Mandi is always able to turn my frown upside down, so to speak. She's motherly, naturally, being a mother, but I've known her... 2/3 years now and to me she's like a big sis. (and fuck buddeh, don't ferget that!) Mandi's ma girl, one of the handful of people I look forward to talk to every day. <33

Mark is another who I can relate to easily. Probably because we are alike in a lot of ways (having the same birthday might be a factor >_> ) but he's always willing to listen. He swears he's no good at comforting people via the interwebs, but he does a good enough job with me. <3 He knows I'm there if he needs to vent or talk about something and vice versa. It's like talking to a male me most of the time. Quite bizarre, but I wouldn't trade the little scamp fer the world.

The Gay One. Andrew. XD Whilst I can talk to him about anything that bothers me, our conversations are usually just streams of random tangents. We never settle on one topic for more than ten minutes before skipping to the next. I try to help him with his problems and his adorable little persona keeps me smiling through mine. <3

And recently I've been talking to Kei alot whenever he's online. It's nice to talk with someone as in to graphics as I am. xD

Then there's Damon and Danny. I probably speak to these two equally. They're a right pair of little shits together, but I guess that's what make's them so endearing. xDD They're hardly ever without some witty comeback and bounce off of each other so easily that they have me in stitches. <3

KYLE. ^^ Blondie <3 I can't quite put my finger on what it is about Kyle, but he's got this charm about him that makes talking to him so easy. If you ask him for an honest opinion, that's exactly what you're going to get. What you see is what you get with Kyle. He hides nothing. I find that I can relate to him mainly because of his calm, laid-back personality. He's a great guy ^^ One I hope to get to know better.

Jayden aka Neg-Rep Whore. I always forget he's only 13 because he acts so much older XD This little rogue is as chirpy and amusing as they come. I can't not smile when talking to him. There's something in the way he responds that just tickles me. He's a truly great kid who I'm really enjoying getting to know!

Kelly. I don't talk to her as much as I do these others, but I already adore her. She cracks me up so much and I can't wait until I'm able to visit her. XD That's going to be one hell of a night :monster: <333 she's witty, smart and a right laugh. She'll tell you anything about everything (her period stories included xD) and I feel I can be just as open around her. <3 Love you Kellz!

Mitsuki! I've known Mitsuki a fair while though not really talked all that much, well not to the extent of say Mandi and Mark. But she's an absolutely wonderful person with a complete heart of gold. I'm making a point to talk to her more often because we share some similiar interests, namely gfx and writing. Mits <3 You rule! :gasp:

There are others, who I talk to on a day to day basis. I guess I like to talk. :| rofl. and there are some I've started making a point of talking to because, I guess, I like them xP Lisa, Addle, Amanda, Bustaand sometimes Bezzle :monster: Chances are, if you start talking to me, I'm going to talk back and in time you'll start to wish you'd never added me and hit that send button. <_< >_>

EDIT:: Well, even though I'm on MSN with Gary a lot... he mostly talks to himself and I just smile at the poor goof. I don't think he realizes I never actually say anything :elmo:
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Mmmhmm I still talk to my friend JetCityWoman that I've known for almost .. eh 8 years?

Small story about how we met:

My buddy chris and I ran a LANing business which was called OpryLAN and were in direct competition with PhoniXtreme where Jetcitywoman worked. We had counterstike matches against eachother as well as TFC and such.. until one day the lease for our place peeked and went to hell.

So from there I went and met the fine people of PhoeniXtreme and from then on I hung out there, then Jet started her Internet Gaming Lounge in which I only marginaly helped with (but never offered to work there since I was in college). After that.. we got to know eachother real well... and to me she's almost blood to me. She's been there through the roughest of times. I care not to go into detail since I'm more of a reserved individual.. but since her I have met a great crew of life long friends. Xero.. Krash.. Mudd.. list goes on.. but I'm always checking in on them.. evne if sometimes it is months apart.

I miss the hell out of all of them.. but chatting always gives us a good catch up. As for Jet.. God bless her, she's been through a lot.. but like we and our friends.. I think we would give an arm and a leg for each of us. If they ever needed a place to bunk.. any freakin time.

Love my Homies!
Actually it's interesting that so many people name Lady Aerith because a long time ago when she didn't hate every inch of me, she was another person who I could rap with whenever I needed a friend. I think it's one of the reasons I've always had respect for her, regardless of how I act. She was someone I seemed to talk relationships with frequently and she always had a calm, insightful, and reassuring position to take on the topic.

This topic has actually turned into something much cooler than I intended it. It's very open and heartfelt. Keep it up people. I'm gonna have to reach for a tissue if this keeps up. Absolutely awesome. :)
For everybody who's mentioned me in here...all I can say is thank you so much. ;_; It's really touched me.

Now for you Aztec...
._. When will you get it through your head that I don't hate every inch of you? I've already stated that. In fact, I tried to be friendly with you in the shoutbox just a couple of days ago. Either you didn't acknowledge it or just didn't care, so I stepped away. I don't hate you Azzie, I never did. There might have been things I don't agree with when it comes to you, but that doesn't mean I hate you, dislike you or anything. Quite the opposite. In fact, I always thought you couldn't stand me.

In any case, to keep this on topic, there are quite a few people that I love chatting with every single day that make me feel all warm and fuzzy, no matter what the circumstance. First I'll start with Mitsuki. I love this girl so much. She and I have so much in common being both mothers and wives, it's incredible. I think over the past two years we've just continued to grow closer and closer because of all the things in our lives that are just exactly the same. I can go to her whenever I need somebody because she knows what I'm going through. She knows what it feels like. I can laugh with her, cry with her, get angry with her and she doesn't judge me for being me. She's one of the best friends I could ever ask for.

Bei is next on my list. This girl is just wonderful in every single way possible. She always finds some way to make me smile or laugh. We text each other daily, just to see how we're doing. We might both be going through some hard times, but we never let that get in the way of our friendship. She's a wonderful girl with a caring heart and nobody could ever take that place Bei has in my heart.

Vikki would be next. We've been super close for nearly three years now. She's always been (and always will be ;))) mah fuck buddeh! I feel like I can come to Vik with anything. If I'm pissed off, she's there to calm me down, if I'm sad, she's there to comfort me and if we just need to have a good laugh, well there's been many a drunken night where we sorta forgot that gravity existed! :lol: I love ya girl! <3

Busta would be the another on my list. This guy is just a wonderful person and one of the BEST guy friends a girl could ask for. He's comforting, he always somehow brings a smile on my face and I love chatting with him. He's also great to work with here on the site, we get along so well and he's always been there when I needed a shoulder, or maybe just something from a male's PoV. Thanks so much for being there for me, Busta!

All these people mean so much to me. If I could express in words how much they all mean to me, I would, but it's really hard to, so I just tried in the best way that I could. If I didn't have these people in my life, I don't know what I'd do.
Omg Mandi D:

I know Ive been inactive on MSN recently, so I guess I know why I havent had a mention D: Although I do talk to Mandi alot when Im on there and Im staying on. Dave is someone else I talk to alot, when Im actually online. These 2 ae usually my bitching about life and love (ir lack thereof) partners. I find it so easy to rant to these 2 :wacky:
OMG ;_; Fuck I'm soooooo sorry. I'm so sick it's hard for me to remember to mention everybody. Kelly is an AWESOME friend. She is another one of those people I could just run to whenever I need it. I can complain about married life, about feeling down or being pissed off, we have some GREAT rants and laughs together. I love this girl to death too! God, I'm sorry...;_;
I seem to talk to Vikki the most recently. I like to talk to her because shes funny and i can get along with her easily. And she actually has a conversation with me, with i try to do with some people but a lot of them just don't talk to me a lot. Like i'll try to talk to them and i'll have to keep asking them questions to keep them chatting with me, which sucks because i would love to get to know people better. With vikki, i've been able to have some conversations. Some are random, but some can be good conversations.

My 2 best friends in real life, that aren't active at all on here i talk to a lot too. Dagolu_100 and Vampire Hunter D. We generally talk about irl stuff that we do and sometimes about gaming and such.

Whenever Gabranth comes online i talk to him about all the ladies hes been talking too. I like having conversations with him because hes easy to talk to and its funny with some of the stories he has.

Busta whenever he comes online i try to have a conversation with him because hes such a cool guy xDDDDDDDD hes funny and its good to talk with someone with a good sense of humor.

Then i have a lot of conversations with some irl friends, such as my ex, though i hate talking to her, i make conversation with her, and a girl i'm currently interested in i try to talk to her as much as i can.

Ruka, Andeh, Lone_Jedi, Jaden, and some others to name a few i generally can have a good conversation with.

On occasion i talk to Mark and Mandi and Mitsuki, though i don't talk to them alot, i would love to talk to them more.
Well, apart from a select few RL friends who I can tell anything to, I have a few people on FFF I can have really in depth conversations with. I consider myself to be a very private and reserved individual, so I rarely talk about how I really feel and think and stuff, instead I play up the sarcastic/goofy/gossip persona, but these are the people I'm most likely to open up with -

Lisa. She's truly a wonderful friend. She never ever judges me, and I know I can tell her anything and she'll keep it completely and utterly confidential. I can talk to her if I'm happy, sad, angry, depressed - and she's always there, always comforting and always capable of cheering me up ^^ I can totally relax around her, and our conversations go from the most silly, random things to serious talks and it never feels awkward ^^ It's one of the many reasons why Lisa and I will be meeting up in RL once I learn to drive! =D

Vikki - we're too alike xD I can be the silly happy sarcastic me, and the upset, annoyed, bitchy me with Vikki, and she'll understand. We often have the same opinions and thoughts and it's really awesome just to know that I can say anything to her, and it won't be judged, and she won't hold anything against me - not even if I disagree with her. And, we dislike the same people, so we have these huge bitching sessions where we just veeeeeeent. It's awesome <3

Mandi, I've known her for well over two years now, and I think we've been through a hell of a lot together - we've had some really good times, and some really bad times - but we always get along, and we've only had like, one major fallout in two years. I just get along so well with her, and it's always so easy to talk to her, it's always fun. =3

Mitsuki, seriously, who doesn't like Mitsuki? She's so friendly, and so very very easy to talk to, we can have a really random conversation, or a really serious one, but she always makes sure that your feelings are considered, and she always sees the good side in everyone ^^

Amanda and Bambi - I get along with these two so well, we just chatter about everything and anything, and I'm always laughing, even when they're being serious. They're always capable of making me smile or laugh, even if I've had a really shitty day ^^

I've probably missed some people out, buuut, I'm ill and stuffs so I'm really sorry if I have!
I used to have loads of active MSN contacts, and used to speak at about 5 at a time or something (yes that is a high number for me!). But they've all moved on, got lives. I can see their lives develop on facebook and they seem happy enough, so I don't need to remind them of my existance.

But now basically its you guys for me, online wise. I come on the SB occasionally and try my best there, and recently become accepted enough to have some on msn. This is great as I felt like I got off to a bumpy start when I first joined this forum. I don't want to name people here because the lake of tears I've had to paddle through in this thread just to get to writing my own is already big enough. :P I don't want to cause more.

But as far as my personal issues are, I think here is possibly the only place I've ever really opened up on. I thank everyone who took time to read my thread a while back, and I think everyone who actually sat there reading it deserves a knighthood in my opinion.

As for real life... Meh. I can't say I feel like I can talk to my friends about much (chat wise, yes if an thik of what to say, but not personal issues). I'm at the point in my life now that I feel like I'm being squeezed, and everything on my mind will just fly out in a rage. My friends talk to me constantly about their isssues, and I try to help them. I just don't see it as reciprocal, even if they try, the best the say is "ack" and then back on to their own lives whenever I tell them something about me. Guess thats the price you pay for having two autistic friends, one manic depressive who thinks he's a dragon, a goth and a possible schizophrenic.

Must add here that I have in the past had "normal" friends, and I have one or two now... But I've always found myself with the odder variety more often, seeing the best in anyone that has been isolated I could say is a strong point of mine.

So here I am basically. :) I'm all about here now. Real life epic fails in this side of things, and I can't seem to get to know anyone on my Uni course very well.

So like it or not, you're my peoples!
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Ahhh...I know who my best chat buddy is, and that is the one and only - MARK :gasp:

Srsly, we have so much in common, we could be soulmates. Just wait til your 18 Mark, then I'm gonna make you mine :wacky:

We look after each other, talk about random crap, and we always share lots of stuff with each other. He's such a sweetheart, and I'm so loud sometimes, but when we meet in person, well, I reckon I'm gonna be like a little mouse, terribly quiet :gasp:

Mark's prob the only one who I talk to like...everyday if possible. I love talking to folk like Damon, he's awesome, Bambi, Solstice, Mandi, Darkrul (we've had great chats), Andrew. etc.

I have numerous friends I talk to on MSN from uni, and FB I have some awesome friends too, but best chat buddy? Yeah, defo Mark.
Gotta admit, the person I speak to every single day when I go on MSN and often speak to on the phone is... DAAAAMOOOON! :D I love this guy, he's like my clone (him being the inferior one of course :wacky:) I also speak to Andy and Vikki quite a bit and every now and then have a nice chat with Mands :D I love 'em all so much and speak to them all every chance I get
There's obviously the people in my daily life to whom I can talk - Daniel, Craig and Caitlin immediately spring to mind (though none of you, bar Jane, will know any of them xD). I'll keep that relatively short because it's just the usual "can tell them anything, been through so much together, don't know where I'd be without them" et cetera...and none of you are interested in reading that. xD

Online, I'd say...

Kelly - we talk about everything from putting your fish into shock to pulling to moderating and we somehow manage to have this hilarious little flare to even the most serious of topics. xD

Mandi - best e-friend for the past 2+ years. You have to be grateful for this place, otherwise we'd never have met. xD

Ryan - I used to talk to him quite a bit but he's online less and less now due to his stolen girlfriend, xlolx.

Pooley - what a wee legend, one of the two people I've met from online, too.

I'm starting to talk to Aztec quite a bit as well, which is weird because we used to despise each other. How times change. :wacky:

This is essentially a "Tell us who's in your online group!" thread. xD
Yea, I guess that is pretty odd. You're now one of my favorite members on the forums and we used to always clash. Then again, Busta and I didn't along too well when we were younger and that's obviously not the case anymore.

I really should talk to Ryan and Pooley more. Archipelago hasn't really talked to me since I posted that a "mercurial" was a blowjob by a tranny... and Pooley's MSN I just don't have. I need to get it. He always (attempted) to keep me in-line back when I was mod.
I remember I used to talk to Jane and Poo loads a while back, seems to have dwindled off a bit, neither are as active as they once where, I should make a concious effort to talk to them ore when I see them on MSN, we'd have many the msn orgy once upon a time, which I fondly remember. Jsut used to waffle shit about anything which was good - could even include The Bowl in that aswel, often we would be pissed up, and Id laugh at his latest bout of spewing all over the bathroom D: GOod times D:

I also enjoy talking to Lisa, talking to Lisda is usally related to something pervy, which is great, I dont think she'd even bat an eye lid if I popped up out of the blue and said something rude

Mark brings out my inner bitch, I'm sure of it. He's like a woman, it's great xD
I've lost many of my closer contacts over the past year, mainly through fault of my own. Some have been maintained but are slightly less strong as they were / would be preferable. Whatever the case may be, I've always had a shoulder to find on Mandi. Since I confessed a few things to her, we've been a little more distant, but in absolute fairness she's always been there to some extent. Thick and thin, through absolute shit and back, we've always been able to confide in one another... even if I do appear a non-caring douche-wrangler. D: I never meant it Mandi!

Being quite introvert, I've kept the inner circle low by default. I used to talk to Mitsuki and Bei a lot too, which was mainly to alleviate my current mood. xD Fond memories of certain conversations way back when.

tbqh, I rarely need someone to talk to about personal problems. Some people just don't need to vent as often as others. Though for general lifts, I do enjoy a silly CAPS rant with Lisa. <3
Being quite introvert, I've kept the inner circle low by default. I used to talk to Mitsuki and Bei a lot too, which was mainly to alleviate my current mood. xD Fond memories of certain conversations way back when.

Yeah I'm quite upset with you - you kept me waiting for over a year and still you haven't spoken to me. What's up with that? =[ I'd love to catch up and all that jazz.

But yes, Lurid/Saix/Virgil and I used to talk quite a lot way back then when he was still in staff. I do have great respect for him as a staff member (not really sure about characteristic-wise since I didn't really get to know that side of him, save a few) and a few people can vouch for this since I've mentioned it quite a few times over the years. I seem to always agree to what he had to say and although we aren't really talking anymore, I can say he's someone I can look back to after all these years (actually it's only been about two years) and remember all the fond and hilarious memories shared.

And there's also Mark. Fond memories with this guy - I've seen everything's that happpened concerning him and I do try to support him when it's needed, even though I would let him know of my own thoughts on the matter. But that doesn't really damage our friendship. Now it's making me reminisce of all the things we went through a few years ago. ^^ Back then it would seem like he was the only one I would talk to on MSN and we would bore each other to death because of the all the many stupid/serious topics we'd cover. xD Heck, we would even PM each other here even though we're already conversing on MSN. Ah the good times! He's a great kid and one of the first forum-buddy I had when I signed up here.

But anyway, still getting to know a few people here. =]
